2017届英语一轮精品复习导学案:Unit3《Science versus nature》(译林牛津版必修5)-查字典英语网
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2017届英语一轮精品复习导学案:Unit3《Science versus nature》(译林牛津版必修5)

发布时间:2017-04-21  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  2017届英语一轮精品复习导学案:Unit3《Science versus nature》(译林牛津版必修5)



  1.【原句再现】On the other hand, many people, including some scientists, disagree and fear that if mankind interferes with nature in this way, they may be on their way to producing a real-life Frankenstein’s monster. (P42)



  ①He is on his way to becoming a famous singer.

  ②He was on the way to the station when his car broke down.

  ③Did you really swim all the way across?

  ④This should in no way be seen as a defeat.

  ⑤In a way, it’s kind of nice to be working alone.

  ⑥Can you move that box? It’s in the way of the door.

  ⑦We lost our way in the forest.

  ⑧Plans are under way for a new link road.

  2.【原句再现】However, some people consider that cloning human embryos with the intention

  of destroying them shows no respect for human life.(P42)

  【知识要点】with the intention of


  ①They went into town intending to visit the library.

  They went into town

  the library.

  ②I do not intend to help him after what he said to me.


  him after what he said to me.

  3.【原句再现】I don’t want to adopt someone else’s child and I don’t want to use another

  woman’s egg. (P42)


  【诊断练习】用adopt, adapt的适当形式填空。

  ①It came as a surprise when Australia

  the policy.②These plants have

  themselves to desert conditions.

  ③The couple are unable to have children of their own, but hope to


  ④The materials can be

  for use with older children.

  4.【原句再现】We could produce a monster, or even a superhuman race that could one

  day end up replacing us.(P43)

  【知识要点】end up


  ①He will end up

  prison if he is not careful.

  ②We were going to go out, but ended up


  ③Joining the firm as a clerk, he got rapid promotion, and ended up

  a manager.(10


  ④The meeting ended up

  a song.

  5.【原句再现】To conclude, I urge you to seek the opinions of the people of the UK on this matter so we can end this immoral practice immediately.(P56)



  ①The teacher urged us

  hand in our exercises.

  ②The teacher urged

  her students the importance of hard work.

  ③They urged that the library

  kept open during the vacation.

  6.【原句再现】Many developed nations are now concerned about saving nature rather than

  developing or destroying it.(P58)

  【知识要点】rather than/other than

  【诊断练习】选用rather than, other than填空。

  ①In no country

  France can one taste so many kinds of cheese.

  ②The parents should be blamed

  the children.

  ③Why didn’t you ask for help, ______ trying to do it on your own?

  ④How can you say religion is anything,

  a way of controlling people?

  7.【原句再现】Would anyone say that economic development should be stopped in favor of




  ①Senior ministers spoke in favor of the bill.

  ②The decision went in his favor.

  ③May I ask a favor of you?

  ④Could you do me a favor and turn off the light?

  ⑤Plans to increase taxes have lost favor among party members.

  8.【原句再现】Other people argue that such thinking may spell disaster, unless we start to look

  around and understand how a clean environment benefits us all. (P58)

  【知识要点】argue/ debate/ quarrel

  【诊断练习】用argue, debate, quarrel的适当形式填空。

  ①I __________ with her for a long time, but she refused to listen to reason.

  ②We have been __________ about the issue.

  ③People generally __________ because they cannot __________.

  9.【原句再现】On the one hand, some scientists point out that if you clone an embryo, you can produce valuable tissues and organs that could be used to save human lives.(P42)

  【知识要点】on (the) one hand/ on the other hand

  10.【原句再现】I would like to comment on your article ‘The Perfect Copy’.(P43)


  11.【原句再现】But this does not mean that we should follow in their footsteps.(P56)

  【知识要点】follow in one’s footsteps的意思。

  12.【原句再现】To conclude, I urge you to seek the opinions of the people of the UK on this matter so we can end this immoral practice immediately.(P56)



  1.【原句再现】If I had the chance, I would have a cloned baby tomorrow.(P42)



  ①What would we do if it


  A.should snow

  B.would snow


  D.will snow

  ②If you

  the film tonight, you would feel sorry.


