[ti:] [ar:] [al:] [by:] Lesson 31 ; appropriate Appropriating public funds is a crime. ;挪用公款是犯罪行为. arbitrary The diet for people who are on a diet imposes overall calorie limits, ;减肥食谱规定了总的 卡路里限制, but daily menus are arbitrary. ;但每天的菜单可据喜好 随意自定. A good judge should try to be fair and not to make arbitrary decisions. ;一位好的法官应当努力做 到公平而不应做武断的决 定. bulk It's not their weight that makes these sacks hard to carry it's their bulk. ;这个袋子难搬运,不是 因为重而是因为体积太 大. The bulk of the chickens had to be killed because of the bird flu virus. ;由于禽流感病毒,大部分 的鸡都不得不被宰杀掉. convince An insurance broker is good at convincing people to buy insurance policies. ;保险经纪人很会说服人 买保单. Evidences are indispen -sable when you want to convince the judge of your innocence. ;要使法官相信你的清白, 证据是必有可少的. cope I just got my driving licence and I can't cope with driving in heavy traffic. ;我刚拿到驾驶执照, 交通拥挤的时候我 就开不好车. courage Do you have the courage to go bungee jumping? ;你有胆量玩蹦极跳吗? court No noise is allowed in the Supreme Court. ;在最高法院内不得喧哗. distinction The greatest distinction between humans and apes ;人与类人猿之间身体上 最大的差别 is the hollow space humans have under their chins. ;是人的下巴下方有凹陷 的空间. distress Company in distress makes trouble less. ;同病相怜,同忧相救. I was distressed about lack of money at the end of every month. ;我每个月末都为钱不够 用而感到忧虑. division Division of labour is important in industry today. ;劳动分工在今天的企业 中很重要. doubt There's no doubt that China is playing an extremely important role in the world. ;无疑,中国在国际上正 扮演着极其重要的角色. doubtful Any theory that has not been tested is a doubtful one. ;任何未经检验的理论都 是不足为信的. exceed Exceeding the speed limit in urban areas will be fined. ;在市区内超速驾车会 被?? excite Strong coffee excites your nerves. ;浓咖啡刺激神经, 使人兴奋. I was very excited when I knew I had passed the visa interview. ;得知能过签证面试, 我非常兴奋. flexible As we don't know what the weather will be like,we make flexible plans for our holiday. ;因为不知道天气状况如 何,我们为假期做了灵 活的计划. grip Van Gogh's Sunflower always grips my imagination. ;梵高的画《向日葵》 总引起我的想像. hostile It was very strange ;很奇怪, how hostile she was to all the beautiful girls approaching her husband. ;她对所有接近 她丈夫的 漂亮女孩都心存敌意. horror People with claustrophobia have a horror of being trapped in the lift. ;有幽闭恐怖症的人极度 恐惧困在电梯里. Horror films make your flesh crawl. ;恐怖影片令人毛骨悚然. input The input was larger than the output,so they lost money. ;投入大于产出,所以 他们亏本了. inquiry For further inquiry, please consult our website. ;如需进一步咨询,请登陆 我们的网站. library My grandpa is always proud of his library. ;我爷爷总是对他的藏书 感到自豪. mercy I won't show mercy to the cockroaches, ;我对蟑螂从不仁慈, and I will beat them to death whenever I see them. ;只要给我看见, 我就会消灭它们. It's a mercy that no one was hurt in the accident. ;所幸意外当中无人受伤. opposite My view is just the opposite.Do you accept opinions opposite to yours? ;我的观点正相反.你接 受与你的意见相对立的 意见吗? precise Having won a gold medal in the Olympics, ;赢得奥运金牌, Tao Luna has become famous as one of the world's most precise sharpshooters. ;陶璐娜以世界最准确的 神枪手之一而成名. A lawyer needs a precise mind. ;律师要有严谨的头脑. predict The witch said that her crystal ball could predict the future. ;女巫说她的水晶球可以 预测未来. resign I resigned because of the low salary. ;因为工资太低, 我辞职了. I resigned myself to a long wait in line. ;我听天由命的排队等了 很长时间. resistance The environmentalists put up resistance to fur-clothing companies. ;环保人士对皮衣公司 提出了抗议. resistant I prefer the plants that are resistant to bad climate. ;我比较喜欢那些对恶劣 的气候有抵抗力的植物. speculate This detective story is boring, ;这个侦探故事很没意思, because you can speculate the ending in the beginning. ;因为刚开始看你就能 推断出它的结局. sponsor The presidency campaign in the United Sates needs lots of sponsors. ;美国的总统竞选需要 很多的资助者. The following program is co-sponsored by "Rejoice","Motorola", "WaHaHa",and "Kongka". ;以下节目由“飘柔”, “摩托罗拉”, “娃哈哈”和“康佳” 联合赞助播出. usual Let's meet at the usual place. ;我们老地方见. violate Violating traffic regulations will be fined. ;违反交通规则要被罚. wealthy Up till now,Bill Gates has been recognized as the most wealthy man in the world. ;迄今为止,比尔.盖茨仍 被公认为世上最有钱的人 Lesson 32 ; assign The competent secretary ;这个能干的秘书 was assigned to take the minutes for the meeting of the board of directors. ;被选派为董事会议做 记录. assist Usually there would be a group of nurses assi -sting the doctor in performing the surgery ;医生做外科手术时通常 会有一组护士协助. bump "You can chase me,but don't kiss me" is a sign put on the rear of some cars ;“你可以追我,但不要 吻我”是贴在一些汽车 后部的指示牌, in order to remind drivers to keep a distance from the car ahead ;为的是提醒司机们保持 车距, and not to bump into its rear. ;以防碰撞车尾. critical Life will have significant change at some critical moments, ;人生往往在关键时刻会 有重大改变, so we should grasp every chance well and take every critical decision seriously. ;所以我们要把握好每一个 机遇并认真对待每一个重 大决定. Education in many Western countries encourages students ;很多西方国家的教育鼓 励学生 to develop a more critical attitude towards former theories ;培养一种批判的态度对 待前人的理论, instead of accepting everything at face value. ;而不要全盘接受表面 现象. crowd A crowd of housewives crowded into the store when the goods were on sale. ;大减价时大批家庭主妇 涌进商店抢购. crucial Choosing a right location is crucial to opening a store. ;地点的正确选择对开店 是至关重要的. crude The Da Qing oil field is full of crude oil. ;大庆油田盛产原油. dominant P&G is in a dominant position in the market of the daily chemical products. ;宝洁公司在日用化工产 品市场上处优势地位. dominate Although racial discrimination is not allowed, ;虽然种族岐视是 不允许的, Europe and America are still considered a white-dominated society. ;但欧洲和美国仍是白人 统治的社会. donation Bill Gatesmade ;比尔.