Ever since the end of the second world war, the US has been the main anchor for the liberal international trading system. Its policy agenda, including non-liberalising measures such as tightening intellectual property rights, has frequently been controversial. But there are few major initiatives in trade policy that do not have the US playing a central role.
This tradition is under threat from Donald Trump’s administration, which has abrogated the US’s participation in the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a signed (but not yet ratified) deal with 11 other Asia-Pacific economies. His officials, including Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross, have stated instead their preference for one-on-one deals, where the US can address its misguided ambition to use trade policy to reduce bilateral current account deficits.
这种传统现在正面临来自唐纳德?特朗普(Donald Trump)政府的威胁。特朗普政府已宣布退出《跨太平洋伙伴关系协定》(Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement,简称TPP),而此前美国已与其他11个亚太经济体完成了该协定的签署(但尚未获批)。包括商务部长威尔伯?罗斯(Wilbur Ross)在内的本届政府官员,都显示出了对于一对一协议的偏爱——美国可由此实现利用贸易政策来减少双边经常账户赤字这一非理性目标。
The initial reaction in the other TPP countries to the US’s withdrawal was one of shock and disappointment. Shinzo Abe, the Japanese prime minister, said the agreement would be “meaningless” without US participation. But now Japan, the second-largest economy in the pact, has changed its mind and suggested the other TPP nations go ahead without the US.
TPP其他成员国对于美国退出的最初反应是震惊和失望。日本首相安倍晋三(Shinzo Abe)称,没有美国的参与,该协定将“毫无意义”。但如今,作为加入该协定的第二大经济体,日本已经改变了主意,认为其他成员国可以在没有美国参与的情况下继续推进TPP。
There are obvious problems with this course of action. Since the US is bigger than all the other TPP economies put together, its absence will heavily reduce the impact of the deal. Taking America out of the TPP is not as simple as deleting it from the agreed text: it will require a comprehensive revision of the agreement. And opening up the deal, particularly without the US pushing for far-reaching provisions, could mean it being painfully renegotiated and perhaps weakened.
Still, Japan’s attitude deserves praise. Initially, Mr Abe became involved in TPP largely to force domestic reform, particularly in agriculture, with the promise of more access to the US market as a trade-off. If he is prepared to do the former without the latter, it shows how the domestic debate in Japan has shifted. Second, if the US is not prepared to show leadership in maintaining and extending the trading system in Asia, it would be a welcome development for Japan to take up at least some of the running in its absence.
There is often overheated talk about China replacing the US as the trade policy hegemon in Asia, including through the proposed Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) agreement. This ignores the fact that, as the limited content of the RCEP shows, China is interested in little more than reducing goods tariffs to help its exporters. Deals led by Japan — and including advanced economies such as Australia and New Zealand — will at least address much more sophisticated issues relevant to modern commerce, including services and regulation.
有关中国将取代美国成为亚洲贸易政策霸主——包括通过拟议中的《区域全面经济伙伴关系协定》(Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership,简称RCEP)——的讨论往往甚嚣尘上。这类讨论忽视了一个事实:正如RCEP有限的内容所表明的那样,中国仅对降低货物关税来帮助本国出口商有兴趣。由日本来牵头协定,再纳入澳大利亚和新西兰等发达经济体,至少会解决一些与现代商业(包括服务业和监管)相关的复杂得多的问题。
As for the US, it should be careful that its withdrawal from the TPP does not leave it isolated and allow others to usurp its role. Access to the US market is still a powerful lure, but if Tokyo can put together meaningful deals in the region it will feel less compelled to sign a bilateral with the US. In the meantime, a deal between Japan and the EU is well advanced, and European regulations in any case have a way of creeping into trading partners’ economies even without a formal trade deal.
Japan’s TPP initiative shows that updating the trading system in Asia is not a failed project. Secondly, keeping TPP alive would mean that the US cannot count on being able to impose its will through a series of bilateral deals as long as a regional alternative exists. And Mr Abe may not have given up all hope of finding a way to coax the US back into the fold. There is, after all, always life after Mr Trump.
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