是不是觉得自己已经能够说一口流利的英语了呢?是不是觉得“老外”们的话还是听不太懂呢?是不是觉得他们的话里“俚语”太多了呢?俚语又究竟是个什么东东?Slang is informal language and has a shorter "life-span" than other English words. Nevertheless, you will find all of these words in a good monolingual dictionary and slang is a common part of daily life to most native speakers. 想不想学点俚语露一手呢?以下这些可是书本上见不到的地道英国俚语。赶快来看一看吧,很有意思噢! You lot must think I'm stupid .
You lot: all of you I'm skint.
Skint: short of money
I met some bloke in the pub.
Bloke: man Fancy a cuppa?
Fancy: do you want...
Cuppa: cup of tea Skiing is a doddle.
Doddle: easy Lend me a quid.
Quid: one pound He's an ace footballer.
Ace: excellent I need the loo
loo: toilet She's full of beans.
Full of beans: full of energy This film is rubbish.
Rubbish: garbage=bad I need to spend a penny.
Spend a penny: go to the toilet Ta (pronounced Tar)
Ta: thanks That fish is a bit dodgy, he's a dodgy person.
Dodgy: suspicious What's on the telly?
Telly: televison You look trendy.
Trendy: Fashionable Keep your hair on! - Calm down!
上一篇: 学两句“点菜”英语
下一篇: “热锅上的蚂蚁”怎么说(通讯员稿)