Justin Bieber is reportedly engaged.
TMZ reported that the Canadian superstar asked his on-off partner, the model Hailey Baldwin, to marry him in the Bahamas on Saturday.
And she accepted.
Confirmation of the engagement was yet to come from the couple themselves, though cnn said it had also verified it.
“I've only had our wedding and future planned since I was like 9. @justinbieber” vented Brooklyn Sciford from Omaha, Nebraska.
来自奥马内布拉斯加州的Brooklyn Sciford发文道:“自从我9岁的时候,我就计划好我的婚礼和未来了。@justinbieber”
“Engaged?? Really???”Did she know ever word to every song? Did she buy purple clothes because he said it was his favorite color?? I did.”
“订婚了? ?真的吗? ??她知道每首歌的歌词吗?她有因为他说紫色是他最喜欢的颜色,而买紫色的衣服吗?我就这么做了过。”
“I'll be going into hibernation to cry for the rest of my life,” said Brianna Smith from Rushville, Indiana.
来自印第安纳州拉什维尔的Brianna Smith说:“我将进入冬眠状态,哭一辈子。”
The pair was introduced by Hailey Baldwin's father, the actor Stephen Baldwin, at the New York premier of Bieber's film Never Say Never in 2011 when she was 14 and Bieber 17.
They had a short-lived relationship in 2016, after which Bieber reunited, it now seems temporarily, with the singer-actor Selena Gomez.
The couple's families sent the internet into overdrive over the weekend with nudge-nudge references on social media.
“Proud is an understatement! Excited for the next chapter!,” posted Bieber’s father Jeremy on Instagram along with a photograph of his son at the beach bathed in a golden sunset.
On Saturday, Bieber’s mother just tweeted “Love Love Love Love Love Love Love”.
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