  B.would snow


  D.are missing

  2.【原句再现】While cloning human embryos is illegal in many countries, some scientists are already pushing ahead with research so as to deliver a cloned human baby.(P42)



















  15.可供选择的__________ 16.敦促__________






  1.超出想象__________ imagination

  2. 总体上 in __________

  3.专注于__________ on

  4.大力推进__________ __________ with

  5.用完__________ up

  6.违背 go __________

  7.无权做 have no _________ __________

  8.同意__________ __________ with

  9.干涉 __________ with

  10.取得突破 make _________

  11. 指出


  12.与……相似 be __________ to

  13.用……做实验__________ with

  14.因……赞扬 _________ for

  15.对某人而言 _________ one’s __________

  16.明白 _________ out

  17.准备就绪 _________ sth __________ _________


  (一)单项填空:选择能填入题干空白处的最佳选项。(30分)1. Many children think they are

  with when their parents are trying to show concern about them.

  A. interfered

  B. separated

  C. disturbed

  D. offended

  2. The minister said, “We are ready for discussion with any legal parties, but we’ll never

  with criminals ”. (11湖北高考)

  A. negotiate

  B. quarrel

  C. argue

  D. consult

  3. We had intended to do everything according to the schedule, but it didn’t

  as planned.

  A. make up

  B. turn out

  C. go on

  D. come up

  4. When the headmaster spoke out his plan, the

  of the students in the class

  against it.

  A. majority; were

  B. most; were

  C. most; did

  D. majority; did

  5. All the candidates were

  the street to be named after a great man

  his great contributions to the city.

  A. in favor of; in need of

  B. in praise of; in favor of

  C. in praise of; in need of

  D. in favor of; in honor of

  6. —I can’t stand my wife spending so much time shopping. Yesterday, she bought a new dress

  which she actually don’t need at all.

  —Don’t be angry.

  , almost all women like shopping for new clothes.

  A. In all

  B. In general

  C. In particular

  D. In conclusion

  7. In the questionnaire, the subjects are questioned whether they

  banning cars in the city center.

  A. agree

  B. comment

  C. advocate

  D. conduct

  8. I can’t

  what has happened to the apples growing in my garden, for they were freshly picked this morning.

  A. figure out

  B. draw out

  C. bring out

  D. look out

  9. He is a man of

  ideas and he often makes a careful plan


  A. advanced; before advance

  B. advancing; in advance

  C. advanced; in advance

  D. advancing; in advance of


  the news, so far, has been good, there may be days ahead when it is bad.

  A. While

  B. When

  C. As

  D. Since

  11. Smell the flowers before you go to sleep and you may just

  sweet dreams.(10江西高考)

  A. keep up with

  B. put up with

  C. end up with

  D. catch up with

  12. It is

  that the library be kept open during the vacation.

  A. wished

  B. expected

  C. urged

  D. hoped

  13. The form cannot be signed by anyone

  yourself. (11全国高考)

  A. rather than

  B. other than

  C. more than

  D. better than

  14. Maybe if I

  science, and not literature then, I would be able to give you more help.(11北京高考)

  A. studied

  B. would study

  C. had studied

  D. was studying

  15. We should take exercise now and then. I believe we will

  it a lot.

  A. benefit from

  B. benefit

  C. do good to

  D. be beneficial for


  I had been inside the prison called Gander Hill several times already by the time I met Ray in the spring of 1993. My father worked there with a group, inmates (犯人) to improve their communication and speaking skills. I was a senior in


  , majoring in speech communications, and


  I started my own volunteer student group at Gander Hill.

