Getting adequate sleep is an important part of a healthy lifestyle, but according to the National Sleep Foundation, roughly 45 percent of Americans experience poor or insufficient sleep. Well, what we're all eating could be the part of the problem. Certain foods can interfere with a good night’s rest, while others can help promote quality sleep. Here are 6 foods that may be contributing to restless nights, and what you should be eating to catch more zzz's.
1. Wine-ing down
Are you guilty of a glass of wine (or two) before bed? According to nutritionist Dawn Jackson Blatner, author of The Superfood Swap, that might not be the best idea, “Alcohol makes it harder to fall into a deep reparative sleep.”While a cocktail may help put you to sleep, ultimately the quality of sleep is less than optimal.
你是否有睡前喝一杯的习惯呢?根据营养学家Dawn Jackson,同时也是“Superfood Swap”的作者,酒精会影响人们进入深度睡眠。一杯鸡尾酒会让你很容易入睡,但是睡眠质量却不高。
2. Heavy, late-night dinners
If you’re saving up all day for a big, filling dinner, you may have a hard time sleeping soundly. This is because your energy shifts to digestion after eating, and especially after eating a larger meal. Eating too much food, no matter what it is, close to bed time makes it hard to sleep since our body is working overtime to digest the big meal, instead of focusing on relaxing into sleep.
3. Protein powders
Make sure that you read the label of your favorite protein powder. “Having a protein drink before bed may make it hard to sleep since some protein powders/drinks have added vitamins and minerals. Especially B vitamins, which can energize you and make it hard to get to sleep.
4. Coffee and caffeine after 12 p.m.
Drinking too much caffeine, too late in the day, can really impair sleep. In fact, caffeine has a very long duration of action and its stimulating effects can last about 12 hours.”
5. Chocolate and certain teas
As mentioned above, caffeine disturbs sleep, whether you think it affects you or not. However, caffeine is not just found in coffee! Having a chocolate dessert after dinner? You might want to rethink that choice!
6. Water
If you find yourself parched in the evening, and then drink a lot of water before bed, you probably make a few bathroom trips in the middle of the night, which has a negative impact on your sleep. Instead of waiting until you physically feel dehydrated (and then drinking too much water at night), put alarms on your phone to remind you to drink water throughout the day.
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