Prince Philip to stop royal duties 英王室菲利普亲王将不再履行王室公务-查字典英语网
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Prince Philip to stop royal duties 英王室菲利普亲王将不再履行王室公务

发布时间:2017-05-10  编辑:查字典英语网小编

Prince Philip to stop royal duties 英王室菲利普亲王将不再履行王室公务

Play audio file 英国王室于 2017年 5月4日发布声明宣布, 女王 伊丽莎白二世的丈夫菲利普亲王将于今年秋季“退休”,不再履行王室公务。菲利普亲王也拥有爱丁堡公爵的头衔,下个月将迎来他 96岁的生日。白金汉宫说此决定是由菲利普亲王自己做出的,同时也得到了英女王的全力支持。

The Duke has been a great support to the Queen, by her side on royal engagements for more than five decades. But the 95 year old says it’s time for him to step away from public life.

He is patron, president or a member of more than 780 organisations. He will continue to support them, but the Palace says he won’t play an active role. He may still though choose to attend certain public events from time to time.

The Palace also says the Queen will continue to carry out a full programme of official engagements.

词汇表 royal engagements 王室公务活动

to step away 退出,离开

public life 公众视线

patron 资助人

president 主席

a full programme of 安排非常满的

测验 请听报道并回答下列问题。

1. How long has Prince Philip been supporting the Queen on royal engagements?

2. How many organisations are honoured to have the Prince as their patron, president or is a member of?

3. True or false? The Prince will not attend any public events after retirement.

4. Which word in the text means ‘relating to a position of responsibility’?

答案 1. How long has Prince Philip been supporting the Queen on royal engagements?

More than five decades.

2. How many organisations are honoured to have the Prince as their patron, president or is a member of?

More than 780 organisations.

3. True or false? The Prince will not attend any public events after retirement.

False. The prince may choose to attend certain public events.

4. Which word in the text means ‘relating to a position of responsibility’?



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