“黄粱美梦”怎么说 [ 2007-07-04 09:47 ] 在英语中,经常有一些非常好用的口语小词能让你的英语地道许多,今天我们一起来看看四个有趣的小词,学会它,你的英语会增色不少哦!
1.当你想表达"这是事情的真相"时,你首先会想到用什么词呢?Truth? Inside information?都不地道,是lowdown!
"Lowdown"这个词通常用来指"事情的真相"或外界不知道的"内幕消息",它有时会跟介词"on"连用,例如:"give someone the lowdown on something 一起来看段小对话:
A: Just give me the lowdown, and you'll be fine.
B: I don't know anything, sir!I didn't have anything to do with that murder!
Noise在词典中的解释有"nonsense; empty talk",它的原意是"噪音",在这里则是用来形容一个人胡说八道、讲一些毫无意义的废话,就好比噪音一样,让人不禁想把耳朵捂起来,连听都不想听。
A: Listen to me, boss. I thought I could handle it myself. I didn't know I would screw it up.
B: I don't wanna hear that noise!Just tell me what you're gonna do right now.
3.当你想讽刺或者劝告别人不要再做无谓的白日梦的时候,可以用fool's paradise 来代替daydream。
在英语中,fool's paradise 的意思是 a state of contentment that is based on false beliefs,即中文里的"黄粱美梦"。英文借"傻瓜的天堂"来比喻一个人处在虚幻的幸福假象中。这个片语多用来讽刺人生的荣华富贵犹如黄粱美梦,随时可能幻灭。
A: Does the chairman realize that our company's business is going downhill?
B: I don't think so. I'm afraid he's still living in a fool's paradise.
4.最后我们来看看 double whammy 这个小词。你是否有在一天中连续遇到许多不顺心的事情呢?下次碰到这样的情况,你就可以用这个词啦!
Double whammy 的英语解释是 two unpleasant situations or difficulties occurring at the same time。"Whammy"这个词有"诅咒"或"致命打击"的意思。因此"double whammy"就是指在同一时间内遭遇双重的打击或困难,如同中文里所讲的"祸不单行"。
A: Yesterday I had a real double whammy. My boss fired me, and my wife asked for a divorce.
B: Cheer up, man. Things are not as bad as you think.
上一篇: 美语活起来(1)-英语点津
下一篇: 善用你的语气(1)-英语点津
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