2017届英语一轮精品复习导学案:Unit3《Tomorrow’s world》(译林牛津版必修4)-查字典英语网
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2017届英语一轮精品复习导学案:Unit3《Tomorrow’s world》(译林牛津版必修4)

发布时间:2017-04-21  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  2017届英语一轮精品复习导学案:Unit3《Tomorrow’s world》(译林牛津版必修4)



  1.【原句再现】 Special food and drink chemicals are delivered into the viewer’s mouth via a straw sensor. (P42)



  ①They delivered the thief over to the police.

  ②The lecture is to be delivered at the hall.

  ③The police delivered the hostages from the terrorists.

  2.【原句再现】 To add to the virtual world of RealCine,the headsets even have small openings that give out smells to match the environment. (P42)

  【知识要点】add to的用法; add to,与add up to的用法区别


  ①The recent happenings added to the pressure on the organization committee.

  ②His whole schooling added up to only one year.

  ③The guests, present at the party, each wore a flower, which added to their beauty.

  3.【原句再现】 To add to the virtual world of RealCine,the headsets even have small openings that give out smells to match the environment. (P42)

  【知识要点】give out的用法


  ①The rotten eggs give out a bad smell

  ②The news of the President’s death was given out in a radio broadcast.

  ③According to this speed of mining, the coal on the earth will give out in hundreds of years

  4.【原句再现】An argument has been put forward that some users will be disappointed by RealCine because VR is not real.(P43)

  【知识要点】put forward的用法; put forward,put away与put up with的区别


  ①The proposals she put forward in this report are of great significance.

  ②Mothers always ask their children to put away their toys.

  ③Everybody in the office must put up with large pressure when the new manager came here.

  5.【原句再现】 He also believed that he had been recognized by fans ,who had asked him to sign his name for them. (P43)



  ①The patient was showing some signs of improvement.(2006 全国)

  ②I made a sign for him to follow me.

  ③I’ve signed up for evening classes.

  6. 【原句再现】Scientists responsible for soya bean plastic say that studies into natural plastic have been completed,and that various plastic material will be produced soon. (P49)



  ①All pilots should be responsible for their passengers’ safety.

  ②This weather is responsible for the delay.

  ③He thinks he has a responsibility to guide and assist young up-and-coming musicians.

  7.【原句再现】Music industry accuses Fanning of piracy and sues Napster.com . (P51)

  【知识要点】accuse 与charge的用法区别


  ①It is wrong to

  a person of a crime unless you have proof that he is guilty.


  ②The police

  him with attempted murder.警察控告他试图谋杀。

  8.【原句再现】With the help of force from a black hole,they are able to guide the lost spaceship safely back to the earth.(P58)

  【知识要点】force, strength, energy 与power的区别

  【诊断练习】单项选择:选择能填入题干空白处的最佳选项。Bill was doing a lot of physical exercise to build up his __________.

  A. ability

  B. force

  C. strength

  D. mind

  ②—You are always full of

  . Can you tell me the secret?

  —Taking plenty of exercise every day. (2007 福建A.power




  9.【原句再现】They came across huge insects and many strange creatures. (P58)

  【知识要点】 come across,come about与come up 的区别


  ①Many a quarrel has come about through misunderstandings.

  ②The question of wage increase came up at the board meeting.

  ③They came across unexpected difficulties in the process of experiment


  1.【原句再现】Special gloves are also worn so that people in the film can be touched. (P42)

  【知识要点】so that的用法


  ①Tom is

  busy a man that he has little time for his friends. =Tom is

  a busy man that he has little time for his friends.



  1.方案;提议(n.)___________2. 喜不自胜的狂的(adj.)_______________


  4.流行,受欢迎(n.)___________ 5. 批评(vt.) __________

  6. 逐渐暗淡/消逝/衰退(vi.) ____________ 7. 表达,吐露(vt.) ____________

  8. 营救,援救(vt.) ___________ 9.现实,真实_(n.)____________ 10.人物(n.)____________





  1. 以……为背景_____________ 2. 传递_______________ 3. 成千上万的_____________

  4. 与……相连接_____________ 5最后但同样重要_______________ 6. 创办,创立_______________ 7. 关闭_______________ 8. 在某人看来_______________



  I give you a ride since you live so far away?

