2017届高考英语一轮复习课件:Unit21 Human Biology(北师大版)-查字典英语网
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2017届高考英语一轮复习课件:Unit21 Human Biology(北师大版)

发布时间:2017-04-21  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  一、开篇引入话题 写作导航 在文章中开门见山,点出下一步要评析的话题。常用的表达有: ·It has become a heated discussion whether... ·It is known to us all that... ·It's suggested that... ·It's believed/agreed/thought that... ·More and more people are concerned about the problem that... 二、中间分析问题 写作导航 根据写作的需要和自己的实际从某个或某些角度对问题进行详细、深入的分析,如表现、原因、危害、影响、好处等。常用的表达有: ·There are several reasons for the problem. ·Several factors lead/contribute to it. ·This phenomenon appears in many forms. ·There are many advantages and disadvantages with... 三、发表个人看法或提出解决问题的办法或建议等 写作导航 就谈论的话题适当发表个人的看法或见解。有时也可提出解决问题的具体方法或建议供他人参考。常用的表达有: ·From my point of view... ·My opinion is that... ·As far as I'm concerned... ·There is a variety of solutions to the problem. ·My suggestion is that... 专项训练 写作导航 评析类作文写作练习 目前,全国各地越来越多的中学周末不再上课,因此各种各样的补习班也出现了。对于这一现象,你班开展了一场题为“周末是否应该去上补习班”的英语辩论赛。以下是反方的主要观点: 写作导航 请根据以上基本内容写一篇短文,代表反方作最后的总结陈词。 注意: 1.以约120词表达全部内容。 2.开头已给出,不计入总词数。 Ladies and gentlemen,in summary,our team has argued that attending training classes at weekends is absolutely unnecessary. 写作导航 【参考范文】 Ladies and gentlemen,in summary,our team has argued that attending training classes at weekends is absolutely unnecessary. On the one hand,it takes up too much spare time of students so that they do not have enough time to have a rest and take exercise.On the other hand,attending training classes may lead some students not to listen attentively in their regular classes.In addition,these courses put an extra financial burden on parents and cost them much more time and 写作导航 energy.What's worse,some of the training classes are set up just to make money and don't teach students carefully.Therefore,we believe that these training classes do not benefit students a lot and students should be encouraged to spend their spare time in colorful ways. 词义猜测型阅读理解 题型突破 根据语境猜测生词或短语的意思,或者推断熟词生义,是考生必须掌握的一项重要阅读技能,因此,词义猜测题是高考阅读理解的必考题型。这类题包括猜测单词、短语、句子的意思和判断指代内容。题干中通常含有mean,refer to 或者 be replaced by 等。 一、代词指代关系 题型突破  it/this/that/they/one等代词指代的内容多在该句的前、后句中。找到指代的内容后,把它放到相应位置上验证句子是否通顺并合乎题意,与前后句的内容是否一致,据此判断它是否为正确答案。需要注意的是,有时答案的信息源跨上一段或下一段,难度较大。 二、猜生词词义、熟词新义、句义 题型突破  1.结合画线词语在句子中的成分,由and/or等并列词来确定意义范围,推知其大致意义。对比and/or前后短语或句子的意思,猜测词(句)义。 2.根据该画线词之后的定语、表语、同位语、逗号、括号、破折号等的解释说明来推测其意思。 3.根据but/however/otherwise/though/on the contrary等转折关系的词语,或根据that's to say/in other words/like/for example/such as/as ...as等解释性或举例的词语,或根据 题型突破 unlike/while/on the other hand/in spite of/in contrast等对比关系的词语,推测词(句)义等。 4.根据because/so/therefore/thus/so that/such that/so...that/such...that等表示因果关系的词语来猜测词、句义。 专项训练 题型突破 阅读理解练习 For five days,Edmonton's Downtown Park is changed into one huge stage where artists are able to share their talents,and where people are able to celebrate and enjoy themselves.Since its beginning in 1980,the Edmonton Folk Music Festival has been commemorating the true feeling of what folk music is all about and that's the traditional belongingness that is felt when people gather to share stories and feelings through songs. 题型突破 This year will be the sixth year when volunteer Riedel will be offering up her time to the festival.“People coming_off a busy spring and summer can have a moment of relaxation,” Riedel said.“It's really easy to relax,and it's great seeing family and friends have fun together.” These families and friends come from all different kinds of musical tastes.People who take pleasure in Blues are there,so are people who love Bluegrass.This festival does its best to develop everyone's musical interests. With so many years of experience,the_festival_has_become_a_well-oiled_machine, and does whatever it can to make attendees feel as comfortable as possible.There are free water stations throughout the venue (举办地) for people to fill up their travel cups.When people buy food,reusable ashes are given a $2 plate fee,but that is returned when the plate is brought back. 1.What does the underlined word “commemorating” in Paragraph 1 probably mean?


