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发布时间:2017-04-21  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  强化训练04 阅读理解(四)



  A 51­year­old lawyer has moved back in with his mother-after giving up his Los Angeles home to a family of strangers for a year.

  Tony Tolbert looked for a family in need after his father set a glowing example when he was growing up by always welcoming people to stay in their spare room. “You don't have to be Bill Gates or Warren Buffet or Oprah,” Tolbert said CBS. “We can do it wherever we are, with whatever we have, and for me, I have a home that I can make available.” His mother. Marie Tolbert, added, “He is so giving, and he's always been that way. ”

  Tolbert went to Alexandria House, a shelter for homeless women and children, and came across Felicia Dukes, who lived in a single bedroom with three of her children. Her family had been separated as the shelter was just for children and her eldest son was unable to join them. Tolbert told the staff he wanted to bring the family back together, and offered his home.

  The family has now moved into the three­bedroom, two­bathroom home-with Duke's oldest son. It is worth nearly $ 400,000,

  according to online estimates. “My heart just fills up with appreciation,” Dukes said, as she wiped away her tears.

  The heart­warming story comes after the report that 10­year­old Gracie McNulty, from England, served Christmas dinners to 50 homeless people, achieving her father's last Christmas wish.

  Her father Craig, 38, was a regular charity volunteer who had served breakfast to the homeless on Boxing Day. But as a roofer, he suffered serious head injuries when he fell while working. And he died soon after the accident in August.

  “It's been the best Christmas ever,” Gracie said. “I was just at school feeling sad and so I decided I wanted to do something to make him proud and this felt like the perfect thing. ”

  1. Tony Tolbert offered help to others because he was inspired by __________.

  A. his mother B. his teacher

  C. his father

  D. his son

  2. How did Tony Tolbert help Felicia Dukes and her family?

  A. He brought up her oldest child.

  B. He helped them move into Alexandria House.

  C. He offered his house to them.

  D. He built a shelter for them.

  3. The underlined word “this” in the last paragraph refers to __________.

  A. serving breakfast to people on Boxing Day

  B. treating 50 homeless people at Christmas

  C. deciding to do something in church

  D. being proud of what his father did

  4. What's the author's main purpose of writing this passage?

  A. To explain some puzzling events.

  B. To introduce two inspiring stories.

  C. To call on people to help others in need.

  D. To show there are still poor people.

  【语篇解读】 本文主要讲述两则好人好事故事。一则是Tony Tolbert把自己的房子让给穷人住;一则是一位10岁孩子Gracie McNulty,给50个无家可归的人提供圣诞晚餐。

  1.解析:考查细节。由第二段一句“Tony Tolbert looked for a family in need after his father set a glowing example when he was growing up by always welcoming people to stay in their spare room.”可知Tony Tolbert现在乐于助人,是因为在他成长过程中,父亲给他树立了光辉榜样。


  2.解析:考查细节。由第三段最后一句“Tolbert told the staff he wanted to bring the family back together, and offered his home.”他的帮助形式是给这家人提供房子去住。


  3.解析:考查指代关系。理解this,需关联到倒数第三段Gracie McNulty给50个无家可归的人提供圣诞晚餐,再根据最后一段她说的话“当我在学校时我会感到悲伤,因此我决定做一些事情让他感到骄傲,这是件很不错的事情”可知。


  4.解析:考查推断。本文讲述了两则好人好事。一则是Tony Tolbert把自己的房子让给穷人住;一则是一位10岁孩子Gracie McNulty,给50个无家可归的人提供圣诞晚餐。



  Women are friendly. But men are more competitive. Why? Researchers have found it's all down to the hormone oxytocin(荷尔素催生素). Although known as the love hormone, it affects the sexes differently.

  “Women tend to be social in their behavior.

  They often share with others.

  But men tend to be competitive. They are trying to improve their social status,” said Professor Ryan.

  Generally, people believe that the hormone oxytocin is let out in our body in various social situations and our body creates a large amount of it during positive social interaction(互动)such as failing in love or giving birth.

  But in a previous experiment Professor Ryan found that the hormone is also let out in our body during negative social interactions such as envy.

  Further researches showed that in men the hormone oxytocin improves


  ability to

  recognize competitive relationships, but in women it raises the ability to recognize friendship.

  Professor Ryan's recent experiment used 62 men and women aged 20 to 37. Half of the participants(参与者)received oxytocin. The other half received placebo(安慰剂).

  After a week, the two groups switched with participants.

  They went through the same procedure with the other material.

  Following each treatment, they were shown some video pictures with different social interactions. Then they were asked to analyze the relationships by answering some questions. The questions were about telling friendship from competition.

  And their answers should be based on gestures, body language and facial expressions.

  The results indicated that, after treatment with oxytocin, men's ability to correctly recognize competitive relationships improved, but in women it was the ability to correctly recognize friendship that got better.