盖茨 made a donation of 100 million U.S. dollars to the Global AIDS and Health Fund. ;给全球艾滋病健康基金 会捐赠了1亿美元. exclaim The moment Samaranch announced that the 2008 Olympiad would go to the city of Beijing ;萨马兰奇宣布2008年奥 运会将在北京举行的那 一刻, all Chinese people exclaimed in delight. ;所有中国人高兴地 欢呼起来. exclude Some place of entertainment exclude people under 18. ;一些娱乐场所禁止18岁 以下的人进入. The court excludes evidence that was improperly obtained. ;法院不接受非正常渠 道获得的证据. float The world-record altitude for floating hot-air balloons ;飘浮热气球上升高度的 世界记录 is more than 16,000 metres. ;是16000多米. force New emerging forces are invincible. ;新生力量是不可战胜的. It's not proper to force your ideas upon others. ;把自己的想法强加于人 是不当的. globe There are Chinese people in almost every habitable part of this globe. ;地球上几乎每一个有人 居住的地方都有中国人. gross GDP stands for Gross Domestic Product. ;GDP是国内生产总值 的缩写. People living in the slum have their own gross language. ;住在贫民区的人有他们 自己人的粗俗的语言. hesitate He who hesitates is lost. ; inspect President Jiang Zemin inspected the troops of naval force,land force and air force ;***主席检阅了海, 陆空三军, on the 50th anniversary of the founding of the republic. ;在国庆50周年. inspire The Lake District scenery in England ;英格兰湖区美景 inspired many poets to write their greatest poetry. ;给了很多诗人灵感创作出 他们最伟大的诗篇. instinct Struggling for survival is a human instinct. ;求生是人类的本能. intelligence Use your intelligence, and you're sure to achieve something. ;发挥你的聪明才智, 你一定能取得成就. intimate Will you pour out your intimate feelings to your intimate friends when you are not happy ;你不高兴的时候会向你 的知心朋友倾吐你的内 心感情吗? locate Li Siguang located the oil field,which proved that China is not a lean-oil country. ;李四光探明了油田的位 置,证明了中国人不是 贫油国. location Some scenes in the film In the Mood for Love was shot on location in Angkor Wat ;电影《花样年华》的部分 镜头是在外景地吴哥窟 拍摄的. mess A house is bound to be in a mess after a party. ;聚会过后房子一定会乱 七八糟. Many people would mess up the hotel room ;许多人会把宾馆房间弄 的又脏又乱, because they don't have to tidy it up themselves. ;因为他们用不着自己打 扫. preliminary They were very excited because they had passed the preliminary interview at IBM. ;他们很兴奋,因为他们 通过了IBM 公司的第一 轮面试. prescribe A holiday is the best cure prescribed for the depression. ;度假是开给抑郁症病人 的最好药方. resolve Many students resolve on studying abroad after graduation. ;许多大学生都决定毕业 后出国留学. stack There's always a whole stack of bills waiting to be paid every month. ;每月总有一大堆账单要付 transmission The transmission of CCTV's programs ;中央电视台的节目 to the remote village makes the peasants very happy. ;能传送到这个边远的村庄 当地农民非常高兴. upright The poplars stand upright in the field of the north. ;白杨树笔直地挺立在北 方的旷野上. Mother has told me to be an upright person since I was a little girl. ;从小母亲就教导我要做 一个正直的人. virtually If we travel by Concorde,New York and Paris are virtually neighbours. ;如果乘搭和式飞机旅行, 纽约和巴黎几乎是邻居. Lesson 33 ; attach Attached is a list of our prices. ;随函附上我方的报价. I am very attached to Leonardo da Vinci's The Last Supper. ;我很喜欢达芬奇的 《最后的晚餐》. attribute Many people's success can be attributed to hard work and a bit of luck. ;很多人的成功都可以归于 勤奋加上一点儿运气. Stubbornness is considered an attribute of mules. ;顽固被认为是骡的特性. concept What is the major concept of the story? ;这个故事的主要思想是 什么? New Concept English has been popular in China for more than twenty years. ;《新概念英语》在中国 流行了20多年. cruise Quite a few taxis are cruising for fares near the cinema. ;不少计程车在电影院附 近转悠着等着拉客. Many girls have no idea what a cruise missile is. ;许多女孩都不知道巡航 导弹是何物. crush Wine is made by crushing grapes. ;葡萄酒是压榨葡萄制 成的. Time will crush all pains. ;时间会粉碎所有的痛苦. demonstrate Please demonstrate how to use this microwave cooker. ;请示范说明一下如何使 用这个微波炉. drag The poor old horse dragged a heavy load. ;可怜的老马拉着重载. The time dragged as we waited. ;我们等待着,时间慢慢 地过去了. drain The rainwater drained away slowly because the drain was blocked. ;雨水排得很慢,因为排水 沟给堵住了. dramatic A dramatic scene happened in the wedding ceremony: ;一个富于戏剧性的场面 发生在婚礼上: the bride said sorry to the groom and ran away. ;新娘对新郎说了声抱歉 就跑掉了. exclusive Hair is exclusive to mammals. ;毛发是哺乳动物独有的. Some journalists are willing to get the exclusive at any cost. ;有的记者愿意不惜一切 地获取独家资讯. excursion Let's go on a day's excursion to the mountain. ;我们到山上游玩一天吧. formal The formal dress isn't suitable for the daily wear. ;礼服不适合日常穿着. Business letters are usually formal, ;商业信件通常都是讲究 格式的, but we write in an informal way to family members or friends. ;但我们给家人或朋友写 信就比较随便了. format Many literary classics are now reissued in a new format. ;许多文学名著现在以新 的版式再版. You'd better format the floppy disc before you use it. ;使用软盘之前最好先 格式化. intensity Noise intensity around the airport is much higher than elsewhere. ;飞机场附近的口音强度 要比其他地方大得多. indicate A research indicates that dinosaurs were warm-blooded animals. ;一项研究表明恐龙是热 血动物. What does a red sky at night indicate?Fine weather or bad weather the following day? ;晚上天边发红预示着什 么?