随着国际化语言环境建设的需要,很多城市的地铁系统都使用了双语的标识和语音提示系统,上述关于“充值”的词语也因而获得了相应的英语译文,笔者注意到,在一些城市的地铁系统中,“充值卡”被 把value-added与“充值”等同起来,首先是语义上不对应。从字面意思就能看出,value-added不是“充值”,而是“增值”。具有很高知名度的专业术语“增值税”,其英语对应表达就是value-added tax,简称VAT,这就是最好的说明。例如:All charges for service are exclusive of value added tax. 再来看看value-added card,即所谓的“充值卡”。Google检索确实获得了大量与value-added card相关的网页,但是仔细研究之后不难发现,这里的value-added card指的是信用卡的增值。众所周知,信用卡的基本功能是透支、刷卡等。除了这些基本功能以外的功能就是增值服务,信用卡增值服务的品种和门类很多,各家银行的措施也不尽相同,比如,积分兑换奖品、免费短信通知、不定时抽奖等等。也就是说,具有增值服务 Many credit cards promise "free" rewards (frequent flier miles, for example) if you charge enough or earn enough points. These cards make it seem like you're getting something for nothing. Are these "value-added" cards worth it? The only way to tell is to examine your current spending needs and credit card buying habits.
Value-added cards often come with hefty annual fees. But if you already use a credit card for business expenses (or if you travel a great deal), the tickets you could earn with an airline credit card might be worth far more than the $50 or $60 annual fee.
第一段文字中的"free" rewards就是所谓的增值服务,而括弧里的举例说明frequent flier miles指的就是信用卡的增值服务中最常见的通过刷卡消费累积航空里程,常见于商旅信用卡,其最大的特点就是消费可累积飞行里程,积累到一定额度,就可以用里程直接兑换航空公司的免费机票。又如,航空联名信用卡能为持卡客户提供更多旅行类及生活类的特别优惠与权益,如机场接送、免费升舱、机场贵宾厅、附增保险等多种增值服务。但是,因为具有这些附加的服务,所以,附加了增值服务的信用卡通常是收取不菲的年费的,即上述第二段文字的第一句表述Value-added cards often come with hefty annual fees。由此可见,只有提供了多种增值服务的信用卡,才是真正意义上的value-added card!
同理,对卡片持有人提供的增值服务,才是叫做value-added service。维基百科的解释是:A value-added service (VAS) is a popular telecommunications industry term for non-core services, or in short, all services beyond standard voice calls and fax transmissions,也就是说,通讯行业提供的主打业务 行文至此,我们已经可以断定,将公交卡之俗称“充值卡” 目前我国多地公交和地铁系统中关于公交“充值卡”的英语译文还有被称为stored-value card,即所谓的“储值卡”,如南京地铁系统的语音提示系统在英语播报的时候就这么说,但是这个说法也不靠谱。首先,store作为动词作“存储”解释时指的是A stock or supply reserved for future use,即把某件物品存储起来以备日后使用,这个释义与这里的“储值”就不对应了。国外某投资网站对store of value条目做了如下解释:Any form of commodity, asset, or money that has value and can be stored and retrieved over time,即任何具有价值的商品、资产或金钱都可以储存起来以备日后使用。其次,根据维基百科的解释,stored-value card应用在公交领域时,应该是指不记名的公交卡,请看以下释义:A stored-value card refers to monetary value on a card not in an externally recorded account and differs from prepaid cards where money is on deposit with the issuer similar to a debit card. One major difference between stored value cards and prepaid debit cards is that prepaid debit cards are usually issued in the name of individual account holders, while stored value cards are usually anonymous. 维基百科的上述解释表明,stored value cards是匿名的。据笔者的有限了解,我国的公交卡起初都是匿名的,而现在基本上都是实名制的,所以说应该属于prepaid card。
事实上,关于“充值卡”,现在还有另外一个应用领域,即手机充值卡,这种充值卡在英语中除了可以表示为phone card之外,近来还通常被称为top-up card。Top up是个动词,表示把一个容器填满,就是续杯的意思。现在Top up 这个词组又扩大了其应用的范围。比如给手机充值,或者给公共交通卡充值。Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary 在线词典对top-up card的解释是a card that you buy for a mobile/cell phone so that you can make more calls to the value of the card。Collins English Dictionary 则解释为a card bought by a mobile phone user entitling him or her to a stipulated amount of credit for future calls 。手机充值服务就叫做top-up service,如香港最大电讯公司电讯盈科
Recharge value
Instant Bonus Value
$50 - $99
180 days
$100 - $199
180 days
$200 - $299
180 days
$300 or above
180 days
上图可见,充值话费为recharge value,立即返还的话费叫做instant bonus value,有效期则是validity.
此外,手机充值卡也可以表达为pre-paid phone card,如美国联邦贸易委员会 Top up也可以用作动词,所以买充值卡给手机充值可以表达为top up the phone. 此外,给公交卡或手机充值的动词,还可以使用recharge,该单词本意表示给蓄电池或者电器再充电,现在也经常被延伸使用,表示“充值”。另一个超出词汇本义被延伸使用表示充值的动词是reload,如美国运通预付卡American Express Prepaid Card网站关于充值的说明You can reload your Card as often as you wish either online or by phone.加拿大金斯顿市公交公司则对其公交月票的充值做了如下告顾客说明:Monthly passes are sold at sales outlets or for your convenience, you may reload your monthly pass online.这里的recharge和reload均是从其本义延伸而来的形象生动的用法。
综上所述,笔者认为,公交充值卡应该表达为prepaid (IC) card 或者public transport card或者smart card, 手机充值卡可以表达为top-up card/phone card/pre-paid phone card/calling card,“充值”的动词可以用top up, recharge, reload,甚至就可以直接说add money,如I need to add money to my phone。美国运通预付卡网站对于如何给这种卡片充值
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