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发布时间:2018-08-21  编辑:查字典英语网小编

They don't call protein one of "the building blocks of life" for nothing. This macronutrient makes up the major component of all our cells and provides the essential amino acids that keep our bodies up and running. Problem is, some of us aren't getting as much of it as we should be.


A true protein deficiency is very rare in the United States-though it can be seen in people who have anorexia, cancer, or, in the case of severe malnutrition, undiagnosed Crohn's disease-but sometimes, vegans or people who follow a raw food diet could find themselves running a little low, says Leslie Bonci, a nutritionist, owner of Active Eating Advice, and nutrition consultant for the Kansas City Chiefs.

在美国,真正缺乏蛋白质的案例十分罕见--尽管厌食症、癌症或严重营养不良、未确诊的克罗恩病的患者会发生这一情况--但有时候,素食者或生吃食物的人群也会发现自己摄入的蛋白质含量较低,Active Eating Advice的所有者、Kansas City Chiefs的营养顾问莱斯利·邦思营养师说道。

"We have all these plant-based foods in the marketplace, but [in terms of protein], they're not all created equal," Bonci explains. Take milk, for example: One cup of 1% cow's milk contains about 8.5 grams of protein, while a cup of almond milk only contains just 1 gram.


1. You're prone to stress fractures

1. 你很容易患应力性骨折

Your bones need more than just a healthy dose of calcium-they also need enough protein, too. That was the conclusion from a 2018 research review from some of the world's leading osteoporosis foundations, which found that eating a protein-rich diet can help protect your bones.


When we aren't getting enough protein to fuel our organs and brain, our bodies borrow from other areas, including the storages in our skeletal muscle tissue, says Bonci. Without the support of strong skeletal muscle tissue, our bones are more susceptible to injures like fractures.


2. Your hair and nails look brittle

2. 你的头发和指甲看上去很脆弱

Because protein is an essential part of your hair and nails, your nails can feel softer and your hair can become more brittle over time, says Bonci. "The hair can lose some of its luster, and may not be quite as thick as it used to be," she explains. "It may also start to split."


After a few months of not eating enough protein, you may also experience some hair loss, according to the American Academy of Dermatology.



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