简单句:陈述句 - 大学英语语法大全-查字典英语网
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简单句:陈述句 - 大学英语语法大全

发布时间:2012-12-26  编辑:查字典英语网小编

陈述句: 用来说明一个事实的句子叫陈述句。它有肯定式和否定式两种形式。 ▲陈述句的肯定式: He is a midd


▲陈述句的肯定式:He is a middle school student.(他是个中学生)/ I have a hammer in my hand.(我手上有把锤子)/ She teaches us geography.(她教我们地理)/ The new play was good enough and everybody enjoyed it.(新的话剧非常好大家都喜欢)

1)谓语动词如果是be、助动词、情态动词时,在它们的后面加“not。如:My brotheris nota teacher.(我的弟弟不是教师)/ Hedoes not havea cousin.(他没有堂兄弟)/ Iwill not gothere tomorrow.(明天我不去那儿)/ My motheris not cookinga meal in the kitchen.(我母亲现在不在厨房里做饭)/ Youmust not makesuch mistakes again.(你不该再犯类似错误了)/ Wehaven’t discussedthe question yet(我们还没有讨论那个问题呢).
2)谓语动词如果没有上述词语而是其他动词时,须在它的前面加do not(don’t).如:Idon’t knowanything about it.(此事我一无所知)/ Li Mingdoes not feedpigs in the countryside.(李明不在农村养猪)/ Wedidn’t expectto meet her right here.(我们没指望着在这里见到她)/Wedidn’t havea meeting yesterday afternoon.(昨天下午我们没有开会)
3)如果“have作“有讲,也可以在它后面加not构成否定式,其形式与have got的否定式相同。如:Ihaven’t (got)any brothers or sisters.(我没有兄弟姐妹)

have 的否定形式:

当表示“有的意思时,可以采用以下三种形式:have+not;do not+ have; have+ no+ n. 如:I have not enough food to eat.= I do not have enough food to eat. =I have no enough food to eat.当have为助动词时,用“have+ not结构。如:I have not been toShanghai。当have既不表示“有,也不作助动词用时,用“do not+ have结构。I didn’t have breakfast this morning.



He has a book in his hand, hasn't he?

He has a book in his hand, doesn't he?


You haven't a car, have you?

You don't have any money with you, do you?


We had a good time in the vacation, didn't we?

He has his breakfast at seven everyday, doesn't he?

You have to get up early tomorrow, don't you?

①句子中如果有all、both、very much/well等词时,用not一般构成部分否定,如果要完全否定,则通常使用none、neither、not…at all等;Allof them went there.→Noneof them went there.(他们全都去了那里→他们全都没去那里)

②句子中含有little、few、too(太)、hardly、never、neither、nor、seldom等词时, 则视为否定句。如:Fewpeople live there because life there is very hard.(几乎没有人生活在那里因为那里的生活太艰难了)

③陈述句(主语+谓语+其他)在口语中可以直接表示疑问,表示惊讶或明知故问。如:That’s your boss?(那就是你的老板?!)

④陈述句一般情况下应使用正常的语序, 即:主语+谓语+其他。但是有时会倒装,详见“倒装句。

⑤所有的从句一律使用陈述句语序,即在连接词后采用“主语+谓语+其他的顺序。如:The old man told methathewould live herefor ten more yearsbefore he returns home.(老人告诉我说他还要在这儿住几年然后回家)/ Could you tell mewhoyousawat the partylast night?(能告诉我在聚会上你都看见了谁吗?)


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