  Teaching communication


  getting people to tell their stories, but Ray could tell you how much he


  playing his guitar without speaking. Sometimes he moved his hands across the air as if he were playing his favorite blues scale. He always gave me a slight


  when he saw me come into the small church for the meeting. He loved


  his guitar stories. Although he had been an inmate at Gander Hill for over a decade, he always had a song in his head,


  ,one that he said he had been writing in his mind since his


  . He looked forward to playing again the


  a child counts the days until summer vacation.

  When my group


  established itself at Gander Hill, the men were


  a night of celebration to which they could


  one or two family members. The night of the celebration was just like Christmas for them. They gathered with their


  ones, whom they had not seen or touched for several months or longer.


  his family lived in faraway Texas, no one came to the celebration as Ray's


  , but he waited patiently for me to arrive. As he rehearsed his song in his head, I walked into the prison with a



  Ray tuned that guitar


  he were putting his life back into harmony. I have never heard a guitar tuned like that before or since. He looked at me


  his shoulder and nodded a thank-you before bringing his song to life on the guitar. I watched Ray's fingers


  across the strings as if they were himself, running free. And for those moments, he was.

  1. A. asking

  B. teaching

  C. ordering

  D. permitting

  2. A. college B. prison C. seminar D. church

  3. A. gradually B. usually C. constantly D. eventually

  4. A. promises B. means

  C. shows D. connects

  5. A. hated B. regretted C. missed

  D. disliked

  6. A. nod

  B. signal C. impression D. whistle

  7. A. practicing B. playing C. sharing

  D. handling

  8. A. in short B. in public C. in vain D. in particular

  9. A. arrival

  B. moment C. past D. birthday

  10. A. means B. way

  C. approach D. method

  11. A. hardly

  B. suddenly

  C. formally

  D. formerly

  12. A. forbidden B. allowed

  C. relaxed D. promised

  13. A. follow B. accompany C. invite

  D. require

  14. A. interested B. educated C. surprised D. loved

  15. A. Since

  B. While C. Although D. Unless

  16. A. expert B. sponsor C. guest

  D. owner

  17. A. violin

  B. magazine C. flower D. guitar

  18. A. even though B. as if

  C. as long as

  D. as well as

  19. A. through B. across C. over D. under

  20. A. jump B. tremble C. gesture D. dance

  (三)阅读理解:Since Dolly the sheep was cloned by Scottish scientists in 1997, cloning has been talked about all over the world. However, many people still do not fully understand cloning. This article describes what cloning is and what it means for people around the world.

  There are three types of cloning, DNA cloning, reproductive cloning and therapeutic cloning. DNA cloning had been conducted by scientists since the 1970s. It involves taking one part of a person’s or an animal’s DNA梐 single gene梐nd placing it where it can reproduce itself many times on its own. This type of cloning has helped scientists produce body parts and organs in laboratories.

  pReproductive cloning is creating a person or an animal that is genetically exactly the same as another. Therapeutic cloning uses human embryos for research and to develop cures for diseases. In many countries, the second two types of cloning are illegal.

  Dolly the sheep was the product of reproductive cloning. She gave birth to six baby sheep during her life, but by the age of six, she was seriously ill. She had cancer, and was put to sleep. Most sheep live for eleven or twelve years, but Dolly only lived for six years.

  While people worry about cloning leading to similarly early deaths in humans, people have many other worries as well. People worry that if we allow cloning, scientists will be able to create copies of people, which many people believe is not natural. People are also concerned about the effect on society, and worry that there will be many clones walking around everywhere. However, cloning does have benefits. DAN cloning can be used to build organs that can be given to people with failing organs who are waiting for transplants. Therapeutic cloning can be used to help disabled people walk again and to help cure diseases such as cancer. Many governments have made therapeutic cloning illegal, though, because it uses embryos for scientific research. Many people do not like the idea of creating new people and animals for science.

  Despite the arguments against it, cloning can benefit people all over the world. However, because it means that scientists could copy people, a lot of people would like to see it banned. What these people need to understand is that there are different types of cloning, and that cloning itself is not the problem. The problem is what we choose to use cloning for.

