Off the hook 脱身
Oh, hello, . Already here to present Authentic Real English?
哎呀,我有点儿不舒服,所以一直就呆在这儿没走。可能是饿得了,我得去吃点饭。你就放过我吧,节目咱们改天再录,行吗?Could you let me off the hook, please, Neil?
Come on, . You have to present the programme with me. And today's expression is…
我得去趟卫生间。Could you let me off the hook?
Yes! That's a great expression. In English, to let someone off the hook means to free them from an obligation. You want to be let off the hook, don't you? You don't want to present the programme today.
表达 off the hook 的意思是脱离困境,脱身。但在日常对话中,我们会更多的使用 let someone off the hook 这个形式,它的意思有两个,一是让某人脱离困境,脱身;另一个意思是免除某人对某事的责任。不过我真的需要你 let me off the hook,Neil。
Let's hear some examples of how the expression 'to let someone off the hook' is used.
I haven't studied much but my teacher let me off the hook today. She's decided to postpone the test as long as I hit the books this week.
The team's supporters didn't let them off the hook. They booed the players out of the pitch after they were beaten 4-nil.
That's it, . You're off the hook now.
No, I’m NOT off the hook.
Why not?
我的毛衣被墙上的钩子给钩住了,我要一动,这衣服肯定就毁了。Could you…
Oh! Why didn't you say so? Let me help you.
Be careful. I don't want it ripped!
I am being careful here… now… there you go. Yes, you're free now. You're off the hook in every sense!
Thanks, Neil.
下一篇: Barefaced 厚颜无耻的
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