With its glossy appearance and stylish brand name, it could be mistaken for a luxury perfume. But this elegant pearly white Vogue Perle packet (pictured) in fact conceals ‘fashion cigarettes’ – clearly targeted at young women, campaigners warn. It was created in Paris by British American Tobacco, which has been condemned for trying to make smoking appear fashionable. Danger: The elegant pearly white Vogue Perle packet (pictured) conceals 'fashion cigarettes' clearly targeted at young women, campaigners say 近期,世界各地主要城市都陆陆续续开始了“禁烟之路”。5月23日起,纽约市开始执行新的禁烟令,禁烟范围扩大至公园、海滩及行人广场。而咱北京的中小学校也从5月初开始实施禁烟令,此前一份独立民意调查显示,北京市高中学生尝试吸烟率为25%,9%的学生自称有烟瘾。但是,在禁烟令执行前,很多老师也经常在校园里吸烟,但现在大多数北京校园都已成为“无烟校园”。香烟的危害众所周知,就在这条禁烟道路“硝烟弥漫”的战场上,有公司竟然冒天下之大乱打着“时尚香烟”的设计,将某品牌的香烟用珍珠色以及在香烟上“绣”上英文来做宣传,虽然烟盒上明明白白地写着“香烟危害健康”字样,购买者还是容易误认为自己买的是“香水”,毫无疑问,披着“美丽外壳”的烟盒外表,商家绝对将买主划定为-----潜在的崇尚的时尚女性们。
The company already sells its Vogue brand in 55 countries. However, the Vogue Perle launched here is described as the first demi-slim cigarette. It is more slender and taller than a king size, yet shorter and broader than super-slim versions. Critics say the design of the pack and cigarette, which has a white filter tip, makes smoking look elegant, sexy and classy. Risk: Campaigners claim the cigarettes are targeted at young women
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