  1. DNA cloning has been done for over


  A. 5

  B. 10

  C. 15

  D. 20

  2. Which of the following is reproductive cloning?

  A. Doctors have created a new liver from a single gene.

  B. A cat born in a laboratory looks exactly like its mother and has the same DNA.

  C. The cure for a deadly disease has been discovered by using a human embryo.

  D. A person’s cancer is cured.

  3. Which type of cloning is illegal in most countries?

  A. DNA cloning and reproductive cloning

  B. DNA cloning and therapeutic cloning

  C. reproductive cloning and therapeutic cloning

  D. reproductive cloning

  4. People worry about cloning because


  A. it can be used for transplants

  B. it may cause cancer

  C. it goes against natural birth

  D. they do not like the idea

  5. According to the article, the main problem with cloning is


  A. that people do not know there are three different types

  B. that many clones walk around

  C. what scientists choose to use it for

  D. that the technology is too advanced


  . 考虑到我准备不充分,并且不想丢面子,我放弃了这场考试。

  3. 越来越多的科学家担心使庄稼抵抗害虫和疾病的基因可能对人类有害。

  4. 她如此迫切想上好大学,学习到深夜。

  5. Smith教授所作的演讲如此有趣,学生们整天都在谈论。




  ③你真的是一直游过去的吗? ④这绝对不应看作是一种失败。

  ⑤⑦我们在森林里迷了路。⑧’s/ way to (doing) sth词组中to是介词,后接名词、代词或动名词短语,

  意为在途中;正在做某事的过程中。与way相关的常用搭配有:all the way一路上,远道,

  自始至终;by the way顺便说一说;by way of通过……方式,经由;in a way在某种程度

  上;in the/one’s way妨碍,阻碍;in no way决不,一点也不;lead the way带路,引路;lose

  one’s way迷路;make way (for) 让路,开路;make one’s way前进。

  2.【参考答案】①with the intention of visit

  ②had no intention of helping

  【点拨拓展】intention为动词 intend的名词形式,with the intention of doing意为带着……目的,做句子状语,与with the purpose of 意思相近;have no intention of doing意为未打算做。





  4.【参考答案】①in ②watching ③as ④with

  【点拨拓展】end up意为结果为……;以……结束(尤指意料之外),常用搭配有:end up in,end up doing,end up as,end up with。




  【点拨拓展】urge为及物动词,常见搭配有urge sb to do sth=urge sb into doing,urge sth

  on/upon sb向某人强调、极力主张,urge后的宾语从句多使用虚拟语气。例:

  Brown urged her to reconsider her decision. 布朗极力劝说她重新考虑自己的决定。

  This course of action was urged upon us by all parties. 这个行动方针是各方力促我们做


  I urge that you read this report carefully. 我劝你仔细看看这份报告。

  6.【参考答案】①other than ②rather than ③rather than ④other than

  【点拨拓展】①rather than与would 连用时,构成“would rather...than...”句式,意思是“宁愿……而不愿……”,表示主观愿望,即在两者之中选择其一。例:

  She’d rather die than lose the children. 她宁愿死也不愿失去孩子们。

  rather than 不与would连用时,表示客观事实,意为“是……而不是……;与其……不如……”。它连接的并列成分可以是名词、代词、形容词、介词(短语)、动名词、分句、不定式、动词等。:

  He is an explorer rather than a sailor. 与其说他是一个海员,不如说他是一个探险者。

  You rather than I are going to go camping. 是你而不是我要去要野营。

  注意:rather than 连接两个名词或代词作主语时,谓语动词应与rather than 前面的名词或代词在人称和数上保持一致。

  The sweater she bought was beautiful rather than cheap. 与其说她买的这件羊毛衫便宜不如说它漂亮。

  We will have the meeting in the classroom rather than in the great hall. 我们是在教室里开会,不是在大厅里。

