Neil: Hello, I'm Neil. Welcome to Question and Answer of the week.
: 大家好,我是冯菲菲。在《你问我答》节目中我们会回答你在英语学习中遇到的语法和词汇问题。Let’s listen to Maomao’s question.
I'm Maomao So could you tell me how British people express “烧包” when they want to say they’ve spent a lot to buy something that is not worth it? Thank you.
: 来自北京的卯卯这个问题问的很有意思,“烧包”这个词是中国北方的方言。意思是说一个人炫耀自己很有钱,摆出一副很得意的样子。So Neil, 烧包 is an informal saying which is very popular in Northern China. We use this word to describe someone who has a lot of money and is very keen on showing it off. Do you have a similar expression in English?
Neil: Hmm, in English we could say someone is a ‘show-off’, or someone has‘money to burn’.
: 我喜欢 money to burn 这个表达,跟我们汉语里“烧包”的“烧”还有些联系,意思是钱多的都可以用来烧了,比喻某人很富有。Show-off 的意思是爱炫耀或卖弄的人;这个短语还有一个动词形式 show off.
Neil: She has just bought a designer handbag to show off she has money.
: Show off 这里是一个动词短语,意思是某人炫耀、显摆自己。
Neil: Another phrase you can use to describe someone who likes show off their wealth is having ‘more money than sense’.
: More money than sense 这个表达的意思是乱花钱。What about the phrase ‘splash out’?
Neil: To ‘splash out’ means that you spend a lot of money on something that you don’t necessarily need.
: Splash out 有随意花钱、挥霍的意思,常指某人花很多钱买自己不需要的东西。
Neil: He is going to splash out on a 5 star tour around the world.
: 他准备花大价钱参加豪华五星旅游团环游世界。He must be loaded!
Neil: Yes, he must be loaded. ‘Loaded’ is colloquial way of saying someone who has a lot of money.
: 如果我们说谁谁 loaded 那意思就是这个人很有钱 ,这是个口语表达。
Neil: We can also say someone is ‘minted’.
: Minted 也是一个口语表达,意思是有钱的。
Neil: I went to my old school friend’s house at Christmas, it’s amazing, he’s definitely minted!
: Well, good for your friend. I am absolutely skint, all those Christmas presents I had to buy!
Neil: Good use of the word ‘skint’ - if someone’s skint, it means they have no money at all.
: Skint 的意思是身无分文,一点儿钱都没有了。
Neil: Another word we often use meaning ‘having no money’ is ‘broke’.
: Broke 也有身无分文,没钱了的意思。I’m flat broke 我一毛前都没了。不过请大家注意,有时候我们会用 skint 和 broke 来夸大事实 ,强调手头暂时不富裕,所以在使用的时候要格外注意上下文语境。
Neil: So , it sounds like you are going to tighten your belt this month until pay day?
: I know, sad isn’t it? Tighten one’s belt 这个表达就是我们汉语里常说的勒紧裤腰带。Public transport fares have just gone up again, not sure how I’ll last until pay day.
Neil: Get a bike . Now here’s another phrase for you – to scrimp and save.
: To scrimp and save 节衣缩食。 Good phrase, Neil! This is exactly what I’m going to do for the next two weeks!
Neil: Well, let me recommend an eat as much as you want restaurant I know. Now that’s value for money.
: Value for money 物有所值。Really? You know a restaurant ? Come on then, where is it?
Neil: It’s just around the corner, I’ll show you.
If you have any questions about English grammar and vocabulary, please send them to
: 你也可以在微博上给我们留下你在英语学习中遇到的难题。好了,谢谢卯卯提出的问题,下期《你问我答》节目再会。
Neil: Goodbye.
Money to burn 字面意思钱多得可以烧了,比喻某人很富裕
Show off 显摆、炫耀
More money than sense 乱花钱
Splash out 挥霍
Loaded 非常有钱的
Minted Skint 身无分文的
Broke 没钱了
To tighten one's belt 勒紧裤腰带
Scrimp and save 节衣缩食
Value for money 物有所值
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