It's never easy being the new guy. Whether you're heading into your first job out of school or your 15th, the first days at a new gig are rarely easy ones. New coworkers, a new office, and a brand new work culture all lend to the feeling that you are a stranger in an even stranger land. What's the best way to cope?
"Go to the cafeteria, the break room and ask people to tell you stories," says Todd Hudson, founder of Maverick Institute, Portland Ore., which published the handbook, "My Personal Onboarding Plan: The New Hire's Guide to On-the-Job Success."
俄勒冈州波特兰市马沃里克研究院(Maverick Institute)的创始人,《我的入职计划:职场新人的成功指南》("My Personal Onboarding Plan: The New Hire's Guide to On-the-Job Success.")一书作者托德•哈德逊建议是:“到自助餐厅或休息室去,让人们给你讲点故事。”
From what these seasoned employees tell you, you'll learn who the key players are at your new office and "about extraordinary efforts, about creativity, about people protecting their customers. Your new coworkers' tales will tell you how you should act in those situations. If you hear all negative stories, it tells you one thing. If you hear positive things, that tells you something else," Hudson says.
People love to tell these stories, he adds. "They will tell you what made the biggest impression on them, what got their juices going."
When you start a new job, you'll probably have some type of formal orientation program, also known as onboarding. It may be nothing more than a quick introduction to policies and benefits, but some companies make an effort to offer you a taste of what kind of environment to expect.
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