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发布时间:2018-10-29  编辑:查字典英语网小编

Though you might think you have your relationship all figured out, it's definitely possible that your partner might love you more than you think they do. If you think that there's something off in your relationship or you think that they don't love you as much as you love them, for instance, it might be because of misinterpretations and miscommunication.


If you feel like the two of you aren't connecting in the same way or you can't put your finger on what's going on, here's what you might need to know.


1. They love you in the way that they receive love, but not the way that you do.

1. 他们会按照自己被爱的方式而非你爱他的方式来爱你。

Dr. Gary Chapman, PhD, developed the idea that there are five love languages. Essentially, each person "speaks" one of these love languages and one of the keys to a good and successful relationship is deciphering your partner's love language. If you don't speak the same love language, you could have some problems with communication.

盖里·查普曼(Gary Chapman)博士提出了这样的想法:爱的语言有五种。从本质上讲,每个人都会讲其中一种爱的语言,而成功美满恋情的关键因素之一就是破解另一半的爱的语言。如果你们不会说同一种爱的语言,那么沟通就存在困难

Tara Vossenkemper, the founder, clinical director, and therapist at The Counseling Hub, told INSIDER that you might not realize that your partner loves you as much as they do because they're showing you love in the way that they receive, not in the way that you do.

咨询俱乐部(The Counseling Hub)的创始人、临床主任和治疗师Tara Vossenkemper对INSIDER杂志说道,你觉得另一半没有你爱他/她那么爱你,可能是因为他在按照自己被爱的方式而非你爱他的方式来爱你。

"So if I am a person who, I give love by doing things for somebody else, but my partner receives love through, maybe, compliments or little notes here and there or pretty much nice, kind words, then he or she will never really receive love in the way I'm giving it," Vossenkemper explained. Asking yourself what your partner asks for (like hugs) can help you determine how they receive love. Then, reflecting on if that's what they're often doing for you can help you sort out if that's what going on or not.


2. They make you a priority.

2. 他们会优先考虑你。

If your partner generally makes you and your relationship a priority, that's another good sign that they might love you more than you think. Tracy K. Ross, a couples therapist, told INSIDER that whether they make you a priority in big ways or just in small, subtle ways, it lets you know that they value your connection.

如果你的另一半总是以你、以你们的感情为重中之重,那这可能表明他/她比你以为的更爱你。夫妻治疗师Tracy K. Ross对INSIDER杂志说道,不管他/她是在大事方面以你为重,还是在小事方面,这都表明他很重视你们的感情。


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