And on April 29 she clearly made a popular choice, as sales of bags at Launer London have increased by 60 per cent since the Royal Wedding. Firm favourite: Launer was awarded a Royal Warrant of appointment for handbags and small leather goods in 1981
The luxury heritage label and royal warrant holder sells traditional-style bags with a stiff frame that puts them at odds with most of the supple leather bags that are in style at the moment. But royal-watchers are happy to buck the trend. The Queen's bag was bespoke, but buyers have been stocking up on similar cream Launer bags with a top handle and a boxier style.
Launer believes this shows a real move towards more reserved and understated bags after the ‘It Bag’ movement. Twenty per cent of the sales increase have been attributed to the 35-50 demographic (buyers are asked to give their age when they buy online), showing the Queen's influence on a younger audience.
来自品牌Launer英国女王婚礼的手提包亮相可以掀起民众自“It Bag”运动后,追逐传统、保守包包的潮流。据悉,在预定购买该款手提包的人群中,细心的商家还专门做了一个“人口普查”,他们欣喜的发现“女王效应”并没有年龄限制,追捧包包的“族群”有一大部分是年轻人。
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