No doubt life is hectic, and there will always be stressful situations. The bad news is that you can’t do anything about that. But the good news is that stress is in the eye of the beholder. How you react will make all the difference to your mental and physical health! To help you out, therapist Dr. Karen Sherman suggests seven smart ways to deal with the stress of daily life.
毫无疑问,生活是很忙乱的,而且总存在压力。坏消息是你无法为此做任何事情。但是好消息是压力是因人而异的。你对压力做出的反应影响你的心理和身体健康!为了给你提供帮助,临床医学家Karen Sherman博士建议七个巧妙的方法解决日常生活中的压力。
Breathe: Though you may not be aware of it, you might actually be holding your breath. Or, you may breathe in a shallow way, breathing just into your chest. Start to consciously notice your breathing by placing your hand on your stomach and train yourself to bring your breath into this area.
Relax Your Body: If your body is tight or tense, you’re more likely to jump at a situation. To help ease bodily tension, as you’re waiting on a line or in traffic, do a muscle tightening and loosening; start at your toes and work up the different muscle groups. Any time you notice tightness in your body, make sure to relax.
Hear The Birds: It’s so easy to get caught up in all the things you have to do that you forget to notice all the beauty that’s around you. Make a point of listening to the birds, of seeing the flowers, of looking at the movement of the clouds. It’s important to open up your focus.
Learn To Be Positive: Research has shown that people who are more positive experience less stress. As suggested in classes on Positive Psychology, each night write three things for which you’re grateful. These should be small things like you found a quarter, you didn’t have to look long for a parking spot, and the line at the supermarket was short. The more small things you see that are positive, the more positive you’ll see.
Make Time For Friends: Social support is one of the best buffers for stress. Friends are especially important for women’s health. And if your time together consists of some laughs, even better since humor is a wonderful stress-buster.
Manage Your Thinking: Become aware of your thoughts. If they’re negative and self-critical, learn to do thought-stopping as negativity will only make you more stressed out. Also learn to reframe a situation; that is, look at a situation in a different way so that it doesn’t bother you as much.
Remember YOU: Just like the airlines tell you that if the oxygen masks come down, put yours on before helping others, the same goes for stress. If you are constantly overwhelmed, you will burn out. It really is okay to refuel by taking time for yourself … even if it’s only with small actions like quietly drinking a cup of tea or visualizing a “safe place” for five minutes.
记住“你”: 就如航空公司告诉你的,如果氧气面罩坏了,先戴上自己的氧气面罩再帮助别人,对待压力也是一样。如果你不断受到打击,你将会心力交瘁。通过给自己时间恢复能量真的很好,即使只是一些很小的行动,如安静地喝杯茶或想象一个“安全地方”5分钟。
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