第二天天气好还是 坏? interest Many people don't like to deposit money in banks because of the low interest rate. ;因为利率太低,许多人都 不愿把钱存进银行. You can't make good friends with your colleagues, ;你不可能跟同事成为 好朋友, because you will have conflicts of interest with them sooner or later. ;因为跟他们迟早有 利益冲突. I am exhausted now,so nothing can interest me except sleeping. ;现在我累极了,除了睡觉 什么都引不起我的兴趣. major Cotton is the major agricultural product from the Nile Valley. ;棉花是尼罗河谷的主要 农产品. What's your major at the university? ;你在大学学什么专业? minor The actresses are always given a minor part in the famous movie James Bond. ;名片《007》中的女演员 总是扮演次要的角色. Many university students will minor in some practical courses ;许多大学生都会副修一 些实用性的课程 in order to get a good job. ;为了能找份好工作. minority Only a minority of American households do not have a car. ;美国只有少数家庭没有 汽车. mislead Juveniles lacking social experience ;缺少社会经验的青少年 are likely to be misled by strange people's appearance. ;容易为陌生人的外表 所迷惑. presentation I hate to do presentations ;我很讨厌做报告, because I get extremely nervous when I speak in public. ;因为一当众讲话我就会 十分紧张. preserve It's not that easy to preserve places of historic interest. ;保护古迹并不那么容易, It takes money and technique. ;需要金钱和技术. Salt preserves food from decay,but I don't like preserved food. ;盐防止食物腐烂,但我 不喜欢腌制食品. press In the press conference, ;在资讯发布会上, the spokesman of the White House always avoided directly answering questions. ;白宫发言人总是避免直 接回答问题. Time presses.Let's press on with our work. ;时间紧迫, 我们加紧工作吧. prevail It seems that the jeans will prevail forever. ;牛仔裤似乎永远流行. At last justice has prevailed and the guilty man has been punished. ;正义最终取得了胜利, 作恶的人受到了惩罚. presumably He should have arrived Presumably,the bad weather delayed the flight. ;他早该到了,大概恶劣 的天气使飞机误点了. prominent Present at the Asian Forum in Bo Ao ;出席博鳌亚洲论坛的 were prominent nongovernmental political figures and economists from Asia. ;都是来自亚洲的非政府 的杰出政治人物和经济 学家. Cindy Crawford's beauty spot is her most prominent feature ;世界名模辛迪.克劳馥脸 上最显著的特点是她的那 颗美人痣. reluctant In the winter I am reluctant to get out of bed every morning. ;冬天的时候我每天早晨 都不愿起床. represent The system of representing letters and figures by raised dots is called Braille ;用突起的圆点代表字母和 数字系统叫盲人点字法. resort Merely resorting to force can't resolve the conflicts in the Middle East. ;单靠诉诸武力解决不了 中东的争端. Chengde is a famous summer resort. ;承德是著名的避暑胜地, The Emperors in the Qing Dynasty especially liked to go there. ;清朝的皇帝就特别喜欢 去那儿. resource The Department of Human Resources is an important department in many big companies. ;人力资源部是许多大公 司的一个重要的部门. Zhu Geliang was a man of great resource. ;诸葛亮是个足智多谋的人. restore It's hard to restore a broken mirror. ;破镜难圆. I feel quite restored after my holiday. ;休假后我感到恢复了 健康. start "I can't start the car!""You are stepping on the brake pedal." ;“我发动不了汽车!” “你踩着刹车踏板了.” Knowledge starts with practice. ;“认识从实践开始.” state A healthy state of mind is the source of a happy life. ;健康的心态是幸福生活 的源泉. Please state your name age,and occupation in a few words. ;请用简短的话陈述一下 你的姓名、年龄和职业. Lesson 34 ; award Martin Luther King was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964 ;马丁.路德.金被授予 1964年诺贝尔和平奖 for advocating nonviolence in the movement for civil rights. ;因为主张在民权运动中 采取非暴力政策. current A scientist should always be able to stay current in his field of studies. ;科学家应能始终跟上 他的研究领域的新发展. Many youngsters have their hair colored, ;许多年轻人把头发招染 了色, saying that was going with the current of the times. ;说是顺应时代潮流. decorate According to American writer Paul Fussell's book Class, ;根据美国作家 保罗.福塞尔的《格调》 一书, the American upper class like to decorate their houses with oriental handmade rugs ;美国的上流社会喜欢用 东方的手织地毯装饰家 居. lower A car decorated with odd doll shoes and bulging toy dice ;一辆用古怪的娃娃鞋和 鼓鼓囊囊的玩具骰子所 装饰的汽车 is thought be a car belonging to the lower class in the U.S.. ;在美国会被看成是属于 下层阶级的. To lower the price of commodities sometimes is an important means in business. ;有时降低商品价格是商业 竞争中的一种重要手段. entire The entire Pompeii city was destroyed by an eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 A.D.. ;整个庞贝城在公元79年 维苏威火山的一次喷发中 被摧毁. overall Overall,prices are still rising. ;大体说来,物价仍在上涨. My overall impression of Shanghai was favorable. ;我对上海的总体印象是 很好的. prevent I sometimes set two alarm clocks to prevent myself from getting up late. ;我有时要校两个闹钟以 防自己晚起. previous Enough material should be collected previous to writing. ;写作之前要收集足够的 材料. primitive The Eskimos live in the Arctic coastal regions of North America ;爱斯基摩人居住在北美 地区的北冰洋海岸 and parts of Greenland and northeast