  B.Feeling. C.Celebrating.

  D.Expressing. 题型突破 2.The underlined word “belongingness” in Paragraph 1 has the closest meaning with ________.


  B.happiness C.friendliness


  3.The underlined phrase “coming off” in Paragraph 2 probably means ________.


  B.experiencing C.wanting

  D.leaving 题型突破 4.What does the underlined word “Blues” in Paragraph 2 probably refer to?

  A.A kind of color. B.A kind of music festival.

  C.A kind of music style. D.A kind of music instrument. 题型突破 5.What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 3 probably mean?

  A.The festival has to be well improved. B.The festival has been running very well.

  C.The festival needs more effort to support it. D.The festival has brought many benefits to people. 题型突破 1.解析:根据上文的“celebrate and enjoy themselves”可推断“commemorating”表示“庆祝”。 答案:C 2.解析:根据下文的gather to share...推断“belongingness”意为“聚会”。 答案:A 3.解析:根据下文“can have a moment of relaxation”可知是“经历”了忙碌的春天和夏天。 答案:B 题型突破 4.解析:根据上文“all different kinds of musical tastes”可知Blues是一种音乐风格。 答案:C 5.解析:从上下文看,这句话是指这个民间音乐节运行良好。 答案:B 题型突破 归纳拓展 考点整合 阅读下面的句子,了解画线短语的含义和用法。 (1)I'll do nothing until I hear from you,at_any_rate. (at any rate“无论如何”) (2)We're working so slowly that,at_this_rate,we'll never finish the job. (at this rate“照这样下去”) (5)At_this_rate,we shall soon be bankrupt. (at this rate“照这样下去”) 考点整合 完成下列句子。 (1)If we spend money________,we'll be broken in six months. (2)That's one part of the job done________. (3)____________we will not be able to afford a holiday. (4)_____________we must go on Tuesday. (5)___________ there will be no wedding presents in heaven. 即学即练 at this rate  at any rate  At this rate At any rate  At any rate 考点整合 5.wipe out 擦拭……的内部;彻底摧毁;消灭;取消 归纳拓展 考点整合 wipe away from 把……从……上擦掉 wipe up(用布)擦净,擦掉 考点整合 完成下列句子。 (1)使用浴盆前先把里面擦洗干净。 __________ the bath before you use it. (2)医生们正在寻找治愈癌症的医疗方法。 Doctors are searching for a cure that will ________ cancer. (3)地震把整个城市夷为平地。 The whole city ______________ by the earthquake. 即学即练 Wipe out  wipe out  was wiped out Ⅲ.重点句型 考点整合 1.It is compulsory for winners to be tested but other participants are only tested at random.(p.34) 获胜者要强制性地进行检查,而其他参与者只是随机进行检查。 归纳拓展 考点整合 It is+ adj.+for sb.+to do sth.结构中it是形式主语,真正的主语是不定式结构,sb.是不定式的逻辑主语。 考点整合 汉译英。 (1)教师在人数多的班上很难照顾到每个学生。 ________________________________________________________________________ (2)我们参加体力劳动是十分必要的。 ________________________________________________________________________ 即学即练 It is difficult for a teacher to give individual attention to everyone in a large class. It is necessary for us to take part in physical labor. 考点整合 2.It struck near the end of the First World War and left families mourning worldwide.(p.39) 它开始于第一次世界大战末期,结果使世界各地的许多家庭承受丧亲之痛。 归纳拓展 考点整合 句中的leave意为“使某人/某物处于某种状态”,常用于“leave+宾语+宾补” 结构中。宾补常由形容词、v-ing形式、不定式、过去分词、介词短语等充当。 考点整合 完成或翻译下列句子。 (1)不要让她在外面雨中等着。 Don't leave her ____________ outside in the rain.

