facebook创始人每年一挑战 今年实施宰杀计划-查字典英语网
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facebook创始人每年一挑战 今年实施宰杀计划

发布时间:2019-07-04  编辑:查字典英语网小编

IT界精英似乎向来不爱寻常路,“怪人”辈出。全球最大社交网站Facebook创建人,年仅27岁的亿万富翁Mark Zuckerberg绝对是其中的佼佼者。据悉他每年都会为自己设立一个“个人挑战目标”。之前的目标包括:学系领带、学说中文,今年,他决定亲手宰杀自己吃的任何动物。

The 27-year-old billionaire said his decision to kill his own meat was part of a “personal challenge” he had set himself to appreciate food more and understand where it comes from。这位27岁的亿万富翁称,他这个“自己宰、自己吃”的决定是每年“个人挑战”的一部分。他计划通过这项举措让自己更珍惜食物、并且更好地理解食物是从何而来。

Earlier this month he announced on his personal Facebook account: “I just killed a pig and a goat。” After a series of less than positive

responses he explained that he wanted to live more sustainably by only eating what he had personally killed. That has included eating the heart, liver and feet of a chicken。本月的早些时候,他在自己的facebook账户上称:“我刚刚杀了一头猪和一只羊。” 铺天盖地的询问随即而来,他漫不经心地回复了几条之后解释道:他希望能自己的生活方式更环保、更具可持续性,所以决定只吃自己宰杀的动物。这即是说,他将会吃动物的心脏、肝脏和鸡脚。(恒星小编注:别看这最后三项对咱中国人而言都是珍馐佳肴,但对西方世界的人而言真的是一项巨大的挑战啊!)

In an email to Fortune magazine he said: “I started thinking about this last year when I had a pig roast at my house. A bunch of people told me that even though they loved eating pork, they really didn't want to think about the fact that the pig used to be alive。在给财富杂志的一封邮件中他写道:“我是去年开始考虑这个计划的。有一次我在自己家里烤了一头猪,很多人都跟我说,尽管他们很爱吃猪肉,但是他们真的不愿意去想这些猪肉是从一头曾经活的猪身上来的。"

“That just seemed irresponsible to me. I don't have an issue with anything people choose to eat, but I do think they should take responsibility and be thankful for what they eat rather than trying to ignore where it came from。“这对我而言是种不负责任的想法。人们到底要吃什么这我管不着,但我确实认为他们应该对自己吃的东西负责、心存感恩,而不是试图忘掉食物是从何而来的。”

“I think many people forget that a living being has to die for you to eat meat, so my goal revolves around not letting myself forget that and being thankful for what I have。”“我想很多人都忘了,为了我们有肉吃,有些曾经活着的生物死掉了。所以我的目标就是不让自己忘掉这个事实,并且对我拥有什么心存感念。”

Mr Zuckerberg said he had mostly become a vegetarian

since embarking on his new challenge, which had taught him about sustainable farming and raising animals. He has also boiled a live lobster. His girlfriend Priscilla Chan has joined him in the challenge and when they go out to restaurants they eat vegetarian dishes.Zuckerberg称自从他开始这项挑战,就几乎成了一个素食主义者。这个计划教会他可持续发展的农作方式,教会他饲养动物。他说他还自己煮过一只龙虾。他的华裔女友Priscilla陈也加入了他的计划。他们外出用餐时只点素食。


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