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发布时间:2019-05-27  编辑:查字典英语网小编

It turns out that bearded men have more germs than dogs do. Do you believe this to be true? Because a new study says that it is.


According to said study, bearded guys have more germs than dogs' fur. Researchers from Hirslandan Clinic, near Zurich, Switzerland, wanted to know whether evaluating humans and dogs in the same MRI scanner would be hygienic.

根据上述研究,男性胡须内的细菌量比狗毛内的细菌量还要多。来自赫斯兰登诊所(Hirslandan Clinic,靠近瑞士苏黎世)的研究员想利用磁共振成像仪评估人和狗是否卫生。

To do this, they compared the bacterial load in colony-forming units (CFU) of human-pathogenic microorganisms in specimens taken from 18 bearded men and 30 furry dogs. They also compared how bad the bacterial contamination of an MRI scanner used for both dogs and humans was compared with two other MRI scanners used just by humans.


The bearded men showed higher microbial counts compared with only 23 out of 30 dogs. It turns out that seven of the men had so much bacteria in their beards that they were at risk of getting sick.


The study showed that the jointly used scanner had significantly less bacteria counts than the scanners that were used only by the humans. Gross.


"On the basis of these findings, dogs can be considered as clean, compared with bearded men," study author Andreas Gutzeit said. The study was published in February 2019, but just recently went viral. There are some bearded bros that are not a fan of the study.

"基于这些发现,我们可以说相比于大胡子男性,狗狗是干净的,"研究作者安德里斯·古蔡(Andreas Gutzeit)说道。该研究于2019年2月发表,但最近才开始'火'。有些大胡子兄弟并不喜欢这一研究。

Keith Flett is the founder of the pro-hirsute Beard Liberation Front, and he is doubtful of the study's findings. "I think it's possible to find all sorts of unpleasant things if you took swabs from people's hair and hands and then tested them," he said. "I don't believe that beards in themselves are unhygienic."

基斯·弗莱特(Keith Flett)是亲毛组织胡须自由前线的创始人,他对研究结果持怀疑态度。"如果你从人的头发或手上采集样本并进行测试,也会发现一些不尽如人意的结果,"他说道。"我认为胡须本身是干净的。"

"There seems to be a constant stream of negative stories about beards that suggest it's more about pogonophobia than anything else."


What do you think?



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