South Korea has chosen an advocate of engagement with Pyongyang as its president, in a vote that draws a line under almost a decade of conservative rule but which could also increase tensions with the US.
Around midnight local time Moon Jae-in claimed victory when both of his main opponents conceded defeat. Exit polls showed that Mr Moon, a former human rights lawyer, had amassed more than 41 per cent of the vote in Tuesday’s election, almost twice that of his nearest challenger.
当地时间午夜前后,在两个主要对手都承认败选后,文在寅(Moon Jae-in)宣布胜选。投票站出口民调显示,曾经当过人权律师的文在寅在周二的选举中获得41%以上的选票,得票率几乎是最接近对手的两倍。
Mr Moon’s rout of his two main rivals, conservative Hong Joon-pyo and centrist Ahn Cheol-soo, put an end to nine years of conservative rule by Park Geun-hye and her predecessor Lee Myung-bak.
高票击败两个主要对手——保守派阵营的洪准杓(Hong Joon-pyo)和中间立场的安哲秀(Ahn Cheol-soo)——意味着,文在寅结束了朴槿惠(Park Geun-hye)及其前任李明博(Lee Myung-bak)持续9年的保守派执政。
“Today’s sweeping victory is the result of our people’s desperate wish for a regime change,” the 64-year-old Mr Moon said as the result become apparent. “I will realise the two main tasks people desire — reform and national unity.”
The contest was triggered by a corruption scandal that led to the impeachment of Ms Park, the former president, this year. It was closely watched internationally at a time of mounting concern about North Korea’s nuclear ambitions, which the US regards as its number one national security challenge.
Kim Jong Un, the North Korean dictator, has vowed to develop a missile capable of delivering a nuclear warhead to the US mainland. His isolated nation has recently launched a barrage of rockets into the Sea of Japan. Many expect Pyongyang to test-detonate its sixth nuclear device soon.
朝鲜独裁者金正恩(Kim Jong Un)誓言要开发能够携带核弹头打到美国本土的导弹。他掌权的孤立国家近期接二连三向日本海发射火箭。很多人预期,平壤方面不久将进行其第六次核试验。
While Donald Trump, US president, has warned of the risk of a “major, major conflict with North Korea”, Mr Moon, a former special forces operative, has promised a new approach to North Korea. This will be based on engaging with Mr Kim’s regime as well as increased pressure.
尽管美国总统唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)已经警告,有可能“与朝鲜发生极其重大的冲突”,但曾经在特种部队服役的文在寅承诺对朝鲜采取一种新的方针。这种做法将基于与金正恩政权接触,同时加大压力。
On Tuesday, he said South Korea needed to play a more active diplomatic role on North Korea — an issue on which it has been increasingly marginalised by the US and China amid the power vacuum in Seoul.
However, Mr Moon faces a host of challenges. Domestically, he must restore public trust in political institutions, while reviving an economy plagued by surging household debt, high youth unemployment and stagnant wages. Internationally, he faces growing friction with Mr Trump’s administration, particularly over a US-owned and operated missile shield intended to protect South Korea from threats to the north.
“Moon is arguing for a new approach to both foreign and domestic policy that will signal a departure from the strategies deployed by his more conservative predecessor,” said Liam McCarthy-Cotter, a specialist in East Asian politics at Nottingham Trent University.
“文在寅正在主张一种新的内政外交方针,这将标志着告别更为保守的前任所实行的战略,”诺丁汉特伦特大学(Nottingham Trent University)东亚政治专家利亚姆·麦卡锡-科特(Liam McCarthy-Cotter)表示。
Mr Moon has promised to reconsider the missile shield, which is furiously opposed by China, South Korea’s largest trading partner.
Beijing, which fears the installations will be used to spy on its military progress, has launched economic retaliatory measures, targeting Korean companies operating in China.
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