  (2)男孩留下没动过的蛋糕,因为不好吃。 The boy left the cake ____________, because it didn't taste nice. 即学即练 waiting  untouched  考点整合

  (3)他们匆匆离去,留下许多问题需要解决。 They left in a hurry,leaving many problems ________________________.

  (4)那场大地震使数以万计的人无家可归。 ________________________________________________________________________ to be settled That big earthquake left thousands of people homeless. 考点整合 3.With all the international effort being made,we have to have faith that there will be solutions in time to stop a Bird Flu epidemic in its tracks.(p.39) 随着国际间的共同努力,我们应该相信人们会及时找到解决方案来彻底消灭禽流感。 归纳拓展 考点整合 with all the international effort being made 是with的复合结构,即“with +宾语+宾补”,此处的宾补是being made。 考点整合 完成下列句子。 (1)随着时光的流逝,我们的友谊越来越深厚。 ____________________,our friendship gets deeper and deeper. (2)作业做完后,同学们就可以回家了。 ______________________,the students could go home. (3)因为有一份文件要打印,我要5分钟后才离开。 ____________________,I can't leave in five minutes. 即学即练 With time going by  With the homework finished

  With a document to print





  题型突破 栏目链接 比较级与词形变换 语法专题 语法填空中,比较级和词形变换是常考点。解答这一题型,首先需分析句子的结构,明确空格在句中作何种成分并确定其词性,然后再作适当的词形转换。 1.当所给词为形容词或副词,或句中有than,a little,even,far等修饰或标志词时,用形容词或副词比较级。 ·It might have made it a little ________ (hard)for everybody because it meant they had to go by foot. (副词hard有a little修饰,故填比较级harder) 语法专题 2.作表语(系动词之后),定语(修饰名词)或补语(表性质状态)时,通常用形容词形式。 ·That would be a very ________ (reason)thing to do in a big city,but it could destroy a small village like ours.(句中应作名词thing的定语,故填形容词reasonable) 3.作主语,或在及物动词、介词后作宾语时,通常用名词形式,前面可能有形容词修饰,注意单复数形式。 ·He had witnessed too many ________ (die)and wounds as the Battle of Solferino in Italy four years earlier.(指死亡,可数名词有too many修饰,所以填deaths) 语法专题 4.修饰动词、形容词、副词或整个句子,或作状语,用副词形式。 ·One hundred percent of all donations will go ________ (direct)to the charities.(用副词directly修饰go) 5.根据句子意思及前后逻辑关系,有可能考查与词根意义相反的源生词,此时需要在词根前加un-,im-,in-,ir-等,或在词根后加-less。 ·Also,the more children young couples have,the ________ (happy)they become.(“the+比较级,the+比较级”表示“越……越……”,根据语境“孩子越多,年轻夫妇就越不幸福”可知应填unhappier) 专项训练 语法专题 Ⅰ.用括号中所给词的适当形式填空 1.We can have the most dedicated teachers,the most________(support) parents and the best schools in the world. 2.In a very real sense,each of us as human beings have been given an invisible golden box filled with________(condition) love and kisses from our children,family,friends and God. 语法专题

  3.The boy finished by saying,“Before the trip I thought we were rich but today I learnt who is

  ________(true) rich.” 4.But a child has his pains: he is not so free to do what he wishes to; he is ________(repeat) being told not to do something,or being punished for what he has done. 5.He was very tired after doing this for a whole day,but he felt very happy since the crop did “grow”________(high). 6.Fine snow covered the yard,dusted the top of my truck and whitened the road.But that wasn't the________(bad) part. 语法专题

  7.Their tips include using the stairs and public transport________(frequent) than elevators and cars. 8.And I would not be standing here tonight without the unyielding support of my________(good) friend for the last 16 years,the rock of our family,the love of my wife,the nation's next first lady Michelle Obama. 9.But a mother in North Carolina said she thought the________(speak) could have a positive impact. 语法专题 10.—Volunteering is becoming________(increase) popular in China.

