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发布时间:2018-07-24  编辑:查字典英语网小编

The rise of the on-again, off-again relationship


According to couples researcher Rene Dailey, PhD, an associate professor of communication at the University of Texas, Austin, approximately "65% of individuals have experienced an on-off relationship at some point in their dating history, and 30% to 45% of individuals report their current or most recent relationship has had an on-off nature," she says. One study published in 2013 showed almost half of young people aged 17 to 24 were breaking up and reconciling with exes.

德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校的传播学副教授、夫妻研究员Rene Dailey博士表示,大约"65%的人都谈过分分合合的恋爱,30%至45%的人称当前的恋情或最近的一次恋情都有这种性质,"她说道。2013年发表的一项研究表明,17至24岁的年轻人当中,一半的人都会分手,而后与前任和好。

A 2017 study showed that roughly half of daters feel extremely ambivalent about their breakups, knowing that there were reasons to stay and reasons to leave. As one of my interviewees put it: "I can usually tell if someone's wrong for me, but I can't really tell if she's right."


"I know that in the past I've hurt people and said things that I didn't mean to make them happy in the moment," he said. "So now I'm just more so looking at the future, making sure I'm not damaging them. What if Hailey ends up being the girl I'm gonna marry, right? If I rush into anything, if I damage her, then it's always gonna be damaged. It's really hard to fix wounds like that. It's so hard.… I just don't want to hurt her."


Why more couples are breaking up...then making up


There are many reasons for the on-off phenomenon in this day and age. The age of first marriage is higher than ever (29.5 years for men, 27.4 years for women in 2017). That allows for more opportunities to date around and break up. The abundance of romantic options plays a role too, according to Marisa T. Cohen, PhD, an associate professor of psychology at St. Francis College in New York City. "Psychologist Barry Schwartz explained the 'paradox of choice,' which is the idea that as we are afforded more choice, it can lead to higher levels of anxiety," she explains.

当今年代,有很多原因可以解释分分合合的现象。人们结婚(第一次结婚)的年纪比以往任何时候都要大(2017年的数据为男性29.5岁,女性27.4岁)。所以人们约会、分手的机会就会更多。纽约市圣弗朗西斯学院的心理学副教授玛丽莎T.科恩(Marisa T. Cohen)博士表示,多样的浪漫选择性也起着一定的作用。"心理学家巴里·施瓦茨(Barry Schwartz)解释了'选择悖论',也就是更多的选择或导致更高的焦虑水平。"


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