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发布时间:2019-07-04  编辑:查字典英语网小编

组织者本周二称,瑞士探险家伊夫 罗西身背喷气动力翼,成功飞越美国科罗拉多大峡谷。几天前,罗西曾因热身时间不够,取消了原定飞行计划。

Swiss 'JetMan' makes Grand Canyon flight


A Swiss adventurer has finally made a "historic" jetpack-powered flight above the Grand Canyon, organizers claimed Tuesday, days after he canceled a bid saying he had not trained enough.

组织者本周二称,瑞士探险家伊夫 罗西身背喷气动力翼,成功飞越美国科罗拉多大峡谷。几天前,罗西曾因热身时间不够,取消了原定飞行计划。

Yves Rossy, dubbed "JetMan," completed the eight-minute flight at the weekend, his support team said in a press release four days after Friday's failed attempt, which journalists had been invited to watch.

伊夫 罗西的支持团队发表声明称,绰号“火箭人”的伊夫 罗西上周末完成了这次历时8分钟的飞行。上周五,他未能完成首次试飞,当时有媒体到场。

Pictures and videos released by organizers showed him being dropped from a helicopter and then soaring above the world-famous landmark, his jet-pack wing strapped to his back, before deploying a parachute to land on the canyon floor.

据公布的图片和视频展示,伊夫 罗西身背喷气动力翼跳出直升机机舱,之后飞越世界著名的科罗拉多大峡谷,随后打开降落伞降落到谷底。

He flew at speeds of up to 190 mph (304 kilometers an hour), skimming the rockscape just 200 feet (65 meters) above the rim of the canyon, the statement said.

声明称,伊夫 罗西的飞行最高时速为每小时190英里(合每小时304公里),飞行高度为峡谷上方200英尺(合65米)。

"My first flight in the US is sure to be one of the most memorable experiences in my life, not only for the sheer beauty of the Grand Canyon but the honor to fly in sacred Native American lands," Rossy was quoted as saying.


"Thank you Mother Natureand the Hualapai Tribe for making my lifelong dreams come true," he said according to the press release, referring to the Native American tribe over whose territory he made the flight.


On Friday the 51-year-old -- who has previously flown across the English Channel between Britain and France and over the Swiss Alps -- invited media to a remote spot on the Grand Canyon's western end to watch his flight.


But at the last minute he announced he had only just been given formal Federation Aviation Authority (FAA) approval to fly, and had therefore not had enough time to train.


On Tuesday Rossy's organizers stressed that the FAA delay had prevented him from flying last Friday, adding that he had made the successful flight over the weekend, without announcing it to journalists who attended Friday's attempt.


"It was his date with destiny, and ultimately the uniquely complex certification process could not prevent (Rossy) from making his historic flight through Grand Canyon West this past weekend."



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