  —Yeah,people are now aware that helping others is helping themselves. 语法专题 1.解析:形容词作定语修饰名词parents。 答案:supportive 2.解析:修饰名词love, 用形容词形式,故把名词condition转换成形容词conditional; 再根据句意及生活常识,来自孩子的爱是“无条件的”,故加否定前缀un-。 答案:unconditional 3.解析:修饰形容词rich,用副词作状语。 答案:truly 4.解析:修饰动词told,用副词作状语。 答案:repeatedly 语法专题 5.解析:和他拔苗之前相比,现在的苗“长得更高”,这里省略了than before,是隐性比较级。 答案:higher 6.解析:根据句意及空格前的the判断,用形容词最高级作定语。 答案:worst 7.解析:修饰动词using,用副词作状语;再根据句意与than判断,应该用比较级more frequently。 答案:more frequently 8.解析:根据空格后的“for the last 16 years”和常识可知,应填形容词最高级作定语。 答案:best 语法专题 9.解析:根据空前的the与其后的谓语动词could have判断,该空格应填名词作宾语从句的主语。 答案:speech 10.解析:修饰形容词popular应用副词,作状语。 答案:increasingly 语法专题 Ⅱ.语篇填空

  At that moment,many buildings were unusual.Perhaps the most 1.________(ordinary) building of the nineteenth century was the Crystal Palace,which was built in Hyde Park for the Great 2.________(exhibit) of 1851.The Crystal Palace was 3.________(differ) from all other buildings in the world,for it was made of iron and glass.It was one of the 4.________(big) buildings of all time and a lot of people from many countries came to see it. A great many goods were sent to the exhibition from 5.________(variety) parts of the


  world.There was also a great deal of 6.________(machine) on display.Though in those days,traveling was not as easy as it is today,steam boats carried thousands of 7.________(visit) across the Channel from 8.________(European).On 9.________(arrive) in England,they were taken to the Crystal Palace by train.Later,the Crystal Palace was moved to South London.It remained one of the most 10.________(fame) buildings in the world until it was burnt down in 1936. 语法专题 1.解析:修饰名词,用形容词作定语;根据句意及unusual,应加前缀-extra。 答案:extraordinary 2.解析:great是形容词,the great作定语,后应填名词,又因是专有名词,故首字母应大写。 答案:Exhibition 3.解析:形容词作表语。

  答案:different 4.解析:根据one of the,应用形容词最高级作定语。 答案:biggest 语法专题 5.解析:形容词作定语修饰名词。 答案:various 6.解析:用名词machinery表示机器的总称,作主语。 答案:machinery 7.解析:根据thousands of可知填名词visitors作宾语。 答案:visitors 8.解析:名词作介词宾语。 答案:Europe 语法专题 9.解析:名词作介词宾语。 答案:arrival 10.解析:形容词作定语。 答案:famous 书面表达分类训练(10)——评析现象 写作导航 评析类作文要求考生就某一问题进行分析并发表个人看法或给出具体建议。在写作时,一般应遵循下列三个步骤: 归纳拓展 考点整合 prohibit=forbid=ban 禁止 prohibit sb.from doing sth.禁止某人做某事 be prohibited from doing sth.(某人)被禁止做某事 考点整合 完成下列句子。 (1)他的身高使他不能成为一名警察。 His height ______________________ being a policeman. (2)哈利·波特被禁止进入那间房子。 Harry Potter ___________________________ that house. (3)雨天和大雾妨碍了飞行。 Rainy weather and fog ________________. 即学即练 prohibited him from was prohibited from entering prohibited flying 考点整合 4.fundamental adj.基本的,基础的;根本的;十分重要的;主要的;首要的 n.(通常作复数) 基本规则; 基本原则; 基本原理; 基本部分 归纳拓展 考点整合 be fundamental to 对……必不可少;对……十分重要 考点整合 完成下列句子。 (1)他的根本错误是过分依赖他人。 His ____________________was to rely too much on others. (2)水对于生存来说必不可少。 Water is ________________ survival. (3)这对加强中国国防非常重要。 This is ____________ to the building up of China's national defense. 即学即练 fundamental mistake  fundamental to fundamental  考点整合 (4)他最关心的是她的幸福。

  His _____________________ was for her welfare. (5)首要的问题是政治问题。 The ____________________ is a political one. fundamental concern fundamental problem 考点整合 5.oppose vt.反对;反抗;(与某人)较量 归纳拓展 考点整合 opposed adj.强烈反对的 opposing adj.对立的;对抗的 opponent n.对手,敌手,反对者 be opposed to 反对…… as opposed to (表对比)而;相对于 考点整合 完成下列句子。 (1)他反对修建新礼堂的建议。 He ________ the proposal to build a new hall.

