A stable marriage has the same emotional value to a husband or wife as a salary of ?65,000 a year, it was claimed yesterday. 据说,一段稳定、幸福、美满的婚姻给丈夫或妻子带来的精神上的满足感相当于一份年薪65000英镑(约合69万人民币)工作的所带来的快乐。
Couples in long-term marriages are ‘significantly more content’ than those who are unmarried, journalist and author David Brooks told BBC Radio Four’s Today programme.
记者兼作家David Brooks在接受英国BBC电台节目采访时如是说,比起那些形单影只的孤家寡人来说,那些沉静稳定婚姻中的夫妇能够获得“更加深刻的满足”。
‘Marriage is tremendously important,’ he said. ‘We have a tendency to think of ourselves as rational individuals who are driven by economic motives, but in fact we are social individuals, driven by the need for relationships.’
He has calculated the ‘psychic benefit’ of a long marriage at ?65,000 a year.
David Brooks计算,幸福而持久的婚姻的“精神福利”价值相当于每年65000英镑。
His estimate of the financial value of marriage is even higher than that of social researchers who look at the cash differences between married and unmarried people.
Both official and independently-produced figures show that married couples are better off than others, including couples who live together.
Mr Brooks, author of a new book, The Social Animal, said that relationships are more important than money and students should take study courses about who they might marry.
David Brooks表示,感情关系的重要性超过了经济情况,“学生们应该好好研究一下他们到底将要与怎么样的对象成婚。”
The journalist with the New York Times added: 'Joining a club that meets once a month produces the same happiness gain as doubling your income.'
He said that people's emotions are strongly influence by their surroundings but that it is possible to control them.
'We have the power to educate our emotions,' Mr Brooks said. 'The art and music we listen to affects our emotions. By changing our environment we change our mind.'
He added: 'One of the most important things you can do is learn how to read and attune to other people. We all work better in groups than we do as individuals.
'Even for middle-aged guys, attuning to emotional signals of people around you is probably the most important thing. We are networked, we are social animals.'
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