2016’s word of the year was “Fuuuuuuuuuuck.”
In the past, Merriam-Webster’s Word of the Year directly corresponded to the major events of that year.
To rub salt in the gaping wound that is 2016, Oxford Dictionary chose “post-truth” as their word of the year, narrowly beating out “alt-right”, while Dictionary.com selected “xenophobia” as theirs.
2016是在开裂的伤口搓盐的一年,牛津词典选了“后真相”作为年度词汇,紧随其后的是“另类右翼”, 而Dictionary网选择了“憎恶外国人”作为其年度词儿。
Those are real. Those are based on millions of searches on their respective sites.
What is meant to be taken as satire is actually closer to the truth than novelty. Would I have chosen “fuuuuuuuuuuck?”
Shebacle: a situation so messed up and so profoundly shitty that it reaches past the conventional parameters of a debacle
Shebacle: 用来只乱作一锅粥的情况,混乱到分崩离析、无以复加,无法用常规尺度衡量。
Disastrophe: fancy portmanteau of disaster and catastrophe
Imbroglio: actual word. means “an extremely confused, complicated, or embarrassing situation”
Imbroglio: 这个词汇真实存在,意思为”极为困惑不解、令人困窘的情境“。
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