  She enjoys singing rather than dancing. 她喜欢唱歌,而不喜欢跳舞。

  We should help him rather than he should help us. 是我们应该帮助他而不是他应该帮助我们。

  It is better to express your anger, rather than bottle it up. 生气宁可发泄出来而不要闷在

  He ran rather than walked. 他是跑来的,而不是走来的。

  ②In no country other than Britain can experience four seasons in the courses of a single day. 没有比英国更能在一天内体验四个季节更替的国家了You should get a little stiffness, but other than that there should be no side effects. 你会有


  7.【参考答案】①支持 ②对他有利 ③帮个忙 ④劳您的驾 ⑤失去支持


  I have a favor to ask of you. 我有一事相求。

  Public opinion was moving strongly in favor of disarmament. 公众舆论正在强烈支持裁军。 ould you do me a favor by telling me where to get off? 能不能帮忙告诉我在哪下车?

  8.【参考答案】①argued ②对他有利 ③帮个忙 ④劳您的驾 ⑤失去支持

  【点拨拓展】①argue表示“争论,主张”,强调以理由或证据来说服,可做及物动词和非及物动词。做非及物动词时,常用搭配为argue with sb. about/ over/ on sth. 与某人争辩某事,argue for/against据理力争/反对;做及物动词时,常用搭配有 argue sb into/out of doing sth,说服某人做某事/不做某事。例:

  The senator argued with the President about the new tax bill. 参议员与总统为新税法案争辩。They argued the case for hours. 他们就这件事争论了数小时。

  Joyce argued me into buying a new jacket. 乔伊斯说服了我买一件新夹克衫。

  ②debate着重双方各抒己见,(尤指在立法机构或集会上)辩论,争论;讨论When I left, the men were still debating. 我离开时,那些人仍在辩论。They debated the matter of free will. 他们辩论过自由意志的问题。I debated with myself whether to tell her the truth or not. 我盘算着是否把真相告诉她。Whether that would have made any difference is open to debate. 当时要是那样做是否会有用尚待商榷。

  ③quarrel 表示由于愤怒而争吵,内含“其结果可能为持续的对立”之意。例:

  She got into a silly quarrel with the other children. 她与其他孩子争吵起来。

  We’re not going to quarrel about a few dollars. 我们不想为了几个美元而吵架。

  9.【参考答案】On one hand;on the other hand

  【点拨拓展】on (the) one hand…, on the other hand…是一种固定搭配,意思是“一方面……,另一方面……”。该短语中,前一个the可以省略,但后一个the不能省略。英语中常用的表示列举的词汇还有:first(ly)…secondly(ly)…第一……第二……;for one thing…for another…一则……,二则……。例:


  I don’t want to buy the dictionary. On (the) one hand, it is too expensive; on the other hand, I don’t have enough money with me at present.

  10.【点拨拓展】①comment作为动词,常见搭配为comment on sth,或接that从句。例:

  The police have refused to comment on the case. 警察拒绝就这个案子发表看法。

  Some critics have commented that the film is unnecessarily violent. 一些评论家批评这部电影充斥着不必要的暴力。

  ②comment作为名词,make a comment on/about sth为常用名词词组,no comment意为无可奉告。

  Do you have any comment(s) to make on the recent developments? 你对最近的事态发展有什么评论吗?

  The police chief made no comment about the bomb attack. 警察总长对炸弹袭击事件保持缄默。

  11.【点拨拓展】follow (in) one’s footsteps:步某人的后尘,继承某人的事业。例:

  My father was a jazz player, and I wanted to follow in his footsteps. 我父亲是个爵士乐演奏家,我想继承他的事业。

  12.【点拨拓展】①seek用作及物动词,表示寻求、谋求的意思,不规则变化为sought,sought,表示请求、征求时,常见搭配有seek advice/help/assistance等,seek to do sth意为试图、设法做某事。例:

  Do you think the President will seek re-election? 你认为总统会寻求连任吗?