  ---Thank you. __________.

  A. That’s very kind of you

  B. Of course you could

  C. If you liked

  D. If you are convenient

  ---The 3-D film provides new experiences of ______ space.

  ---Yes. You can even take _____ journey to the end of the solar system.

  A. the; a

  B. 不填; a

  C. the; the

  D. 不填; the

  Some people were tricked__________ believing what he said, but ________reality, he is always telling lies.

  A. to; in

  B. into; in

  C. to; on

  D into; on

  New Yorkers have their own ________way of celebrating Saint Patrick’s Day, which you can’t find in other cities.

  A. passive

  B. amazing

  C. winning

  D unique

  Not only________ us around places of interest, but also________ us a wonderful lecture.

  A. did Kevin show; he gave

  B. Kevin showed; he gave

  C. Kevin showed; did he give

  D. did Kevin show; did he give

  I had no idea about how to make the most of my spare time, so my father _______ several good suggestions to guide me.

  A. looked forward to

  B. put forward

  C. rose up against

  D came across

  Generally speaking, one is paid ________ the amount of work he does.

  A. as to

  B. along with

  C. according to D aside from

  The more money the man earns, the more feelings of pleasure he has. He hasn’t realized that money cannot bring true _______.

  A. kindness

  B. happiness

  C. Sadness

  D darkness

  Can you telephone me ______ your convenience to arrange a meeting?

  A. at

  B. for

  C. on

  D with

  Bruce didn’t invite Mary to his party just because of the fact ______ Mary isn’t fond of singing and dancing.

  A. what

  B. which

  C. that

  D when

  John is very __________棗he is sure that he has the ability to deal with the difficult situation.

  A. unusual

  B. innocent

  C. fortunate

  D confident

  CSpeaking of all the works ________ he has designed, I think this is the best-known one, because it makes him world-famous.

  A. how

  B. with which

  C. that

  D. in which

  _______ has been shown that children who are not active or whose diet is high in fat will gain weight quickly.

  A. There

  B. What

  C. As

  D. It

  14. _______ the plan sounded great, it failed due to various difficulties we hadn’t expected.

  A. When

  B. Once

  C. Since

  D. While

  15. ________ the accident secret from his family, Tom hasn’t visited his parents for two months.

  A. Being kept

  B. To keep

  C. Keep

  D Kept

  16.The government plans to bring in new laws ________ parents to take more responsibility for the education of their children.



  C.to be forced

  D.having force.

  17.Elizabeth has already achieved success________her wildest dreams





  18.After studying in a medical college for five years,Jane________her job as a doctor in the countryside.

  A.set out

  B.took over

  C.took up

  D.set up

  19.The news of mayor’s coming to our school for a visit was________on the radio yesterday.

  A.turned out

  B.found out

  C.given out

  D.carried out

  20.If the firms failed to make enough money, they would________.

  A.close down

  B.call off

  C.turn down

  D.set off

  (二)阅读理解:根据短文内容选择能回答所提问题或完成句子的最佳选项。Scientists have tried to come up with biological explanations for the difference between boys and girls.

  However, none were believable enough to explain the general picture. As one scientist points out, “There are slight genetic(遗传的) differences between the sexes at birth which may affect the subjects boys and girls choose. But the difficulty is that by the time children reach school age, there are so many other effects that it is almost impossible to tell whether girls are worse at science and maths, or whether they've been brought up to think of these subjects as boys'‘ territory’”.

