Blake Lively was the belle of the ball in this baby blue Vivienne Westwood Cinderella gown. We liked the ruffles and embellished bodice. She worked the look with a high bun and a diamond headband, that went well with the Cinderella theme.
Gown:用在红毯场合指的是礼服,比如evening gown就是指“晚礼服”。Gown可以泛指女人穿的长服,尤指教士、法官、教授等的礼服或妇女的睡衣等,也指长袍。
Ruffles:衣服的褶裥花边,比如:You will need 12 yards of ribbon facing for the ruffles. (你将需要12码丝带为衣服镶边之用。)
Bun:女子的圆发髻,high bun也就是高高挽起的发髻。
Headband:束发带,头巾,例如ski headband就是指的滑雪束发带。
布莱克•莱弗利因此成为红毯上的belle of the ball(舞会之花)。
Photograph: Eric Gaillard/Reuters
Toni Garrn put her best foot forward on the red carpet with a risque black off-shoulder, thigh-high slit dress.
high slit dress:高开叉长裙/礼服,thigh-high指的是高开至大腿的。
With her hair thrown over her shoulder, Russian model Tanya Dyagileva added a touch of colour on the Cannes red carpet in this red, long sleeved, tulle gown featuring rich floral embroideries from George Shobeika's Fall/Winter 2016-17 collection.
俄罗斯名模Tanya Dyagileva长发披肩,身穿红色长袖薄纱礼服,为红毯增添了一抹亮色。礼服来自乔治斯·荷拜卡品牌2016-17秋冬成衣系列,上有细密的花朵刺绣。
long sleeve: 长袖,比如long sleeve blouse(长袖衬衣)
tulle: 薄纱
Italian model Bianca Balti was the cynosure of all eyes in this ice blue strapless Alberta Ferretti gown with a long train. She chose a pair of gorgeous sapphire and diamond earrings and a matching bracelet which matched beautifully with her gown.
ice blue:冰蓝色
train:裙裾,或叫拖裾。是正式场合裙子拖地的部分,比如fishtail train(鱼尾形拖裾)
Model Lily Donaldson owned the red carpet in this black gown with a plunging neckline. She accessorised it with a black choker by Atelier Swarovski. We loved her low ponytail and bold maroon lipstick.
neckline: 指的是衣服的领口,开领,plunging用来形容领口的形状。
choker: 宽领带,短项链。也可以指颈圈。
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下一篇: 特朗普“为自己代言”
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