Consider what you truly want
Before you even think about logging on, you need to know what you want. "One of the things that people don't think about is that they should be sure what they're looking for," says Caroline Lovett, Qualified Psychosexual Therapist and member of COSRT. "Is what they're looking for a sexual hookup or is what they're looking for a relationship? Those are quite different things."
Beware of scammers
The ugly truth is that online scammers thrive on dating sites. Whether or not you fall prey to their tricks likely depends on your personality. One study from the British Psychological Society (BPS) found that sensitive and less emotionally people are more likely to fall for scams on the most popular dating sites.
Be your authentic self
Instead of being fake, you should try to show an authentic version of yourself. "That goes on in regular dating too to a certain extent," warns Lovett. "You put your best self forward. But in the cyber dating world, it doesn't even have to be a version of yourself. It can be a made-up persona."
Quit bragging about yourself
Confidence is an attractive quality, but bragging is not. Research from the University of Iowa suggests that bragging, i.e. constantly saying positive things about yourself, could lead to you being seen as less socially attractive. While it's fine to be proud of who you are, you should also try to be modest.
Choose a friendly picture
Let's talk about the trickiest task of all; choosing your profile picture. As Lovett explains, the image you choose rests largely on what you want. "A friendly image is always going to be more appealing to someone who is looking for a relationship," she explains. "If it's more about a hookup or sex, the image is going to be more provocative."
Be upfront about what you expect
Trying to play it cool? Perhaps you should stop. "Based on the clients I've worked with, their experiences are better when they've been upfront," says Lovett. "You've got nothing to lose. You don't know this person. You haven't established a relationship with them."
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