Subtle Signs You've Got a Cheating Spouse
They come home later
Are you used to your husband or wife arriving home by 6 p.m. to share a much-needed end-of-day martini or help with dinner, baths, and bedtime? A sudden change in that routine may be a sign of cheating. 'When someone stops coming home at the regular time, be wary,' says dating and relationship advice and etiquette expert April Masini. 'When a schedule changes and there's no comment about why or what he or she is doing differently, it may be because your spouse is cheating on you.' Some people will offer an excuse for their change in routine—like going to the gym late because it’s less crowded, says Masini.
你是否已经习惯了妻子或丈夫下午6点到家,迫不及待地喝一杯马提尼或帮你做晚餐、给宝宝洗澡、讲睡前故事?如果这一日常习惯突然发生了改变,这可能是他/她出轨的前兆。“另一半不再按时回家,你可得注意了,”约会和恋情咨询礼仪专家阿普利尔·马希尼(April Masini)说道。“当另一半行程有变,且无法给出不同于以往的解释时,这可能是因为他/她出轨了。”有些人会为自己的日常习惯发生改变做出解释——比如,很晚才去健身房,因为那时候人少,马希尼说道。
Date night has been replaced by a new guys-only club
Not cool. Date night is a hallmark of marriage, so when your date night with your spouse disappears, it might be because they're having a date night with someone else. According to Masini, author of Think & Date Like a Man, a more experienced cheating spouse will keep your date night, but end it early because they have a 'work issue' or a 'poker game' that runs until after midnight.
一点都不酷。约会之夜是婚姻的标志,所以当你们不再约会时,可能是因为他/她正在和另一个人共度良宵。马希尼表示,《像男人一样思考约会》(Think & Date Like a Man)一书的作者,经验老到的出轨方会继续和你约会,但会早早结束,因为他们的‘工作出了问题’或‘有人约牌’,直到午夜才回来。
They no longer want you to do laundry
While this sounds like a break for you, this may be one of the signs of cheating. 'When your spouse stops letting you do his or her laundry or drop off his or her dry cleaning, you often have a cheating situation on your hands,' says Masini.'There may be evidence on the clothes or in the pockets, and it's much safer for someone who’s cheating to handle their own laundry and dry cleaning.' She says to pay attention to a spouse who acts like they're doing you a favor because it's more about keeping a secret.
You found a credit card in your spouse's name you didn't know about
Most married couples have joint accounts or share information about family finances. There are budgets to consider and conversations about spending before a big purchase. 'When you find a credit card, you've got a smoking gun,' Masini says.
下一篇: 为什么喝咖啡能减肥?