Siberia and are considered a primitive tribe. ;与格陵兰岛部分地区以及 西伯利亚的东北地区,他 们被看作是一个原始的部 族. Small seashells were once used as a primitive form of money. ;小贝壳曾经被当作简单 的钱币使用. priority The highest priority of the Guangzhou municipal government has been ;广州市政府已优先考虑 given to the problem of heavy traffic. ;交通拥挤问题. privilege One of the obstacles to social harmony is privilege. ;导致社会不协调的障碍 之一是特权. procession During the carnival of Rio de Janeiro in Brazil, ;在巴西里约热内卢嘉年 华会的日子里, streets are crowded with people dancing the samba in parading processions. ;街上到处都是跳着桑巴 舞的游行队伍. profession Teaching is a respectable profession. ;教师是令人尊敬的职业. It is rather difficult to win acclaim from the profession. ;要赢得同行的好评是 相当困难的. profit We can profit from the mistakes we have made. ;我们可以从错误中得到 教益. We have made a profit this year. ;我们今年盈利. promise Remember to carry out your promise.(Remember to carry out what you have promised) ;记住要履行诺言. Clouds give promise of rain.(Clouds promise rain.) ;阴云预示着雨的来临. prompt The poor boy confessed that it was hunger that prompted him to steal the bread. ;可怜的男孩承认他是 因为太饿了才偷面包的. proposal Various proposals were forward for increasing sales. ;为提高销售量提出了 各种建议. How could you make a proposal without a ring? ;你怎么可以去求婚而 不带上戒指呢? revenue State universities in the U.S. get most of their revenue from taxes. ;在美国的州立大学大部分 收靠税款. reward Good people will eventually be rewarded ;好人终有好报. (Good people will eventually get good reward.) ;好人终有好报. risk The usual risks of the desert are: rattlesnakes,heat, and lack of water. ;沙漠中常见的危险有: 响尾蛇,酷热及缺水. rotate The earth rotates around the sun,and the earth rotates once a day. ;地球围绕太阳转,与此 同时地球每天自转一次. steer The close-door policy couldn't steer a country to prosperity. ;闭关自守的政策不能引导 国家走向繁荣. How does your car steer?Does it corner well? ;你的车开起来怎么样? 转弯灵活吗? sticky The sticky toffee made my teeth uncomfortable ;粘乎乎的太妃糖弄得我的 牙齿很不舒服. The most unpleasant thing about Guangzhou's summer is the sticky weather. ;广州夏天最令人难受的 是那湿热的天气. still Drink it while it's still hot. ;趁热喝吧. All sounds are still at night. ;夜晚万籁俱静. You can still your anxiety by listening to some music. ;你可以听听音乐以消除 内心的不安,平静下来. strengthen The major goal of the country is to strengthen the economy. ;加强经济实力是国家首 要的目标. Your words strengthened my heart. ;你的话增强了我的信心. stretch I stretch to relax after working a full day. ;工作了一整天,我伸了 个懒腰放松一下. Having been washed,the sweater was stretched out of shape. ;洗过以后,这件毛衣被 拉长变了形. Can you work eight hours at a stretch? ;你能连续工作八小时吗? string Models' limp hair strings are always shown in the shampoo commercials. ;洗发水的广告中常会展示 模特柔软的发丝. strip The wind stripped the trees of their leaves. ;大风把树吹得光秃秃的. The major goal of the country is to strengthen the economy. ;加强经济实力是国家首 要的目标. In the countryside, ;在农村, you can often see boys strip themselves to go swimming in the river or the lake. ;你会常看到男孩子脱光 衣服到河里或湖里游泳. stroke The general manager singed the contract with a stroke of the pen. ;总经理大笔一挥, 签下了合同. He stroked her hair affectionately. ;他深情地抚摸着她的 头发. subsequent Most countries in Europe were in a mess during the period subs equent to World War II ;二战后的一段时期中, 大部分欧洲国家陷入了 窘境. treasure I treasure friendship very much, ;我非常珍惜友谊, because I believe that true friendship is worth more than money. ;因为我认为真正的友谊比 金钱更具价值. Lesson 35 ; absent Long absent,soon forgotten. ; Absence sharpens love between lovers. ;小别加深恋人间的事情. apparent In spite of her apparent indifference, ;尽管表面上不在乎, a woman is usually deeply concerned with others' remarks on her figure. ;女人通常很在意别人怎 样议论自己的身材. bet I bet him ten dollars that Gore would win the presidential election,but I lost. ;我押10美元与他赌戈尔 赢得总统大选,可是我 输了. cheat Anyone caught cheating will be kicked out of school! ;任何被发现舞弊者将被 立即开除出校! choke There were chain- smokers in the office and the smoke almost choked me. ;办公室里有人一支接一支 地不断吸烟,我被呛得 几乎窒息. defect I think there are still lots of defects in our educational system. ;我认为我们的教育体制 还有很多弊病. devil Speak of the devil and he appears. ; earnest Nowadays some young people are not earnest about their marriage. ;如今有些年轻人对他们的 婚姻大事并不认真. ease Old people desire a life of ease,which does not fit young people of my age. ;老人希望过的安逸生活并 不适合我这样的年纪的年 轻人. failure Failure in one examination should not stop you from trying again. ;一次考试不及格不应 妨碍你再试一次. glory Scientific achievement may bring greater glory than fighting. ;科学成就可能比战争带 来更大荣耀. handle A manager must know how to handle his staff. ;当经理的应懂得如何 管理职员. interview In order to recruit real talents, ;为了招纳真正的人才, some big companies arrange more than one interview for the applicants. ;一些大公司为求职者安排 不只一次面试. Many singers just like to be interviewed because they want to be famous. ;许多歌星很喜欢被采访, 因为他们要出名. insurance Those who have no public health services would like to buy health insurance. ;那些没有公费医疗的人 会愿意买健康保险. licence Drivers who violate traffic regulations will be fined ;违反交通规则的司机会 被罚款, and their licence will be suspended. ;并扣驾驶执照. laughter Students like