2017届英语一轮精品复习导学案:Unit3《The world online》(译林牛津版选修7)-查字典英语网
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2017届英语一轮精品复习导学案:Unit3《The world online》(译林牛津版选修7)

发布时间:2017-04-21  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  2017届英语一轮精品复习导学案:Unit3《The world online》(译林牛津版选修7)



  1.【原句再现】… is to advance knowledge about hobbies.(P 34)




  If you want to get the goods, you must pay for it _______________ .


  He walked _______________ the foreign visitors.


  He has _______________ in English study.

  2.【原句再现】The main drawbacks of the Internet I will address today are…(P 35)

  【知识要点】address 的用法。


  ①Tom is going to address the meeting.


  ②There is a letter addressed to you.


  ③If I knew his address, I would write to him.


  ④I addressed the envelope to Mr. Jones.


  ⑤Your essay doesn’t address the real issues.


  3.【原句再现】 These problems of inaccuracy do not occur as often…(P 35)



  ① The accident ______ to the old man yesterday.


  B. chanced

  C. occurred

  D. took place

  ② He ______to meet her.


  B. chanced

  C. occurred

  D. took place

  ③ The malaria disease______ in the poor African countries in the past.


  B. chanced

  C. occurred

  D. took place

  ④The meeting ______ at 8:00 as planned.


  B. chanced

  C. occurred

  D. took place

  ⑤It ______

  to me that she didn’t know I had moved into the new house.


  B. chanced

  C. occurred

  D. took place

  4【原句再现】 I admire the boy I debated against because he was very skillful.(P 41)

  【知识要点】admire 的用法


  ① The beautiful girl has many admirers.


  ②I am not a great admirer of your work.


  ③You may not like her, but you have got to admire her persistence.


  ④I admire Li Yang for his success in English study.


  ⑤We admire him for his persistence.


  5.【原句再现】 When people are in need of information,from current affairs and…(P 34)



  ① I have been very interested in foreign ______ .


  B. businesses

  C. matters

  D. things

  ②Sorry, the manager is away on ______.

  A. affair

  B. business

  C. matter

  D. thing

  ③We all wonder what is the ______ with the new machine.


  B. business

  C. matter

  D. thing

  ④A strange ______ happened.


  B. business

  C. matter

  D. thing

  ⑤The murder was a terrible ______.


  B. business

  C. matter

  D. thing

  6【原句再现】The first is its value for people who are looking for information. (P 34)

  【知识要点】value 的用法



  What is __________ __________of your house ?


  Your advice has been __________ __________ __________ in controlling the price.


  I__________ __________ __________ very much.


  The book is very __________ to the parents.


  1.【原句再现】…And I am eager to debate again,…( P 41 )

  【知识要点】be eager to及其同义词的用法辨别


  ① The boy ______ to have a room of his own. Which of the following is NOT suitable?

  A. is anxious

  B. is eager

  C. longs

  D. is hoped

  ② She ______ for her own love.


  B. eager

  C. anxious

  D. is worried

  ③ He ______ to get the doctor’s degree in this famous university.

  A. is eager

  B. concerns

  C. anxious

  D. worried

  2.【原句再现】…Internet users become accustomed to spending more time …( P 37 )

  【知识要点】be/become accustomed to…的用法



  I’m accustomed to __________ __________ __________


  He __________ __________ __________ a life of luxury.


  __________ __________ __________ up early, he goes jogging every morning.

  3.【原句再现】 … the Internet is now the first place that many people turn to(P 34)

  【知识要点】turn to 句型的用法



  Don’t hesitate to __________ __________ __________ if you are in trouble.


  The child __________ __________ his mother __________ comfort.


  The ice __________ __________ __________ water.


  Now let’s __________ __________ the linguistic points.



  1. 很可能的,a.

  2. 摘要n. 简短的adj.

  3. 获得, 学到vt.

  4. 优势, 利益n.

  5. 正确的, 精确的adj.

  6. 保持, 逗留, 剩余vi.

  7. 出现, 露面, 外貌, 外观n.

  8. 背景, 后台n.


  9. 统计学, 统计表n.


  11.consult vt. __________

  12. moreover adv. __________

  13. predict v. __________

  14. outcome



  15. evidence


  16. explicit

  adj. __________

  17. classify v.__________

  18. diploma n.