  We are seeking ways to protect our environment at present. 我们正在寻求保护目前环境的方法。

  You’d better seek advice from your teacher on this matter. 这个问题你最好征求老师的意见。

  We are always seeking to improve productivity. 我们一直在设法提高生产率。

  ②seek还可以用作非及物动词,常见搭配为seek for/after sth。例:

  One mustn’t seek after comfort, personal fame and gains. 我们不应当贪图安逸,追名逐利。

  We are seeking for a solution to the problem. 我们正在寻求问题的解决办法。

  He went from city to city, seeking for work. 他辗转各个城市,寻找工作。




  with my own eyes.


  While I understand what you say, I can’t agree with you.


  While I agree with you, I don’t believe that your way is best.




  1.deliver 2.anxiety 3.medical 4.advocate 5.revolution 6.performance 7.agriculture 8.construct

  9.disaster 10.productive 11.benefit 12.involve 13.profession 14.nutrition 15.alternative

  16.urge 17.desperate 18. judgment 19. consequence 20.argue


  1.beyond imagination

  2. in general

  3.concentrate on

  4.push ahead with

  5.use up

  6. go against

  7.have no right to do

  8.in agreement with

  9.interfere with

  10. make breakthroughs

  11. point out

  12. be similar to

  13.experiment with

  14.praise for

  15.on one’s part

  16.figure out

  17.pu sth in place


  (一)1. 选A。interfere with sb妨碍、干扰某人

  2. 选A。negotiate with sb与某人协商。

  3. 选B。turn out结果是

  4. 选A。the majority of the students大部分的学生,后面用谓语动词复数。

  5. 选D。in favor of赞成,in honor of为纪念。

  6. 选B。in general总的说来

  7. 选C。advocate提倡。

  8. 选A。figure out弄明白。

  9. 选C。advanced先进的,in advance提前。

  10. 选A。while这里相当于although,引导让步状语从句。

  11. 选C。 end up with带着……结束。

  12. 选C。It is urged that… 有人敦促……

  13. 选B。other than意同except.

  14. 选C。if从句中是对过去事实的虚拟假设。

  15. 选A。benefit from从……受益。

  (二)1. 选B。teach教授。

  2. 选A。文中表明作者当时是大四学生。

  3. 选D。eventually最终。

  4. 选B。mean意味着。

  5. 选C。根据后面句子可知Ray想念弹吉它。

  6. 选A。 nod轻点头。

  7. 选C。share分享,即告诉我们自己的故事。

  8. 选D。in particular尤其是。

  9. 选A。自从他到达这里就开始创作了。

  10. 选B。the way a child counts the days until summer vacation就像一个孩子对暑假的倒计时。 11. 选C。formally正式地。

  12. 选B。allow sb sth允许某人某事。

  13. 选C。invite sb to the celebration邀请某人参加庆祝活动。

  14. 选D。loved ones爱着的人。

  15. 选A。since由于。

  16. 选C。guest客人。

  17. 选D。 从下一段可知。

  18. 选B。as if好像。

  19. 选C。over the shoulder回头,扭过头。

  20. 选D。此处表示手指在琴弦间舞动。

  (三)1. 选D。从第二段中DNA cloning had been conducted by scientists since the 1970s.可知。

  2. 选B。根据第二段Reproductive cloning is creating a person or an animal that is genetically exactly the same as another.可知。

  3. 选C。根据第二段In many countries, the second two types of cloning are illegal.可知。

  4. 选C。第四段People worry that if we allow cloning, scientists will be able to create copies of people, which many people believe is not natural可知。

  5. 选C。最后一段The problem is what we choose to use cloning for.可知。


  The city government is pushing ahead with the economic reforms so as to improve all the

  people’s life.

  2. Thinking about the fact that I was not prepared well enough, and not wanting to lose my face,

  I gave up this exam.

  3. More and more scientists are afraid that the genes that make crops resistant to pests and

  disease could be harmful to humans.

  4. She is so desperate for a good university that she works until far into the night.

  5. The speech delivered by Professor Smith was so interesting that the students talked about it all

  that day.


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