英白领疲于奔命 上班路远催生离婚热-查字典英语网
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英白领疲于奔命 上班路远催生离婚热

发布时间:2019-07-05  编辑:查字典英语网小编

If you are reading this on your way to work, then your marriage may already be in trouble. Long commutes to work make it more likely a marriage will fail, a study has found, Those who spend a long time on trains or stuck in cars shuttling to the office are up to 40 per cent more likely to split from their spouse. The risk is highest in the first few years of marriage when the dream of life together gives way to the daily grind, the study showed. Commuters have a 40 per cent greater risk of ending up divorced, according to a university study 虽然今年演艺圈的似乎刮起了一阵结婚的热潮,但是超级高的离婚率却是实实在在摆在我们面前的一个尴尬社会问题。有研究者调查,高离婚的原因居然跟上班的路程有关!而且这两者之间的关系还有具体的数字显示:但凡上班路程耗时达到45分钟以上的婚姻都有可能面临着离婚的危险。据悉,那些需要搭乘地铁、火车甚至驾车上班过程中遭遇堵车的上班族们或多或少婚姻不幸福,专家解释,随着房价的升高,更多的白领“被迫”在市郊租房,而上班地点一般都在城区市中心,所以新婚的的美好愿望会被越来越远的上班路途给破坏,婚姻摇摇欲坠。

Experts said that the if one partner - most likely the husband - spends 45 minutes or more commuting they would come home too tired to help around the house. This would create a ‘breeding ground for conflict’ that would leave the other person feeling like they are being taken for granted.



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