  Statistics(统计数据) show that in mathematics, at least, girls are equal to boys. A recent report suggests that girls only stop studying mathematics because of social attitudes. One of the reports' authors says, “While it is socially unacceptable for people not to be able to read and write, it is still acceptable for women to say that they are ‘hope-less’ at maths. Our research shows that, although girls get marks which are as good as the boys', they have not been encouraged to do so.”

  The explanation for the difference, which is very clear during the teenage years, goes as far back as early childhood experiences. From their first days in nursery school, girls are not encouraged to work on their own or to complete tasks, although boys are. For example, boys and not girls, are often asked to ‘help’ with repair work. This encouragement leads to a way of learning how to solve problems later on in life. Evidence shows that exceptional mathematicians and scientists did not have teachers who supplied answers; they had to find out for themselves.

  A further report on maths teaching shows that teachers seem to give more attention to boys than to girls.

  Most teachers who took part in the study admitted that they expect their male students to do better at mathematics and science subjects than their female students. All of this tends to encourage boys to work harder in these subjects, gives them confidence and makes them believe that they can succeed.

  Interestingly, both boys and girls tend to regard such ‘male’ subjects like mathematics and science as difficult. Yet it has been suggested that girls avoid mathematics courses, not because they are difficult, but for social reasons.

  Mathematics and science are mainly male subjects, and therefore, as girls become teenagers, they are less likely to take them up. Girls do not seem to want to be in open competition with boys. Neither do they want to do better than boys because they are afraid to appear less female and so, less attractive.

  1. The underlined word “territory” in the second paragraph most probably means______

  A. interest  

  B area of land 

  C special field 

  D district

  2. According to scientific studies, ________

  A. maths is not fit for girls to learn 

  B. boys have a special sense of maths

  C. girls are poorer at maths because they are the weaker sex

  D .girls can learn maths as well as boys if given enough encouragement

  3. Those who made extraordinary contribution in mathematics and science _________.


  A. usually had good teachers to help them

  B. had the abilities to solve problems by themselves

  C. usually worked harder than others

  D. were encouraged to repair things when young

  4. Which of the following is not true according to the text? _______

  A. It seems socially acceptable for a girl not to be able to read and write.

  B. It is a social problem rather than a problem of brains that girls are poor at maths

  C. Mathematics and science are no easy subjects to either girls or boys.

  D. There is no connection between a girl's ability in maths and her appearance.


  What would be the best title for the text? ________

  A. Who's Afraid of Maths Anyway?

  B. Are Boys Cleverer than Girls?

  C. Boys Are Better at Maths than Girls by Birth

  D. Maths-A Difficult Subject

  (三)任务型阅读Going soy is the way to go green

  In 1829, U.S. farmers grew soybeans (大豆) for the first time. In the late 1800s, lots of farmers began to grow soybeans as food for cattle. In 1904, at the Tuskegee Institute in Alabama, George Washington Carver began studying the soybean. His discoveries changed the way people thought about the soybean. No longer was it just a crop for cattle; it provided valuable protein and oil. Now soybean oil is the most popular source for an alternative fuel.

  Fueling diesel (柴油) engines with vegetable oil started with the inventor Rudolf Diesel. When Diesel showed his engine at the 1900 World Exhibition in Paris, it was running only on peanut oil, a kind of biodiesel. According to the United Soybean Board, biodiesel is a fuel made from vegetable oils or animal fats.

  However, over the next 100 years, diesel fuel was made largely from petroleum (石油). Interest was renewed in biodiesel in the mid-1970s when the energy shortage occurred, and gas prices surged upward throughout the United States. In spite of these conditions, commercial production did not take place until much later. In 1999, The National Biodiesel Board reported that 500,000 gallons per day were produced. In 2000, production increased to 6.7 million gallons per day.

  With the continual rising costs of petroleum products in the new century, major corporations and the United States government have looked to new markets. Farmers are encouraged to grow soybeans in their fields, as the demand for soybean fuel increases. They can now get several gallons of fuel per acre of soybean.

