Your parents and teachers will no doubt have lectured you on the value of a good education. But it seems the advice may apply to more than just career prospects. Those who pass more exams before leaving formal education stay biologically younger than their years, according to researchers. In contrast, those who leave education with fewer qualifications are prone to age more quickly, with their lack of achievement leaving a lifelong mark. Lifelong mark: Researchers have found that those who leave school with more exams stay biologically younger than their years - and social and economic changes in later life have no effect. 也许,从小到大老师的“循循善诱”父母的苦口婆心时时刻刻都提醒我们要读书、读好书!似乎读书是未来就业、职场规划的一个重要而且必不可少的阶段。科学家告诉你,读书不仅仅可以提高知识上的素养,能上一所好的大学,能挑选好的单位就业,而且还能让你变得更年轻哦!据悉,那些所谓的“考试达人”们在生理上看起来显得比同龄人更年轻许多。相比之下,那些教育程度不高的人,衰老的速度会加快,专家分析,这也许和他们所达到的成就有关。成就低,相比之下也会苍老不少。
The pattern is not changed by social and economic status later in life, the findings suggest. The study, by researchers from University College London, examined the length of ‘telomeres’ from around 450 office workers. Telomeres are protective strips of DNA that form tiny ‘caps’ on the ends of chromosomes, protecting against ageing processes. The results showed people with lower educational attainment had shorter telomeres, suggesting they may age faster.
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