  (2)国会继续反对总统的医疗预算。 Congress is continuing to ________ the President's health care budget.

  (3)另外两名候选人反对他。 He ________________ two other candidates.

  即学即练 opposed  oppose  is opposed by 考点整合

  (4)你和谁比赛? Who ________________ you in the match?

   is opposing 考点整合 6.cater vi.满足;迎合 归纳拓展 考点整合 cater for sth./sb.迎合 cater to sth.满足某种需要 考点整合 完成下列句子。 (1)电视剧需要迎合各种不同的口味。 TV plays must________ many different tastes. (2)我们必须满足客户的需求。 ________________ the needs of customers. 即学即练 cater for  We must cater to 7.postpone vt.推迟;延迟 考点整合 归纳拓展 考点整合 postpone=delay=put off推迟 postpone sth.(to sth.)推迟某事物;使某事物推迟 be postponed for an hour推迟1个小时 postpone doing sth.推迟做某事 postpone sth.until/to/for...推迟;耽搁;使延期 考点整合 汉译英。 (1)由于下雨我们推迟了比赛。 ______________________________________________ (2)咱们在获取更多信息之后再做决定也不迟。 _______________________________________________________ 即学即练 We postponed the match because of the rain. Let's postpone making a decision until we have more information. 考点整合

  (3)由于双方队员的冲突,比赛被迫推迟半个小时。 ______________________________________________________________________________________ (4)会议延迟到下星期举行。 __________________________________________ The match was postponed for half an hour because of the conflict of players of the two sides. The meeting is postponed until next week. 考点整合

  8.decline vi.减少;降低,下降;拒绝,谢绝 vt.拒绝,谢绝 n.减少;下降;衰退 归纳拓展 考点整合 in decline衰退,下降 fall/go into a decline失去力量或影响 考点整合 完成下列句子。 (1)他谢绝了他们的邀请。 He __________________. (2)墙壁因地震而稍稍倾斜。 The wall _______________ on account of the earthquake. (3)我们城市对体育的兴趣急剧下降。 There is ________________________ in interest in sports in our city. 即学即练 declined their invitation  declined slightly a sharp decline 考点整合

  (4)我们在研究古罗马的衰落。 We are studying __________________. (5)Industry in Britain has been____________(衰退) since the 1970s. (6)I offered to give them a lift but they________. (7)The number of tourists ___________________by 10% last year. (8)The town_____________________after the mine near it closed two years ago. the decline of ancient Rome in decline  declined  declined fell/went into a decline Ⅱ.重点短语 考点整合 1.in vain 徒然;枉费心机 归纳拓展 考点整合 in place在合适的地方 in sight 在视野内;被看到 in effect 有效地 in peace=peacefully 和平地 in surprise=surprisedly 特殊地 考点整合 完成下列句子。 (1)警察试图驱散抗议的人群,但没有成功。 The police tried ________________ to break up the protest crowds. (2)我们所有的工作都白做了。 All our work was ________________. 即学即练 in vain  in vain 考点整合 (3)我们想使他改变主意,结果是白费心机。 We tried _______________________________________________________. in vain to make him change his mind 考点整合 2.at random 随便地;任意地;胡乱地 归纳拓展 考点整合 guess at random瞎猜 open a book at random随便翻开一本书

  read at random无目的地浏览 考点整合 完成下列句子。 (1)图书管理员从书架上随便拿了一本书。 The librarian took a book ________________ from the shelf. (2)老师一走进来他就随便翻开一本书。 ________________________ as soon as the teacher came in.