teachers who can make the class full of laughter. ;学生喜欢能使课堂充满 笑声的老师. manual Manual workers often earn much less than office workers. ;体力工作者通常比办公室 工作人员赚得要少得多. A good manual of college English vocabulary ;一本好的大学英语词汇 手册 will help us a lot in memorizing words. ;会大大帮助我们记忆单 词. mature Our judgement matures as we grow older. ;我们的判断力随着年龄 增长而变得成熟. obtain If I can't pass College English Test Band 4,I can't obtain my bachelor's degree. ;如果过不了大学英语四级 考试,我就不能获得学士 学位. occupation What kind of occupation is your friend looking for? ;你的朋友在找什么样的 工作? The World War II German occupation of France lasted four years. ;二战中德国对法国的 占领持续了四年. patience I have no patience with people who are too slow. ;我对反应太迟钝的人 没什么耐心. plot I was captured by the complicated plot in Micky Blue Eyes. ;我被电影《蓝眼睛米奇》 (《黑帮女婿》)的复杂 情节吸引住了. rebel Some children will rebel against their parents' strict upbringing. ;一些孩子会反抗父母那 些严厉管教的方式. relationship An insurance salesman is usually a person with wide social relationships. ;保险推销员通常是社交 广泛的人. scholar Scholars have different opinions on how to learn a foreign language well. ;关于如何学好一门外语, 学者们持不同观点. scholarship Many Chinese students who study abroad without scholarships ;很多在国外没有奖学金 的中国留学生 have to work to earn money. ;得打工赚钱. temporary During the four years in college, ;在四年的大学生活中, most of the students have the experience of doing temporary work. ;大多数学生做过临时工. schedule I never need a television schedule ;我从不需要电视节目 时间表, because I don't like to decide beforehand what to watch. ;因为我不喜欢预先决定 要看什么. widespread There is a widespread belief that popular newspapers do not always tell the truth ;有一种普遍的看法认为 小报并不总是报道真实 情况 and sometimes contain widespread rumours. ;且有时含有广为流传的 谣言. Lesson 36 ; ability Now,scientists face the question of using man's growing ability ;现在,科学家面临着如何 利用人类不断增长的能力 to genetically alter DNA. ;从基因方面改组脱氧核 糖核酸的问题. behave Tom behaved awfully during his first date with that beautiful girl. ;汤姆和那个漂亮女孩第 一次约会时表现得差劲 极了. The children do not know how to behave themselves decently. ;小孩子不懂得怎样举止 得体. brand Chinese household electrical appliance industries have a long way to go ;中国家用电器业还要多多 努力 before establishing internationally recognized product brands. ;以创出国际知名的品牌. classical The Forbidden City is typically Chinese classical architecture ;紫禁城是典型的中国 古典建筑. competent When the Chinese football team won several games ;当中国足球队接连赢了 几场比赛后, people began to think that their Yugoslavian coach was a competent one. ;人们开始认为这个南斯拉 夫教练是能胜任的. classic The Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Journey to the West, Outlaw of the Marshes, ;《三国演义》、 《西游记》、《水浒传》 and A Dream of Red Mansions are the four great classics in Chinese literature. ;和《红楼梦》是中国文学 的四大经典名著. debt Out of debt,out of danger. ; I'll always be in your debt for all the help you've given me. ;对于你给予我的帮助, 我不胜感激. discharge Because of the recession, ;由于经济萧条, many Internet companies discharged almost half their staffs. ;许多网络公司解雇了 近一半员工. Lighting is caused by clouds discharging electricity. ;闪电是由云层放电造 成的. educate My girl friend keeps taking me to foreign films and art galleries ;我的女朋友总是带我看 外国电影和艺术展览, in an attempt to educate me. ;试图以此来培养我的 品味. explain The manager has explained to customers why the goods were late. ;经理已向顾客解释货 物晚到的原因. external This medicine is for external use only,not for drinking. ;此药只供外用, 不可内服. facility A library is one of the most important education facilities in a university. ;图书馆是大学里最重要 的教育设施之一. genius Mozart was a genius at music. ;莫扎特是个音乐天才. gesture Beckham was fined for making a very rude gesture at the football fans. ;贝克汉姆向球边做非常 粗鲁的手势,因此被罚 款. (Beckham was fined for gesturing rudely at the football fans.) ;贝克汉姆向球边做非常 粗鲁的手势,因此被罚 款. hazard The busy traffic entrance was a hazard to pedestrians. ;繁忙的交通入口对行 人是一个危险. interpret To interpret at the UN is a difficult task. ;在联合国做口译是件难 度很大的差事. Literature helps to interpret life. ;文学有助于阐释人生. illustrate A recent survey illustrates that ;最近的调查说明 the divorce rate has rocketed as women's financial dependence on men has plummeted. ;随着妇女对男人经济依附 程度直线下降,离婚率急 剧上升. implication Both direct attack and attack by implication hurt others' feelings. ;直截了当的攻击和含沙射 影的攻击都很伤人. Nixon was forced to resign ;尼克松被迫辞职 because of his implication in the Watergate affair in 1972. ;由于在1972年在水门事 件中受牵连. isolate Should AIDS patients be isolated from others? ;应不应该把艾滋病人和 其他人隔离开? junior It often happens that the work is done by juniors on the staff, ;经常发生这样的事: 工作是下级员工完成的, but the head takes all the credit. ;领导却占据了所有的功劳 loan Now,it is common for young couples to apply for a loan to buy houses. ;现在,年轻夫妇申请贷款 购房很普遍. marvelous Migrating birds have marvelous directional sense. ;候鸟有非凡的方向辨别 力. motion You must not get out of the car when it is in motion. ;汽车行驶的时候千万 不能下车. obstacle Refusal to compromise is the major obstacle for the two parties in further peace talks. ;双方拒绝让步是进一步 和平对话的主要障碍. pierce Some earrings are designed for those whose ears aren't pierced . ;有些耳环是为耳朵没有 穿孔的人而设计的. preference In computer games,I have a preference for "The Age of the Empire". ;在电子游戏中, 我偏爱《帝国时代》. proceed Premier Zhu Rongji waited for the applause to die down ;朱容基总理等待掌声停 歇下来, and then proceeded with his government report. ;然后继续做他的政府 工作报告. rear It would give me a sense of achievement ;我将会有一种成就感, if I might properly rear my child and see him turn out to be a useful person. ;如果我能哺育我的孩子并 看着他成为有用的人. slam In a sudden burst of anger,I slammed the door. ;一怒之下,我砰地把 门关上. tide Time and tide wait for no man. ; unity Some western European leaders ;一些西欧的领导人 remain skeptical about the European political and economic unity. ;对欧洲的政治经济一体化 保持怀疑的态度. Lesson 37 ; aggressive Thanks to our aggressive marketing tactics, ;多亏了我们大刀阔斧的 市场战略, our sales have risen sharply this year. ;我们的销售额今年猛增. brake Don't brake the car when it has a sudden flat tire,otherwise it may overturn. ;汽车突然爆胎时不要刹车 否则可能会翻车. capture Robots the size of punctuation marks ;标点符号大小的机器人 can one day be used to move single cells or capture bacteria. ;有一天会被用来移动 单细胞和捕捉细菌. erect The Monument of the People's Heroes ;人民英雄纪念碑 was erected in honour of the martyrs who died for our country. ;是为纪念为我们祖国而 牺牲的烈士们而建立的. framework Negotiators are still trying to find a framework ;谈判者仍然试图找到一个 框架, for a long-term peace agreement in the Middle East. ;来保证中东长期和平. graduate The graduate rate is expected to be higher this year than ever. ;今年的大学生毕业率 预期要高于往年. illustration Fashion magazines have lots of beautiful illustrations. ;关于时尚的杂志有很多 漂亮的插图. invent Alexander Bell invented the telephone in 1876. ;1876年亚历山大. 贝尔发明了电话. label If a person spends any time in prison, ;如果一个人曾进过监狱 he'll probably be labeled as a criminal for the rest of his life. ;那么在这之后的生活中 他很可能会被大多数人 当罪犯. maintenance There are thorough maintenance checks on each passenger plane before take-off. ;每驾客机起飞前都要 经过彻底的维修. mount Mr.Rochester mounted his horse and rode off ;罗切斯特先生上了马, leaving Jane Eyre standing alone in the middle of the road. ;急驰而去,留下简爱独 自站在路的中央. neutral Switzerland is a very small country, ;瑞士是个非常小的国家, which always remains neutral in wars and political affairs. ;它在战争和政治事件上 一贯保持中立. organize "Will you tell us about your new project?" ;“你能向我们讲一讲你 的新计划吗” "Sure.Just give me a moment to organize my thoughts." ;“当然,只要给我点儿 时间整理一下我的思路. panel With a 90-centimeter TV monitor or an even larger flat-panel screen, ;由于带有90厘米的电视 显示器或更大的平面荧 屏, a DVD player can show movies with vivid and, clear images. ;DVD机能生动、清晰地 放映电影图像. possess It is said that "Viagra" possesses magical powers that can cure impotence. ;据说“伟哥”具有治疗 阳痿的神奇疗效. pursue After graduation, ;我希望自己毕业之后, I want to be an educated person with wide knowledge and good taste, ;成为一个知识渊博,趣味 高尚的有教养的人, not one obsessively pursuing fame and gain. ;而不是一个汲于 名利的人. react Acid can react with base to form salt. ;酸和碱起化学反应成盐. religion The Christian,Buddhist and Moslem are three main religions in the world ;基督教、佛教、伊斯兰教 是世界三大宗教. retire Some businesses provide a kind of retirement benefit, ;有的企业向员工提供 退休金, which is paid for employees when they retire from the company ;这种退休金自员工从公 司退休时开始一直 until their death. ;支付到他们逝世为止. scare Many young people are scared of being adults ;许多年轻人害怕长大成人 because they haven't learnt how to be responsible for themselves. ;因为他们没学会如何承 担自己的责任. sensible I don't think it is a sensible option ;我认为不是明智的选择 for a football player to contradict the referee in a football match. ;足球运动员在比赛中 顶撞裁判 starve It is silly to starve yourself just to be skinny. ;为了显得有骨感而挨 饿是愚蠢的. Remember how the famous American singer Carpenter died? ;记得美国著名歌手卡蓬特 是怎么死的? tragedy Hitler's invasion of Poland led to the tragedy of the Second World War. ;希特勒入侵波兰,导致 了第二次世界大战的悲 剧. universal Charlie Chaplin is a comic actor of universal appeal. ;查理.卓别林是受全世界 人民喜爱的喜剧演员. worthwhile Post-graduate degrees are worthwhile investments ;读研究生学位是值得 的投资 considering the high salaries after graduation. ;考虑到毕业后的高额收 入. Lesson 38 ; absolute There is no absolute standard for beauty. ;美是没有绝对标准的 balance Don't be excited; keep your balance. ;不要激动,保持镇定. character The British charachter is often said to be phlegmatic. ;英国人的性格常被说成 是冷漠的. contract Different contracts were available for the variety of jobs offered ;提供各种工作合同 in this year's Shanghai human resource market. ;今年的上海人力资源 市场. circulate Those who circulate false news should be condemned. ;散布流言者应该受遣责. data The actual HIV incidence in that country ;那个国家艾滋病的病例 is at least eight times higher than official data. ;至少是官方数据的八倍. dip A piece of iron dipped in liquid air ;铁块浸在液态空气中变 得如此脆, becomes so brittle that it will shatter if dropped. ;以致落到地就会变成 碎片. durable The parts of the machine that experience a lot of friction ;机器里要受很多磨损 的部分 have to be made from durable materials. ;由耐用材料制成. equip Buses equipped with air-conditioners charge you more. ;装有空调设备的公共汽 车收费要贵些. fancy Children usually have a lively fancy. ;儿童们往往有丰富的 想像力. glorious This was yet another glorious victory for Manchester