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发布时间:2017-05-12  编辑:查字典英语网小编

英语小测验 健康:描述病情的常用搭配 在去医院看病时,首先我们要向医生解释自己的病情,但如果使用的语言不够准确,就可能导致医生无法对症下药。如何用英语描述“嗓子痛”、“流鼻涕”、“恶心想吐”等常见的症状?试着做下面六道题,并学习一些用来形容病症的固定英语词汇。

1. Patient: "I think I've got a bad cold – I've got a really __________ throat and a ___________ nose."

a) sore, runny

b) achy, itchy

c) hurt, runny

d) sore, watery

2. Patient: "I think I may have an allergy; I have a __________ on my arm and it's really __________."

a) itch, scratchy

b) rash, itchy

c) scratch, itch

d) rash, scratchy

3.  Patient: "I twisted my ankle when I was playing tennis and now it is really __________ - it's twice the size of the other one."

Doctor: "It's not broken, but I think you may have __________ it."

a) bloated, hurt

b) hurt, fractured

c) swelled, sprained

d) swollen, sprained

4. Patient: "I've got a really __________ temperature and a __________ headache."

a) heavy, painful

b) high, splitting

c) hot, splitting

d) high, heavy

5. Patient: "I can't feel anything in my big toe…"

a) it's really tingling.

b) it's gone completely numb.

c) it's gone into shock.

d) it's totally numbed.

6. Patient: "I had some undercooked chicken last night and now I feel really __________ and I keep getting stomach __________."

a) nauseous, cramps

b) sickly, ache

c) vomity, cramps

d) queasy, bloats

答案 1) a, 2) b, 3) d, 4) b, 5) b, 6) a.


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