  Biodiesel is created by removing a thick liquid called glycerin from soybean oil. It is registered with the US Environmental Protection Agency as a pure fuel, which is known as B100, or as a fuel additive, which is called B20, a mixture of 20 percent soy and 80 percent petroleum-based diesel.

  There are many benefits of soybean fuel.

  Studies have shown that biodiesel from vegetable oil reduces petroleum consumption when used in place of petroleum diesel.

  In addition, the use of biodiesel reduces CO2 in the earth’s atmosphere. This is due to the fact that growing soybeans consumes nearly four times as much CO2 as the amount of CO2 produced from biodiesel waste gases.

  If you ever want to take a ride in a car or bus powered by soybeans, you can. The Agriculture Research Center (ARS) National Visitor Center bus, which is used for Beltsville, Maryland farm tours, is running on biodiesel fuel.

  ARS scientists are conducting biodiesel fuel research, and they are trying to find ways to make fuel from vegetable oils, animal fats, and used restaurant oils.

  Biodiesel fuel costs more than regular diesel fuel. However, the price may drop if people use it more. We can look to the future with the hope that clean fuel sources will continue to be widespread in the United States and even around the world.

  完成句子:根据所给汉语完成下列句子,词数不限。他受到的全部学校教育加起来不超过一年。His whole schooling ____________________only one year.

  4. 到达山顶时,观众就能体验到一种幸福感和成就感。

  ____________________ the top of the mountain, a feeling of happiness and a sense of achievement will be experienced.

  5. 我正在路上飞速行驶就在那时一位警察冲我打手势,提醒我注意限速标志。

  I was driving fast on the road when a policeman_____________ me, reminding me of speed limit sign.




  【点拨拓展】deliver sth. to…


  deliver sb. /sth.(over/up) to…把某人/某物交给deliver a speech

  发表演讲deliver sb. from sth. 从……中释放某人deliver a baby接生婴儿

  2.【参考答案】①增加②加起来增加 Your carelessness added to our difficulty. 你的粗心增加了我们的困难。put up with 忍受 例: Everybody in the office must put up with large pressure when the new manager came here.自从新经理上任,办公室里的每一个人都顶着巨大的压力工作。


  【点拨拓展】sign in/out


  sign up (for sth.)

  报名参加a sign of

  ……的迹象/征兆talk by signs

  用手势交谈make/give a sign (to)



  【点拨拓展】be responsible for sth. /doing sth.

  为某事/做某事负责; be responsible to sb.


  点津 1) 如果主语是人,responsible常表示“应负责的,有责任的”;如果主语不是人,则常表示造成事实的“原因”。2) responsible作前置定语与作后置定语的意义不同:a responsible person 可信赖的人,可靠的人 the person responsible 负责人,主管人;responsibility n.责任,责任心 take the responsibility for sth. /sb. 对某事/某人负责 bear/take the responsibility for 担当对……的责任a sense of responsibility 责任感


  【点拨拓展】accuse sb. of (doing) sth. 指控某人(做)某事;辨析 accuse/charge两个动词都有“控诉,指控”之意,但它们后面所搭配的介词不同。accuse v. 指控,控诉,常与介词of连用。charge v. 可以指因为小错而收到责备,也指因违法而受到控告,常与介词with连用。



  搭配 by force


   by (the) force of


  come/enter/go into force


   take by force


  force sb. to do sth. =force sb. into doing


   force sth. on/upon sb.


   force a smile



  主要指自然界的力量、暴力、势力以及法律、道德或感情的力量、效力、强制力、军事力量、武力等。strength 说人时,指“力气”;说物时,指“强度”。







  【点拨拓展】表示“意外,偶然遇到“的短语还有:happen to meet,chance to meet,meet with,meet sb. /sth. by chance/by accident注意:come across 后虽可跟宾语,但不能用于被动语态。

  come about发生,产生;come up走近;上来;发芽;即将发生;被提出;(太阳、月亮等)上升,come out

  出版;出来,出现;结果是,come up with想出;提出




  so+ adj. +a/an + 可数名词单数 + that…

  such + a/an + adj. +可数名词单数 + that…

  such + 可数名词复数/不可数名词 + that…

  so many/few + 可数名词复数 + that…

  so much/little(少的) + 不可数名词 + that…

  在so…that句型中,如“so + adj. /adv. ”放在句首时,主句要用部分倒装。

  So rapidly did he speak that we could hardly understand him clearly.