  (3)请不要随地吐痰。 Please don't ________________________. 即学即练 at random  He opened a book at random spit at random 考点整合 3.at all costs 不惜任何代价;无论如何 归纳拓展 考点整合 at all costs=at any cost不惜代价 at the cost of 以牺牲……为代价 at cost 照原价;照成本价 考点整合 完成下列句子。 (1)我们将不惜任何代价挽救他的生命。 We will save his life ____________________. (2)她愿意不惜任何代价来完成自己的计划。 She would like to____________________________. 即学即练 at all costs  finish her plan at all costs 考点整合 4.at any rate 无论如何 模块7• Unit 21 Human Biology Ⅰ.写出下列必考单词 基础再现 识记类词汇 1.circulate(vi.)____________ 2.enhance(vt.)____________ 3.doping(n.)____________ 4.controversial(adj.)____________ 5.contradict(vt.)____________ 6.complicated(adj.)____________ 使……循环;(使)流通 提高,增加 服兴奋剂 有争议的,引起争议的 反驳,驳斥 复杂的 基础再现 7.privileged(adj.)____________ 8.epidemic(n.)____________ 9.symptom(n.)____________ 10.routine(n.)____________ 11.prescription(n.)____________ 12.institution(n.)____________ 13.fundamental(adj.)____________

  荣幸的 流行病 症状 例行公事;常规;惯例 药方,处方 团体;公共机构 根本的,基础的 基础再现 表达运用类词汇 1.消化(vt.)____________ 2.容忍(vt.)____________ 3.怀疑的(adj.)____________ 4.寻求(vt.)____________ 5.一年一次的,年度的(adj.)____________ 6.强制性的(adj.)____________ 7.下降(vi.)____________ digest tolerate doubtful seek annual compulsory decline 基础再现 8.推迟(vt.)____________ 9.透彻的(adj.)____________ 10.协作(n.)____________ 11.重建(vt.)____________ 12.描写,描述(n.)____________ postpone thorough teamwork rebuild description Ⅱ.写出下列单词的变化形式 基础再现 1.容忍(vt.)____________ 忍受,忍耐(n.)____________ 宽容的,容忍的(adj.)____________ 2.反对(vt.)____________ 相反的,反对的(adj.)____________ 反方;对立面(n.)____________ 3.款待(vt.)____________ 治疗(n.)____________ tolerate tolerance tolerant oppose opposite opposition treat treatment

  基础再现 4.储存(n.)____________ 储存,存放(vi.)____________ 5.禁止(vt.)____________ 禁止,禁令(n.)____________ 禁止的(adj.)____________ 6.变化;变种(n.)____________ 适应(vt.)____________ 7.信心(n.)____________ 守信的;忠实的(adj.)____________ storage store prohibit prohibition prohibitive adaptation adapt

  faith faithful 基础再现 8.使有资格;配备(vt.)____________ 装备,装备品(n.)____________ 9.大笔钱财,巨款(n.)____________ 幸运的(adj.)____________ 不幸的(adj.)____________ 10.提交(vt.)____________ 投降;提出意见等(n.)____________ 服从的(adj.)____________ equip equipment

     fortune fortunate unfortunate submit submission submissive 基础再现 11.担心,担忧(n.)____________ 担心的(adj.)____________ 关于(prep.)____________ concern concerned concerning 基础再现 活学活用 用所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子。 1.In order to ________enough food for the winter,the old couple went to the grocery ________three times.(storage) 2.The children find it hard to ________to the new __________of the story.(adaptation) 3.A little girl went lost in the park.Everyone was ___________about her safety,and the police are anxious to hear any information ____________her whereabouts(下落).At last,it caused great ________to the mayor.(concern) store storage

  adapt adaptation concerned concerning concern 基础再现 4.Though he is a man of great ____________,he could not ________rudeness of this kind.(tolerate) 5.The man had to accept __________in the hospital.After a week,he got better and he was __________like

  a member of the nurses' own family.(treat) 6.The girl was ________ enough to get a large amount of ________from one of her relatives who ____________ died in a car accident (fortunate). 7.I have great ________in Bob,because he is always ________to me.(faith) toleration tolerate treatment treated fortunate fortune unfortunately faith faithful 基础再现 8.In order to ________the doctors,the hospital tried to bring in much advanced ___________with much money.(equip) 9.The deadline for the ____________of proposals is May 2nd.So you should ________yours so as to show that you are ___________to the management of the company.(submit) 10.This department is a ____________area and anyone who has no permission is strictly ___________from entering here.So whoever breaks the ___________will be punished.(prohibit) equip equipment submission submit submissive prohibitive prohibited prohibition  Ⅲ.短语熟记 基础再现 翻译下列必背短语 1.不惜一切代价,无论如何____________ 2.彻底毁灭____________ 3.对……负责____________ 4.在……上做试验____________ 5.超出某人的极限____________ 6.中止,消灭____________ at all costs wipe out be responsible for do trials on beyond one's limits stop sth. in its tracks 基础再现 7.无论如何,至少____________ 8.与……比较____________ 9.或多或少____________ 10.迎合……____________ at any rate compared to more or less