United. ;这是曼联(足球)队的 又一光荣的胜利. hint The computer hacker wrote that he was from Russia, ;这个计算机黑客自称他 来自俄罗斯. but data in the e-mail software hinted that ;但网上邮件软件暗示 the file many have come from another country. ;文件来自另一个国家. improvement On my term papers, teachers always used to write"room for improvement". ;在我的学期论文里, 老师总是批道: “尚需改进”. installation The installation of the air-conditioner ;空调的安装 is the extra pay-free service provided by the factory. ;是厂家提供的免费服务. invade Famous people often find their privacy invaded by the press. ;名人总是发现他们的 隐私被报界侵犯. keen Many parents are keen to send their children to the best schools. ;许多父母亲热衷于把 他们的孩子送往最好 的学校. memorial The Sun Yat-sen Memorial (Hall) was built in memory of ;孙中山纪念堂是为纪念 the great revolutionary forerunner Dr.Sun Yat-sen ;伟大的革命先行者孙中山 先生, on the funds raised and contributed by Cantonese and overseas Chinese. ;是由广东人民和海外华侨 筹资兴建的. nationality I am of(=I have) Chinese nationality. What's your nationality? ;我是中国籍. 你是哪国人? pinch These shoes are too tight;they pinch my toes. ;这鞋子太紧, 它们夹疼了我的脚. pressure Not all students work well under pressure. ;不是所有学生都能在压力 之下很好地学习. quote If you quote someone else's words in your writing,you should indicate the source. ;如果写作时引用了他人 的话,应当注明出处. rational From a rational point of view of most Hong Kong people, ;根据大多数香港人的 合理看法, the increase in subway fares may not be justified. ;地铁票价上调可能是 不正当的. territory The Twaiwan Island is part of our territory. ;台湾岛是我国领土的 一部分. reject Some people who have strong self-respect often reject other's offers for help. ;有些自尊心强的人经常 拒绝别人提供的帮助. seal Winning gold medals in Sydney Olympic Games ;夺取悉尼奥运金牌 put the seal on the excellent sports career of Fu Mingxia. ;给伏明霞辉煌的运动 生涯画上圆满的句号. spur Rising consumer sales in the first half of the year ;上半年销售额的增长 spurred the economy to faster growth. ;使经济更快发展. urban Traffic noise, pollution,huge concrete buildings ;交通噪音,污染,巨大 的混凝土建筑 -how can people survive in the urban jungle? ;—人们怎么在城市的 丛林里生存? worship In Argentina,Maradona is a hero worshipped by the young children. ;在阿根廷,马拉多纳被 小孩子当作英雄崇拜. Lesson 39 ; abstract Cloning babies,however sound in the abstract, ;泛泛地谈论克隆婴儿不 管多么动听, is always dangerous when applied to practice. ;付诸实施总是很危险. assure Nothing can assure permanent happiness. ;没有什么东西能确保 永久的幸福. blend Oil and water do not blend. ;油和水不能融合. I like a blend of coffee and tea (I like to blend coffee and tea). ;我喜欢把咖啡和茶混合 起来喝. boast Nobody should boast of his learning. ;谁也不应当夸耀自己的 学识. campaign Can you guess who would laugh last in the presidential election campaign? ;你能猜测出谁会最后赢 得总统大选吗? ceremony An elaborate marriage ceremony wastes both energy and money. ;铺张的婚礼真是劳民伤财. The head of state was welcomed with full ceremony. ;人们以最高的仪式 欢迎国家元首. civilize The African countries hoped to civilize all primitive tribes. ;非洲国家希望把非洲所有 的原始部落都变成文明社 会. civilization Some people still have conventional ideas on what women are ;有些人还是抱有传统的 观念,对于妇女的本质 or how they should behave in our modern civilization. ;以及妇女在我们的现代 文明中应起的作用. It is generally accepted that the Chinese ancient civilization ;普遍认为中国古代文明 is one of the oldest in the world. ;是世界上最古老的文化 之一. discourage Don't let one failure discourage you.(Don't be discouraged by just one failure.) ;不要因为一次失败就气 馁. democratic The Democratic Party ;民主党 is one of the two main political parties in the United States. ;是美国两大政党之一 (比尔.克林顿就是其 中一员). embrace In the past, ;过去 Chinese lovers were too reserved to embrace or kiss each other in public. ;中国的情侣太过含蓄而 不会当众拥抱或亲吻, But it is not the case now. ;但是现在不同了. exterior Esmeralda has a tough exterior (=Esmeralda is tough on the exterior), ;加西莫多(小说 《巴黎圣母院》中人物) 外表凶恶, but he is autually very kind. ;但内心很善良. fatigue Increasing numbers of people in high-powered jobs are suffering from fatigue ;越来越多在工作中执掌 大权的人容易疲劳, and stress-related illnesses. ;受到因压力引发的疾病 的折磨. The hustle and bustle of city life fatigues many people. ;奔波的城市生活使很多 人精疲力竭. forge Some people try to get forged diplomas in order to find a good job. ;有些人为了找份好工作 而设法获取各种伪造文 凭, They are only deceiving themselves by such an act. ;他们这样做只是自欺欺人. guarantee Nowadays,students are not guaranteed jobs when they graduate from college. ;如今,学生大学毕业时 不能保证有工作. insure It's surprising that some pop stars ;有些流行歌星 have insured their legs or moustache for millions of dollars. ;竟然给自己的腿或者胡子 买了好几百万的保险. handy This manual of college English vocabulary is a handy reference book ;这本大学英语词汇手册是 一本使用简易方便的参考 书. independent Now most Chinese women in urban areas go to work ; and are financially independent after marriage. ;现在大多数在城市的中 国妇女婚后仍然参加工 作并保持经济上的独立. innocent She has such an innocent face ;她长着一张天真无邪的 脸, that I find it hard to think that she can do any harm. ;我很难相信她会做坏事. invest Low interest rate in the bank encourages citizens to invest in the stock market. ;银行利率低促使市民向 股市投资. justify The pursuit of good ends does not justify the employment of bad means. ;追求正当的目的并不证 明可以用不正当的手段. mission This time, ;这次, James Bond's mission is to save three hostages kidnapped by some terrorists. ;詹姆士.