  (一)单词部分proposal, thrilled, question, popularity, criticize, fade, voice, rescue, reality, character, enable, invest, inexperienced

  (二)词块部分be set in,

  pass on,

  thousands of,

  be connected to, last but not least, set up,

  close down,

  in one’s opinion


  (一)1. A

  That’s very kind of you 意为“你真好”

  2. B

  space 作为太空之意时,其前不用冠词,根据句意可知,journey此处为泛指,故其前用不定冠词

  3. B

  trick sb. into doing 诱使某人做某事;in reality 事实上,实际上,二者均为固定搭配

  4. D

  由题干中“you can’t find in other cities”可知选unique,表示“独特的”

  5. A

  not only 置于句首时,前分句要倒装,后分句不倒装。

  6. B

  put forward 提出


  7. C

  according to 根据,按照

  as to


  along with 和…一起

  aside from 除了

  8. B.

  从题干中的feelings of pleasure 可知应选happiness。

  9. A.

  at one’s convenience 为固定结构,意为“在某人方便时”。

  10. C

  Mary isn’t fond of singing and dancing 句意完整,也不缺少成句,故用that引导同位语从句,解释说明fact的具体内容。

  11. D.

  confident 自信的

  unusual 不寻常的

  innocent 纯真的

  fortunate 幸运的

  12. C

  此处的that 引导限制性定语从句,解释说明fact 的具体内容

  13. D

  it 此处为形式主语,that引导的从句是句子真正的主语

  14. D.

  while 在这里意为 尽管 ,引导让步状语从句

  15. B.


  16. B.

  law与force之间为主动关系,故用现在分词短语作后置定语,修饰new laws

  17. B.

  beyond one’s wildest dreams 大大超出某人预料.


  take up开始做,从事;set out 开始,动身;take over 接管,接替;set up 建立,创立.


  give out发布,分发,散发;turn out结果是;findout弄清楚;carry out开展,执行.


  close down(工厂,商行等)关门,停业;call off取消;turn down调小(音量),拒绝;set off出发.


  territory 这里表示个人或者群体占据的领域、地盘。


  由第三段的最后一句Our research shows that, although girls get marks which are as good as the boys', they have not been encouraged to do so.可知。


  由第四段的Evidenceshows that exceptional mathematicians and scientists did not have teachers who supplied answers; they had to find out for themselves.可知。


  由第三段的While it is socially unacceptable for people not to be able to read and write, it is still acceptable for women to say that they are ‘hope-less’ at maths.可知。




  7. diesel

  8. less

  9. cheaper

  10. widely


  1.set in

  2.Scared and cold

  3.added up to

  4.Upon/On reaching

  5.made a sign to

  Expectation of biodiesel

  Production of

  soybean Fuel

  With a special use

  Development of its use

  As a normal plant

  Going soy is the way to go green

  Clean fuel sources

  will be



  throughout the world.

  It will be (9) when

  people use it more.

  Fuel will be made

  from more objects

  like animal fats.

  It helps to save the source of petroleum.

  It leads to a cleaner world with  (8) CO2 .

  Two fuels known as B100 and B20

  Glycerin is


  from soybean oil.


  (5) ,

  farmers grow more soybeans.

  It wasn’t (4) in

  large quantities till

  the late 1990s.

  It wasn’t widely

  used long after

  it was

  (3) .

  They provided protein and oil.

  Soybean oil is

  (2) into

  a fuel now.

  They were


  as food for cattle.

  Replacement of


  Benefits & future of biodiesel

  Facts about biodiesel

  Brief history of the soybean


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