The positive or negative energy an emotion generates has a real and measurable impact on our bodies. The act of writing allows us to physically release some of that charge much in the same way we release tension during sex. Burning the page, which happens at the end of the exercise, allows us to purge even more of that charge and serves as a symbol of letting go. If you can release negative energy on a regular basis, it doesn't accumulate. You could look at this exercise as an act of freedom. Whenever you release your emotions, you lighten your burden so you don't have to carry it with you to your next experience.
This exercise works best if you just keep writing and don't stop to think about what you'll write next or self-edit. Forget about punctuation or making your handwriting pretty, even legible. In fact you may get to the point where your emotions are flowing so fast and furiously that you can't even write real words.
That's great. Just keep the pen in contact with the paper and let the thoughts roll out of you. This isn't a time to be polite or fair. This is your side of the story. Also, at the end of the exercise you'll be destroying the pages you've written, so as you write there's no reason to worry about anyone else reading them.
Before you begin, get a notebook and pen and find a quiet place where you won't be disturbed. Sit down and set a timer for twelve minutes. Open your notebook and simply start writing about whatever is disturbing your peace. It could be your health, job, finances, personal relationships, or anything else. Don't think about it too much-just start.
At the end of twelve minutes, stop writing. Immediately take the pages to a secure, nonflammable area like a concrete patio, your driveway, fireplace, or barbecue and set them on fire. Don't just tear them up. Fire is transformative and cleansing. Your goal is to neutralize the negative energy, and fire does that by changing the chemical composition of the paper to ash.
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