  cater to 活学活用 基础再现 根据括号中的解释,从课文中找出恰当的短语完成下列句子。 1.Well,__________(in any case),we won't starve! 2.You should start work______________(at once). 3.I tried________(uselessly) to get Joan to come with me. 4.If you want to win the match,you must ________your opponent _____________(quit...in the way). 5.We must achieve our goal __________(whatever happens). at any rate straight away in vain stop in its tracks at all costs 基础再现 6.He did it not by design but ________(with casualness). 7.How does she keep smiling after all she has ____________(suffer)? 8.We'll have to ________(delay) going on vacation until you're better. 9.Half the population was ________(remove) by flood. 10.Isn't it time you____________(begin) doing the work? at random gone through put off wiped out got down to  Ⅳ.语篇学习 基础再现 ⅰ.课文内容语法填空 阅读课文,然后按照课文内容在空格处填入一个适当的词,或使用所给词语的正确形式完成下面短文。 Nowadays,the athletes become stronger and faster. It would have been easy for them to break the world records if they 1.___________(take) part in the first Olympic Games. But sadly,records have fallen in track and field year after year 2._________ improvements in records have begun to slow had taken and 基础再现 down. What's worse,in order to break records,some athletes take chances to take drugs to enhance their performance.Taking these drugs is regarded 3.______ doping,which is an 4.__________ (legal) way in the sports world. Although the drugs can enhance performance,they can be seriously harmful to the health in later life for those 5.________ abuse them. Unfortunately,it is not easy to catch athletes using illegal drugs. 6.________,doping is not the only problem we need to worry

  about. Another big threat is “gene-therapy” 7.________ means building muscle and increasing strength by as illegal who However which 基础再现 changing people's genes. If gene-therapy were used now,it would be almost impossible to find out. 8.________ is predicted that athletes who have their genes changed might be able to do the 100 meters dash 9.________ just 8 seconds or the marathon in less than two hours. These behaviors totally belong to cheating which contradict the whole spirit of sport—the spirit of competition that emphasizes taking part rather than 10.________(win). It in winning 基础再现 ⅱ.话题作文翻译与背诵 上周,我们班举行了“健康心理标准”的主题班会。一方面,学生应当善于与别人沟通,特别是在悲伤的时候要大胆地向他人倾诉。另一方面,乐于助人、学会感恩是有益健康的。还有,要积极锻炼,保持乐观心态。然后就是不嫉妒和不伤害他人。最后,作为学生,必须要有理想并在学习上有上进心。 基础再现 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Last week a topic class meeting about “The Standard of Healthy Mood” was held in our class. On (the) one hand, students should be good at communicating with others and especially speak out when having some sorrow. On the other hand, it is healthy to be ready to help others and learn to thank those who have helped you. What's more, students are supposed to have sports positively and keep a good mood all the time. Then it is good not to be jealous about others and do harm to others. At last, as a student, he must have ambition and long to make progress in study.





  题型突破 栏目链接 Ⅰ.重点单词 考点整合 1.tolerate vt.容忍,忍受(常用于否定句和疑问句) 归纳拓展 考点整合 tolerate=put up with=bear=stand容忍 考点整合 完成或翻译下列句子。 (1)我们不容许在图书馆里抽烟。 We don't ________________________.

  (2)我不能容忍你的粗鲁。 ___________________________________________________ 即学即练 tolerate smoking in the library I cannot tolerate your rudeness. 考点整合 2.seek v.(sought,sought)寻求,探索,试图 归纳拓展 考点整合 seek to do sth.试图做某事 seek out找出,挑出 seek sth.from sb.向某人征求某事 seek one's fortune寻找财富 考点整合 完成下列句子。 (1)He understands nothing,nor does he ____________ (试图弄懂). (2)We ___________ (费力多时) and hard but found no answer. (3)You should __________________________ (请教你的律师) on this matter. (4)They are ____________________ (设法达到) the most advanced technological levels in the world. 即学即练 seek to understand  sought long seek advice from your lawyer seeking to attain 考点整合 3.prohibit vt.(法令等)禁止;阻止,使不可能


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