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发布时间:2017-04-21  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  强化训练07 七选五(一)



  How to Stay Out of Trouble

  Sometimes it may seem like you're always getting into trouble with your teachers or your parents. __1__

  The best thing to do is to stop trouble before it starts. It's always possible to turn over a new leaf.



  Joining a sports team is a great way to stay out of trouble. Whether you're playing soccer or baseball, team sports are a great way to find something to do rather than get into trouble.

  2. Join a club. If sports aren't your thing, you can always join a club. You can join an art club, chess club, French club, cooking club and so on.


  Therefore, you won't have time to annoy your teachers or parents.

  3. Go volunteering.


  If you're too young to do it on your own, go with a parent to a volunteering event. You can help people learn to read, clean up a local park, or work in a soup kitchen. Find something that is meaningful to you and commit to it at least once a week.

  4. Read as much as you can. Reading can help you improve your vocabulary and comprehension skills.


  Getting truly interested in stories can help you forget the hours passing by. Reading for just 20 minutes before bedtime every night can help you develop an addicting lifelong habit.

  A. Join a sports team.

  B. Play soccer or baseball.

  C. Then you can have a good time with your friends.

  D. Volunteering is another great way to stay out of trouble.

  E. These clubs can help you focus on something you care about.

  F. What's more, if you're reading, then you're not getting into trouble.

  G. And no matter what you do, you just can't seem to get things right.

  【语篇解读】 本文是一篇说明文,文章就如何避免麻烦向读者提供了4条建议。





  3.解析:本段主要讲加入社团。选项E中的These clubs与上句中的“an art club, chess club, French club, cooking club and so on”对应,故选E项。


  4.解析:本段主要讲参加志愿活动,选项D中的Volunteering与主题句“Go volunteering”对应,故选D项。


  5.解析:本段主要讲多读书可以使你避免麻烦,选项F中的“if you're reading, then you're not getting into trouble”与本段主旨对应,故选F项。



  Technology and kids: 4 ways to unplug

  A recent report by Common Sense Media found that over one­third of 0­to 8­year­olds studied had used a smartphone, iPad or a similar tablet. Eleven percent of children used these things on a daily basis despite doctors' warnings against too much screen time.

  So how do we make sure our little ones will grow up to be well­rounded adults and not over­stimulated zombies(麻木迟钝的人) ?


  Make crafts part of every week.

  Crafts may seem like fluffy stuff, but cutting paper and drawing build the hand muscles kids will need for writing.


  Limit screen time. Setting family boundaries for TV, computers and smartphones frees up precious time for family bonding. Separating yourself from your iPhone may be difficult, but in order to limit screen time, you should set an example for your child.

  Grab a story and snuggle (依偎). Reading aloud to your child opens his eyes to people, places,animals and ideas beyond the world of SpongeBob SquarePants.



  Schedule a day at the park or beach for the family, and leave the gadgets (小装置) at home. Without the distractions of a smartphone, you will be able to give your child the undivided attention he deserves.


  Encouraging time away from the virtual world helps to keep your child relaxed, curious and focused on the things that really matter.

  A. Plan a tech­free family day.

  B. Invest in open­ended toys.

  C. Here are some things you can do.

  D. Participation in the kitchen is beneficial in a number of ways.

  E. Commit yourself to doing crafts at least 3 times a week with your child.

  F. It's important to make an effort to show your child life outside of small screens.

  G. Hearing you read different stories can broaden his vocabulary and develop a lifelong love of books.

  【语篇解读】 本文主要为家长列举了四种方法帮助孩子远离电子产品。



  2.解析:根据文中的“Make crafts part of every week”“build the hand muscles kids will need”可知,选E。


  3.解析:根据上文中的“Reading aloud to your child opens his eyes...”可知,选G。


  4.解析:根据空后的“Schedule a day at the park... leave the gadgets(小装置)at home”可知,选A。


  5.解析:根据空后的“Encouraging time away from the virtual world”可知,选F。



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