Not Spending Time With Parents
One common regret that many people in their 30s have is not spending time with their parents while they are young enough to actively participate. Simple pleasures like taking a walk, traveling, or even having a conversation may be harder to come by once your parents age.
Putting Work First
Something to keep in your mind in your 30s: if you put work first, you're going to regret it. Spend time with people you love, because those are precious moments that money and moving up the ladder can't beat.
Spending Time on Negativity
And you thought those negative people would disappear from your life in your 30s. Nope, there may be some hanging around, so don't waste time on them. Watch out for people who don't make you feel good about yourself, and reevaluate your relationships with them. Be careful of spending time on negative thoughts and issues that you have no control over. Just. Let. It. Go.
Thinking Your 30s Were Old
"I'm too old for this!" may be a common phrase you use in your 30s. You know what? You're not. And I bet people in their 50s and 60s will agree. The world was your oyster in your 20s, and it still is. Take a chance, live, and enjoy life as the young'un you are, and never lose that child in you.
Not Putting Yourself First
Maybe you're putting everyone else first in your life but you. Snap out of it! Know that once you put yourself first, everything else can fall into place. Putting your needs first will make you a happy camper, which will result in better relationships - a win-win. When you take care of yourself, you'll have fewer regrets in your 30s. You probably won't regret that as much if you had focused on your needs and chased your dreams as well.
Not Taking Better Care of Your Body
It's quite the paradox - you say you're too old for something, and yet you still keep the junk-food-fueled and anti-exercise habits of the younger you.
上一篇: 工作量太大,爱却太少
下一篇: 不利于牙齿健康的食物
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