今日短语 To pop the question 求婚
今日短语 求婚可是人生中非常重要的一件事情。英语中,人们用通俗表达 pop the question 来表示“求婚”。
例句 He got down on one knee. I thought he was going to pop the question but he was just doing up his shoe.
I popped the question in the moonlight on a bridge across a canal in Venice. It was very romantic. Unfortunately she turned me down.
I couldn’t believe it. We were in the supermarket, looking at cat food and she just popped the question. Of course I said yes.
请注意 No questions asked 的意思是无须解释的、不用说明的。这个表达常用于鼓励人们提出意见或大胆做出行动,不用担心后果。
例句 If you’ve got anything that doesn’t belong to you, you can leave it in the headmaster’s office, no questions asked.
If you receive a gift from our store you can exchange it, no questions asked.