Is education making you blind? 学习真的会伤害视力吗?-查字典英语网
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Is education making you blind? 学习真的会伤害视力吗?

发布时间:2018-07-11  编辑:查字典英语网小编

Is education making you blind? 学习真的会伤害视力吗?


It took a clever feat of genetics to figure out this relationship. The researchers studied what happened to people who had mutations in their DNA that were either linked to short-sightedness or to spending a long time in education.


By following 68,000 people in these groups they were able to show that time in the classroom was causing damage to our eyes. Everyone will be affected differently, but on average the difference between finishing university and dropping out at 16 is big enough to require glasses when driving.


The study in the British Medical Journal is not a call to quit school. The researchers say getting children outside in bright light for classes and break time may be the best way of protecting their vision.


1. 词汇表 feat 了不起的技艺,业绩

figure out 计算出


short-sightedness 近视

damage 损害,伤害

dropping out 退学,辍学

quit 放弃,停止

vision 视力

2. 阅读理解:请在读完上文后,回答下列问题 。 1. What did the research find happened to our eyesight when we spent longer time in the classroom?

2. True or false? If you go to university you have to wear driving glasses.

3. Is the study recommending you finish school at the age of 16?

4. What can help children protect their eyesight?

3. 答案 1. What did the research find happened to our eyesight when we spent longer time in the classroom?

If found our eyesight got worse the longer we spent in the classroom

2. True or false? If you go to university you have to wear driving glasses.

False. It's not compulsory to wear driving glasses but the research did find on average the difference between finishing university and leaving education at 16 is big enough to require glasses when driving.

3. Is the study recommending you finish school at the age of 16?

No. It is just highlighting the difference in our eyesight between leaving education at 16 and staying on to go to university.

4. What can help children protect their eyesight?

The researchers say getting children outside in bright light for classes and break time may be the best way of protecting their vision.


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