  19. appreciation


  20. relevant

  adj. __________


  1.分为,分成 be __________ into

  2.受……欢迎be __________ with…

  3.学术研究__________ research

  4.从……获取知识__________ knowledge from

  5.形成一生的友谊__________ lifelong friendship

  6.浪费时间a __________ of time

  7.与……切断联系feel __________ to sth

  8.限制……的使用__________ the use of

  9.接近某物,通往…通道__________ to sth

  10.处理网瘾deal with Internet __________


  12. 以……为基础on the __________of

  13. 一般地讲as a __________ rule

  14. 对……很肯定be __________ about

  15. 考虑,考虑到take into__________

  16. 贴附在……上

  __________ …to

  17. 使某人高兴/振奋__________ sb. up

  18. 记住某事keep sth in __________

  19. 各种各样的all __________ of

  20. 对……怀疑be __________ about(of)


  (一) 单项填空:选择能填入题干空白处的最佳选项。(30分)

  1. ---You could always put the decisions off a little bit longer.    ---___________ If I leave it much longer I might miss my chance.(2011江苏卷)

  A. That’s reasonable advice .                  B. Isn’t it a good idea?

  C. Do you think so ?                         D. I can’t agree more.

  2. ---Linda didn’t invite us to the party. ---_________? I don’t care. (2011江苏卷) A. For what       B. So what         C. What’s on        D. What’s up

  3.Students who are long accustomed to _____ by teachers can’t face frustration(挫折)


  A. being praised

  B. praising

  C. praises

  D. be praised

  4.The advantage human being can ______ the sun is worth researching.

  A. take of

  B. have on

  C. do with

  D. make of

  5. Recently a survey _____prices of the same goods in two different supermarkets has caused heated debate among citizens. (2011江苏卷) A. compared      B. comparing     C. compares        D. being compared

  6.To his disappointment, the opinion he had stuck to ______ out wrong.

  A. turn B. turning C. turned D. be turned


  along the street looking for a place to park when the accident


  A.went; was occurring

  B. went; occurred

  C. was going; occurred

  D. was going; had occurred

  8.Once environmental damage ______ , it takes many years for the system to recover.

  A. has done

  B. to do

  C. does

  D. is done

  9.On her birthday, she received from her parents a nice present _______ a note was attached,

  saying “We love you so much.”

  A. that

  B. to which

  C. in which

  D. which

  10.They all doubt about our ability to operate the machine, but I’m _____ it.

  A. sure about

  B. concerned about

  C. satisfied with

  D. sceptical about

  11. Five minutes earlier _______ we could have avoided the accident.

  A. or

  B. but

  C. so

  D. and

  12. We’d better discuss everything ______before we work out the plan. (2011江苏卷) A. in details      B. in general       C. on purpose       D. on time

  13. Whatever you say, I shall _______ my own opinion.

  A. carry out

  B. keep up

  C. insist on

  D. stick to

  14. When you meet with trouble, don’t feel depressed, because in the world there is


  A. who to turn to

  B. you can turn to C. for whom to turn

  D. for her to turn

  15. The film ____on Guo Jingming’s novel will be put on in theatres next month.

  A. based B. basing C. to base D. to be based

  16. _______ the appearance of the twins, I can not tell them apart.

  A. To judge from

  B. Judged from

  C. Judging from

  D. Judged in

  17. The melon the Smiths served at dinner would have tasted ______if it had been put in the fridge for a little while.

  A. good

  B. better

  C. best

  D. well

  18.Our company is developing very fast and we are ____ a lot of experienced workers.

  A. in need of

  B. in memory of

  C. in honor of

  D. in favor of

  19. ______out after a long walk, Mike called and said he couldn’t come to the party.

  A. Having worn

  B. Being worn

  C. To wear

  D. Worn

  20.Hearing the shocking news, ______.

  A. tears rolled down her cheeks

  B. help soon came from her friends

  C. her face turned pale immediately

  D. she hurried to her parents for help

  (二)阅读理解:根据短文内容选择能回答所提问题或完成句子的最佳选项。(分)With the rapid development of information technology, the Internet-friendly network is turning the world into more and more like a global village. People feel free to travel in the wonderful and colorful world. It is a large resource bank. Most of what you need can be found in it.

  However, when the Internet comes into people’s daily lives and studies, some negative influences “dash” around madly.

  We all know the Internet is full of violence and sex,and the trouble is that a sea of young students addicted to it. Similarly, many students indulge in cyber games; some even earn money from them. And some people often sit all day along in front of the computer, chatting with others.

  Apparently, they have lost themselves in the virtual cyber world and become slaves to the Internet. Thus, not to strive, not to seize the opportunities, and not to accomplish anything.

  Internet, just like drug, cigarette, wine, etc, fascinates people and makes them abandon themselves to it soon. Its mystery depends on its virtual reality. For instance, when you are chatting with others in the net, identity and appearance mean very little in cyberspace, but your thoughts really matter. And truly, this “faceless” communication does not create problems. At this moment, rather than reveal your weaknesses, you usually show off your strengths as much as possible. Each netizen wants to do the same thing, then admires each other, and finally they even form the love relationship. However, it is hard to know who the other person really is. But usually he or she cannot make out this point and the couple still misses one another. Once they have met, this will inevitably lead to disappointment. The online boyfriend (girlfriend) you imagine is quite different from the real person. Furthermore, what we cannot ignore is that surfing the Internet for a long time every day will cost a lot of money, and it is the reason for many delinquencies(少年犯罪).

  If you have become an addict, what should you do? It is not a good idea to suddenly go cold turkey. So, you should wean (使断奶) yourself from it gradually. Firstly, you must understand an important point, that is, life in the real world is far richer than anything you will find on a computer screen. Then you should shorten the time spent on the net little by little. Of course, you need self-control and perseverance.

