战国时候,韩非子曾发出了感慨:"窃钩者诛,窃国者侯"。孔乙己在偷书被人打后遭到别人的嘲笑时,用"窃书不算偷"聊以自慰。"偷"这个词在中国古代的时候用法就很灵活了,当代汉语中的用法就更多了,比如说"偷心","偷情"等等之类;英语中的 steal 也是有着很多表达哦,下面我们就来详细解剖一下"steal"。 1. Steal one's heart 偷心
She stole his heart at her first sight.
他在见她第一眼时就爱上她了。 2. Steal out 偷跑
She stole out of the prison.
她偷偷溜出了监狱。 3. Steal one's thunder 偷用某人的创意
It was Harold's idea but they stole his thunder and turned it into a massive advertising campaign without giving him credit.
这本来是Harold的创意,但是他们偷用了,投放了大规模的广告,却没给他一点好处。 4. Steal a march 先发制人
The USA claimed it would steal a march to attach the would-be enemies.
美国声称将先发制人,以便对付潜在的敌人。 5. Steal 断球
A good team player as Beckham, his ball had been stolen many times.
虽说小贝是个好球员,但是他也曾很多次被人断球。 6. Steal one's spotlight 抢风头
When Tom was in a presentation, his sister stole his spotlight by reading out a poem aloud.
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