日本外相喊话外媒:安倍晋三的正确写法应该是Abe Shinzo-查字典英语网
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日本外相喊话外媒:安倍晋三的正确写法应该是Abe Shinzo

发布时间:2019-05-25  编辑:查字典英语网小编

日本外相河野太郎21日在记者会上向各国主要媒体机构呼吁,报道日本人的姓名时应遵循“先写姓,后写名”的原则。以日本首相安倍晋三为例,现在是按照欧美“先名后姓”的习惯被写为“Shinzo Abe”,河野太郎呼吁大家将其更正为“Abe Shinzo”。


In a news conference Tuesday, Foreign Minister Taro Kono said he plans to ask overseas news outlets to write Japanese names with the family name first and given name second — as is the convention in Japan.


"I plan to ask international media organizations to do this. Domestic media outlets that have English services should consider it, too," he said, according to Kyodo News.



英美人的姓名通常是“名在前姓在后”,比如David Beckham(大卫·贝克汉姆)这个名字中David是名,Beckham是姓,与中国和日本等国的姓名顺序相反。

Kono noted that news organizations generally give Chinese and Korean names with the family name first, as in South Korean President Moon Jae-in.

河野太郎指出,很多国际媒体报道中韩领导人姓名时都是按照“先姓后名”顺序书写,比如韩国总统文在寅是“Moon Jae-in”。

His efforts to get the world to say Japanese names in the Japanese style seems in part to be a matter of timing.


A new era, the Reiwa, began on May 1 as Emperor Akihito abdicated and his son, Naruhito, ascended to the throne. And Japan will soon play host to a number of major international events: the G20 summit next month, the Rugby World Cup in the fall, and the 2020 Olympics in Tokyo next summer.


abdicate ['æbdɪkeɪt]:vi.退位;放弃

This isn't the first time that Kono has brought up the matter. "It's natural to discuss whether (such a change) should be made, including whether it should be in time for the emperor's accession ceremony (in October) or the Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics (in 2020)," The Mainichi reports he said in March.


The practice of putting the family name second when transliterating Japanese names is believed to date to the 19th century, when reformers of the Meiji dynasty sought to adapt to international standards, The Washington Post reports.


transliterate[træns'lɪtəreɪt; trɑːns-; -nz-]:vt.直译;字译

It's not clear what Prime Minister Shinzo Abe — or Abe Shinzo — makes of the suggestion to change.


Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe delivers his policy speech at the lower house of parliament in Tokyo, Japan, Jan 28, 2019. [Photo/Agencies]

"There are a lot of factors we have to consider, including convention," Yoshihide Suga, the government's chief spokesman, told a news conference.


On his own English-language Twitter page, the foreign minister writes his name as "KONO Taro." He speaks fluent English and has tweeted a photo of himself as a senior at Georgetown University, interning on Capitol Hill.

在自己的英文推特页面上,日本外相河野太郎的名字是“KONO Taro”(先姓后名)。他说一口流利的英语,还在推特上发了一张自己在乔治城大学四年级时在美国国会山实习的照片。

Many news outlets follow The Associated Press on matters such as how to handle foreign names. The AP Stylebook has a section on Chinese names, which says: "In personal names, Chinese generally place surnames first and then given names, Deng Xiaoping." In general, it says, "follow an individual's preferred spelling."


The AP Stylebook's section on Korean names notes, "In both Koreas, the family name comes first." It has no entry on Japanese names.




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