1. Share your experience and knowledge
1. 分享你的经验和知识
You shouldn't think of your own knowledge or experience as a tool that you can keep guarded and use against people when the time comes for 'battle.' Instead, you should be trying as often as you can to share and spread your knowledge to those around you.
It is not only teachers who have the opportunity to make a difference in people's lives and minds. The more educated you are, the more educated the people around you have a chance to be, creating an altogether more positive and productive environment. This does not mean, however, that you should not be striving to stay ahead of the curve.
2. Help others find their value
2. 帮助他人找到价值所在
Something that benefits you as much as your colleague or friend is if you help them to discover what is truly valuable to them. When somebody has a strong motivation, their work ethic and attitude become infinitely stronger and more committed. And, if you are in a position of group work with this person, then their new found determination will only ever reflect positively on you and help you as much as you have helped them.
3. Share resources
3. 共享资源
Do not hoard your resources as a matter of selfish principle in order to stay on top. A much healthier and more productive way to maintain your success is by sharing your resources with those around you that would benefit the most.
The more proficient in their given field a person becomes thanks to you, the more likely it is that you might be able to call upon their services to aid you later. Your initially selfless act of sharing can become a favor to call on in the future.
4. Help people know their opportunities
4. 帮助他人了解机会
This is a good time to make people aware of exciting opportunities as often as possible. You shouldn't use your own success as a way to keep others below you by cutting off their exposure to chances of betterment. The more often you can connect a person with a dream job or a dream opportunity, the more potential they have of being important and helpful contacts in your own life later down the line.
上一篇: 不要和这几类人谈恋爱!
下一篇: 男孩子应该有什么气质引发网友热议
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