It is news that will undoubtedly be met with great scepticism by the fairer sex. But scientists claim the real reason why women fake orgasms in bed is because they are riddled with insecurities and have a fear of intimacy. While 60 per cent of women claim to have faked ecstasy during intercourse or oral sex, researchers believe this has little to do with protecting their partner's sensitive feelings. 最近,有研究报道称美剧《欲望都市》热播10年来,一定程度上让喜爱该剧的女性们实现了“性解放”,但凡看过该剧的女性们变得更加能够和闺蜜或者友人“谈论性”了。关于两性之间的私密行为,“好事”的科学家们又经研究得出了结论称女性“伪装性高潮”有很大的原因是因为极度缺乏安全感以及对亲密行为有一种“恐惧感”而自然而成的。据统计,有60%的女性承认曾经伪装过性高潮,尽管研究者声称该举动无助于保护另一半对于“雄性”的信心,或者根本就是磋商另一半的敏感的心而已。
Instead, according to a study, many girls pretend to climax due to their own fear of intimacy; or because they feel insecure about how their bodies react during intercourse; or simply because they want it to end as soon as possible. Lead researcher Erin Cooper, of Temple University in Pennsylvania, told LiveScience: 'This is something that we talk about happening in popular culture, in the movies and magazines. 'We know that this is pretty prevalent in our culture, but we don't know much about it from a scientific standpoint. That to me is a real catastrophe.'
据研究称,女性们因为天生对亲密行为有一种恐惧感,还是很怕看到自己的肢体的反映状态,所以会假装配合让事情尽早结束。牵头实验的研究员 Erin Cooper称:“虽然两性之间的关系在电影或者杂志上已经呈现铺天盖地的状态,大家在公开状态下谈论性也不再会是一件令人难堪的事情。我们却很少用一种科学的角度去看待它,这个实验的调查结果是显著的。”
She interviewed 366 women aged between 18 to 32, all of whom readily admitted to faking orgasms. The volunteers were asked to explain the reasons why they pretended to orgasm and how they felt about sexual intimacy. Those who feared intimacy faked climaxing in order to emotionally keep their partner at arm's length, while others were doing it to cover up their own embarrassment at not feeling physically aroused.
Cooper said: 'Women who have a hard time getting close to other people on an emotional level it seems now are also having a hard time getting close to other people on a sexual level. 'They are having a hard time across the board, and may be very much in need of intervention to help them out in another domain.
'This could either be the cause or the symptom - we don't know enough about it yet.'
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