Rebecca Gallois, 17 - an only child - died of head injuries after Simon Liddle lost control of his Citroen Saxo at 50mph and flipped it.
17岁的Rebecca Gallois是家里的独身女,但是她却在一场车祸中因头部伤势严重而身亡。当时她坐在Simon Liddle驾驶的雪铁龙Saxo中,汽车以每小时50英里(约每小时80公里)的速度飞驰,Liddle不慎失控而导致翻车。
Liddle, 20 - driving the car for the first time after passing his test the month before - escaped with minor injuries. Front-seat passenger Michael Nixon suffered a broken neck.
20岁的Liddle只受了点小伤,侥幸逃生。这是他上个月通过驾驶考试后第一次开车上路。坐在副驾座的Michael Nixon则被撞断了脖颈。
Rebecca's parents Carol and David told Newcastle Crown Court they will forgive Liddle if he:
• One, to make his life meaningful, do something great with your hands, head or heart. Never complain about a bad day, a bad day is considerably better than no days our daughter will ever have again.
• Two, make a life-long commitment to help kids in Rebecca's memory. Soccer coach, scout leading, any volunteer mentoring that he would be good at. Do it willingly, for Rebecca.
• Three, he must man up and tell the truth about what happened. We acknowledge there will be consequences and would ask the court to be lenient but accept that he is liable for Rebecca's death.
失去女儿而伤心欲绝的父母是经过了艰难的心理斗争才得以心平气和地对待同罪魁祸首(took 'great steps' to be at peace with him and what he had done),而他们最终并没有选择将他打入深渊,而是给了他重生的机会,他们对于forgiveness的理解也发人深思:
'If he does these things we will forgive him, just as he must forgive himself.'
'Forgiveness does not mean to forget but rather embrace the challenge of living wholesomely for them both.'
下一篇: 数年来最强太阳风暴将抵达地球