  Professor Ryan thus concluded: “Our experiment proves that the hormone oxytocin can raise people's abilities to better distinguish different social interactions.

  And the behaviour differences between men and women are caused by biological factor(因素)that are mainly hormonal.”

  1. What causes men and women to behave differently according to the text?

  A. Placebo.

  B. Oxytocin.

  C. The gesture.

  D. The social status.

  2. What can we learn from Professor Ryan's previous experiment?

  A. Oxytocin affects our behavior in a different way.

  B. Our body lets out oxytocin when we are deep in love.

  C. Our body produces oxytocin when we feel unhappy about others' success.

  D. Oxytocin improves our abilities to understand people's behaviour differences.

  3. Why did Professor Ryan conduct the recent experiment?

  A. To test the effect of oxytocin on the ability to recognize social interactions.

  B. To know the differences between friendship and competition.

  C. To know people's different abilities to answer questions.

  D. To test people's understanding of body language.

  4. The author develops the text by __________.

  A. explaining people's behaviour

  B. describing his own experiences

  C. distinguishing sexual differences

  D. discussing research experiments

  【语篇解读】 本文主要关于一项实验报告。男女之间行为的差异主要是由荷尔蒙的生物因素引起的,荷尔蒙催生素能提高人们更好辨认不同的社会交往的能力。

  1.解析:考查细节。由第一段“Women are friendly. But men are more competitive. Why? Researchers have found it's all down to the hormone oxytocin”可知:男女行为不同完全是由于荷尔蒙催生素导致的。


  2.解析:考查推断。由第四段中“But in a previous experiment Professor Ryan found that the hormone is also let out in our body during negative social interactions such as envy”可知:不仅在积极活动中,在消极活动(如妒忌)中,身体也释放出荷尔蒙,也就是荷尔蒙“在各种情况下”均会影响我们的行为。


  3.解析:考查推断。由第五段Professor Ryan最近实验的目的和最后一段Professor Ryan最近实验结果可知:想测试一下荷尔蒙催生素对辨认社交能力的效果。





  In a study, Scientist Kathleen Vohs started thinking about her own routine of putting sugar in her coffee, testing how little routines influence our experiences.

  The first experiment involved two groups and each participant was given a piece of chocolate. The first group was asked to relax and then eat the bar at any time. The second was given a set of detailed instructions to follow before eating. The group that went through the specific chocolate eating routine actually enjoyed eating the candy more than the other group.

  The key, according to researchers,

  is in the deliberate participation of the task. Random

  (随机的) movements didn't add to the joy. People who participated in a simple routine before eating, particularly after a delay between the routine and consumption, enjoyed the food more.

  What researchers found is that when we participate in short and deliberate behaviors, we tend to enjoy our experiences more. The data was so clear after four different experiments that researchers may now begin looking at how routines could help us recover faster after an operation, reduce our pains, and enlarge our life experience in other ways.

  I am a mom of four kids but I've got plenty of routines of my own. Some are little and silly, like dressing a certain way before a Big Duck Game. Others are quiet and personal, such as my routine of morning gratitude (感恩) and the prayer at the end of the day. But they all do the same things-they slow me down, reduce my stress, allow me to pause and connect, to become present and to be mindful of the moment. Each of them does help me enjoy my life and that often leads to gratitude and appreciation.

  1. Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?

  A. Healthy eating brings joy.

  B. Routines influences our experiences.

  C. Experiences do matter in life.

  D. Gratitude comes out of daily prayer.

  2. In the first experiment, the participants of the second group was asked to __________.

  A. have a short relaxation

  B. eat the chocolate at random

  C. swallow the chocolate bar

  D. follow detailed instructions

  3. Why did researchers carry out the four different experiments?

  A. To further confirm the researchers' assumption.

  B. To persuade people to join in the experiments.

  C. To find out the different effects of daily routines.

  D. To question about the result of the first experiment.

  4. From the last paragraph, we can infer that the author's routines __________.

  A. make her self­centered

  B. have no influence on her life

  C. bring her a better life

  D. change her life completely

  【语篇解读】 本文主要关于“常规”活动是如何影响体验,“常规”增加了生活的趣味,让生活更美好。



  2.解析:考查细节。由第二段第三句“The second was given a set of detailed instructions to follow before eating.(第二个实验要求实验参加者在吃之前遵循一套指令。)”可知。


  3.解析:考查推断。由第三段最后一句“The data was so clear after four different experiments that researchers may now begin looking at how routines could help us recover faster after an operation, reduce our pains, and enlarge our life experience in other ways.”可知其他四个实验主要测试“常规”在其他方面的影响,是研究者的进一步猜想。


  4.解析:考查推断。最后一段最后两句“But they all do the same things-they slow me down, reduce my stress, allow me to pause and connect, to become present and to be mindful of the moment. Each of them does help me enjoy my life and that often leads to gratitude and appreciation.”可知有点“常规”会增加了生活的情趣,让生活变得更美好。



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