根据2017年的一项调查,瑞典一半的年轻人在与新伙伴有性行为时都没有使用安全套。在瑞典全国可能仍旧有30%的人,不使用避孕措施。这个调查由瑞典性教育协会做出,算是他们每年一度的‘condom check’时间。调查显示:25%的瑞典人会使用套套。在21-35岁这个年轻人阶段,50%的人都表示自己不用套套。瑞典一家诊所为了推广避孕套以鼓励瑞典年轻男性进行安全性行为,特推出尺寸测量服务,帮助人们选购合适尺寸的套套。
Size matters when it comes to safe sex.
A southern Swedish health clinic is offering services to men to measure their penis in order to fit them with the correct condom size.
Specially designed tape will measure penises in diameter rather than in length and the clinic hopes the unique opportunity will help boost the number of young men to visit youth clinics.
Emelie Svensson, a nurse at the clinic, told radio station P4 Blekinge:
'When you get guys to visit you can move on to mental health, so we want to get them here one way or another.'
Condom use numbers in Sweden is declining, reported The Local, despite the country having very high numbers of sexually transmitted disease cases.
据瑞典The Local网站报道,即便当地的性病病例数量极高,但瑞典的避孕套使用率仍在不断下降。
Sweden was named the STD capital of Europe in 2017, according to studies by Health Express.
In 2017, there was a 26 percent increase of gonorrhoea cases and a 35 percent increase in syphilis cases, according to Sweden's Public Health Agency.
The health clinic hopes that the higher spread use of condoms will encourage safe sex practices in young Swedish men.
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