Being fat at 18 raises your chances of dying from cancer in later life, warn scientists. 科学家警告,如果在十八岁时肥胖,这将增加在今后生活中死于癌症的几率。
Men who were overweight or obese as teenagers were 35 per cent more likely to die from cancer as those who were a healthier weight, says a new study.
Even losing weight during middle age did not appear to cut the extra risk of developing cancers such as lung, skin, kidney and prostate.
The research looked only at men, but women are likely to run a similar risk.
British experts behind the study of almost 20,000 men said the findings showed the importance of keeping a healthy weight throughout life.
Medical Research Council (MRC) researcher Dr Linsay (correct) Gray, said it was the first time the impact of obesity in early adulthood on later risk of cancer had been closely examined.
医学研究理事会的研究院Linsay Gray博士表示,这次首次详细地研究青年时期超重与后期罹患癌症之间的联系。
Higher body mass index (BMI) - the scoring system of weight related to height - had been linked to several cancers, but always in later life, she said.
Dr Gray said ‘It is very interesting that higher BMI at age 18 actually leads to a greater risk for cancer than higher BMI in middle age.
‘The message here is really clear: keeping your weight healthy as a young adult can significantly reduce your chance of developing cancer.
In the study, MRC researchers in collaboration with researchers at University College London and Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, analysed the medical records of 19,593 male graduates who attended Harvard between 1916 and 1950.
They found that men in the study who had the highest BMIs at age 18 were 35 per cent more likely to die from cancer than those with lower BMIs.
The link between teenagers who were overweight and later cancer was particularly strong for lung, skin, oesophageal, kidney, bladder, prostate and testicular cancers.
For example, men whose BMI was greater than the average score of 21.7 (which was still in the healthy range) at age 18 had more than a 50 per cent greater risk of dying from lung cancer than those with the lowest BMIs, even after accounting for whether or not they smoked.
The study found a man’s changes in BMI between early adulthood and middle age did not affect the risk, says a report in the journal Annals of Oncology (must credit).
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