邦德(007)的 使命是去解救三个被恐 怖分子绑架的人质. outline Some writers prefer to give an outline of the setting first ;一些作家喜欢先写出 背景概要, and then flesh out the plot and characters. ;然后写出情节和人物. parallel There are few parallels between the American football and European football. ;美国足球和欧洲足球 没有什么相似之处. punch A woman was punched unconscious by two muggers in a street this afternoon. ;一个妇女今天下午在大街 上被两个歹徒打得失去知 觉. None of the hundreds of on-lookers tried to prevent it or call the police. ;数百个围观者中没有人 阻止或报警. reform Many deputies to the People's Congress have called for a reform of the medical system ;许多人大代表呼吁医药 制度改革 to stop unnecessary use of expensive medicine. ;以杜绝滥用昂贵药品. resident It is reported that rats outnumber residents in New York by 9 to 1. ;据报道纽约的老鼠是 其居民的九倍. rub Can you rub my painful back? ;我背疼,能帮我 揉一揉吗? select A mouse is a device ;鼠标是一种工具 which makes it easier to select different options from computer menus. ;更加便捷地从计算机菜单 上进行选择操作. setting The setting of the Italian film Beautiful Life ;意大利电影《美丽人生》 的故事 is a concentration camp in the Second World War. ;背景是二战时的集中营. tendency There is a growing tendency in society to regard money ;社会上一种越来越流行 的趋向是把钱看得 more highly than quality of life. ;比生活的质量更重要. witness In the past twenty years China has witnessed momentous changes. ;过去20年里中国发生了 巨大的变化. Lesson 40 ; academic A business-management major with a remarkable academic record, ;工商管理专业且学习 成绩优异, he easily got a well-paid and promising job in a big firm. ;他轻而易举地在一家 大公司找到高薪而有 前途的工作. coach Many NBA basketball players coach after successful playing careers. ;许多NBA篮球球员在成功 的运动生涯后当了教练. conclude A tragedy always concludes with the hero's or the heroine's death. ;悲剧总是随男主人公或 女主人公的死亡而告终. crack In cold weather, boiling water can crack the glass. ;在寒冷的天气,沸腾的 开水会把玻璃杯烫裂. delivery The "21st Century Cup" English Speech Contest sponsored by China Daily ;《中国日报》主办的 “21世纪杯”英语演 讲比赛 was divided into two parts: ;分为两部分: the delivery of a prepared speech and the question-and- answer section. ;一部分是做有准备的讲演 一部分是回答问题. dissolve Make a glass of black tea,put in two cubes of sugar, ;泡一杯红茶,放进两块 方糖, keep stirring the tea until the sugar dissolves, ;不断搅拌茶,直到糖融化 add a piece of lemon and some ice cubes, ;加上一片柠檬和一些 冰块, and you get a glass of pleasantly sweet ice tea! ;一杯甘甜的冰茶就做成 了! electronic Most electronic components use silicon chips these days. ;现在多数电子元件都 用到硅片. I majored in electronics and I want to be an electronic engineer. ;我是学电子学专业的, 想成为一名电子工程师. entertain We hired a magician to entertain the children at the party. ;我们雇了一个魔术师在 派对上逗孩子们开心. financial Southeast Asia's financial crisis has taught people a profound lesson. ;东南亚的金融危机带给 人们深刻的教训. frequency Parkinson's disease occurs with increasing frequency in older people. ;帕金森氏病在老人身上 更为频发. gravity Enormous energy is needed to launch a spacecraft against gravity. ;发射飞船需要巨大的能量 来摆脱地心引力. halt No one can halt the advance of history. ;谁也阻挡不了历史的 前进. immigrant New York has a huge number of immigrants. ;纽约有数目巨大的移民. insult To call a person an idiot is an insult. ;称一个人为白痴是一种 侮辱. (You insult a person by calling him an idiot.) ;称一个人为白痴是一 种侮辱. marine The oil slick in the Persian Gulf seriously threatened the marine life around the sea. ;波斯湾的油泄漏严重威胁 了附近海域的海洋生物. mysterious American actress Marilyn Monroe has been dead for a long time. ;美国女演员玛丽莲. 梦露已死去多年, The cause of her death is still mysterious even to historians. ;但她的死因即使对史学家 也仍是个谜团. outset At the outset of his career,he was full of ambition but not anymore. ;在事业刚开始时, 他踌躇满志,但是 现在却变了. positive A kind teacher ;和善的老师 always takes a very positive attitude when correcting students' mistakes. ;在纠正学生错误时总是 采取多肯定成绩的态度. protection Our medical insurance offers protection for the whole family in the event of illness. ;我们的医疗保险可为 生病的任何家庭成员 提供保障. realm The light music led us into a realm of peace and pleasure. ;轻音乐带领我们进入一个 安宁愉悦的一国. register Foreign visitors must register with the state officials upon entering the country. ;外国旅客一入国境就必 须向国家官员办理登记. rouse An English teacher should try all means ;一个英语老师应当千 方百计 to rouse students' interests in English learning. ;唤起学生对英语学习 的兴趣. scenery Last summer holiday, I went to Qing Hai ;去年暑期,我去了青海, and was amazed at the beautiful scenery of the mountains and lakes. ;并为它山川湖泊所呈现 的美景而惊讶. senior There are a few seats on buses reserved for senior citizens and the pregnant. ;公共汽车上设有一些 老人和孕妇的专座. spill It's no use crying over spilt milk! ;牛奶洒了,哭也没用! (喻:不已经发生而无法补 救的事懊悔是没用的) tone The same thing said in a different tone will convey a different message. ;同样的话用不同的语调 说出来会表达不同的信 息. ultimate The anti-Japanese war ended for us in an ultimate victory. ;抗日战争以我们的最后 胜利而告终. vanish Wonderful dreams may come true or may vanish into thin air. ;美梦也许会成真, 也许会成为泡影. withstand Shakespeare's works undoubtedly withstands the rest of time. ;莎士比亚的作品无疑 承受住了时间的考验. Lesson 41 ; accompany It's getting dark.Will you accompany me home? ;天