  The Internet is a double-edged sword. If you make the best of it, you will benefit a lot. Otherwise, it could do great harm to you.

  1.. What’s the main idea of Paragraph 5?

  A. Why are so many people addicted to the Internet?

  B. Who are addicted to the Internet?

  C. The Internet can cause a conflict between your virtual self and social self.

  D. Many young people commit crime because of the Internet.

  2.Which of the following statement is TRUE according to the passage?

  A. What matters on the Internet is your identity and appearance.

  B. Just as in social life, netizens easily show off their strengths as much as possible.

  C. The netizens always form the love relationship.

  D. The online boyfriend (girlfriend) you imagine may be quite different from the real person.

  3.The underlined part “go cold turkey” in the last but one paragraph probably means ________.

  A. talk seriously about details

  B. experience something when you are nervous or afraid

  C. stop doing something you are addicted to

  D. feel you are not brave enough to do something you planned to do

  (三)任务型阅读:阅读下列短文,并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填入最恰当的词。(0分)Online Shopping

  Usually two weeks before Christmas,buying presents is most important for a lot of people in UK.However,last year not so many people were leaving their homes to browse in the shops.These days lots of people can do their shopping in the comfort of their own home with the help of the Internet.

  Online shopping is becoming more and more popular for a number of reasons:goods are often cheaper online,you don’t have to queue up in busy shops and you can buy almost any products imaginable with just a few clicks of your mouse.

  Computer trends are often male­dominated but last year women did more shopping on the Internet than men.It seemed women were more attracted to the convenience of online shopping than they used to be.Average spending online last Christmas by women rose to £240 compared to the slightly lower average of £233 for men,while the average expense per person on the high streets was only £197.Seventy percent of Internet users,male and female,are now buying their Christmas gifts online.

  In the past,a lot of people were unwilling to shop online.Many were worried about the security of entering their card details on the Internet and the reliability of the Internet but as shopping online has become more widespread,these worries have begun to disappear.45% of Internet users still do have security worries but it hasn’t slowed down the ever­increasing number of online shoppers.

  Influenced by the online shopping increase,there were lots of special offers in the high street shops during Christmas.They were concerned that not enough shoppers were coming through their doors.Most shops traditionally have sales after Christmas,but last year the bargains had come early in an attempt to attract consumers to spend.

  Online Shopping

  Reasons Shopping 3

  People become less worried 9.

  of online shopping


  goods Average women spending:£240 Past worries:cards 6and the 7__________of the Internet Special offers

  2______ and

  comfortable Average men

  spending:4Spending on high streets per person:5The present situation:more 8Early 10______


  60%左右的学生认为 40%左右的学生认为 我的观点



  3没有时间参加锻炼等活动。 1.适应并喜欢高中生活;

  2课程更有趣,活动更丰富,受益匪浅。 ……


  参考词汇:course 课程;benefit 对……有益;stressful有压力的Recently,a survey has been carried out in our school whether the freshmen have adapted to the life in senior high school.


  (一)词汇部分1.【参考答案】If you want to get the goods, you must pay for it in advance.

  ②He walked in advance of the foreign visitors. ③He has made great advances in English study.

  【点拨拓展】in advance预先,提前;强调在某事发生前,偏向于指事情。

  我们不得不提前两周交付租金. We had to pay the rent two weeks in advance.

  in advance of在……的前面

  他走在他妻子的前面。He walked in advance of his wife.

  make advances (in) 取得进步 Science has made great advances during the last fifty years.

  advance vt.增加,进展,发展,前移 He will do anything to advance his career.

  advanced adj. 年高的;程度高的;高深的,先进的

  advanced in years


  advanced courses of study


  The professor is engaged in advanced studies.







  【点拨拓展】address n.

  Tell me if you change your address. 如果你的地址改变了, 请告诉我.

  vt. ① 向……讲话,向……发表演讲;

  Mr Green will now address the meeting.



  address the letter/envelope to sb.

  The letter was wrongly addressed.

  ③称呼address sb.as… The president should be addressed as “Mr President”.




  address sth. to sb./sth.;

  address the main drawbacks 指出/提出主要缺陷

  Please address all complaints to the manager.


  address oneself to致力于,着手

  It’s time we addressed ourselves to the business in hand.


  3.【参考答案】【点拨拓展】occur vi. ,存在,发生

  occur -occurred – occurred

  The disease occurs most frequently in rural areas.


  sth. occur to sb.

  想起;想到 ;

  It occurs to sb. that…某人突然想起……

  An idea has occurred to me.


  Didn't it occur to you that he was lying? 你当时没想到他在撒谎吗?

  take place, happen, occur和chance的用法区别

  ①. take place 发生、举行,一般指非偶然性事件有计划的发生

  Great changes have taken place in our hometown during the past ten years.

  The Olympic Games of 2008

  took place in Beijing.


  Maybe something unexpected happened.

  If anything happens to him, let me know.

  I happened to see him on my way home.

  It so happened that I had no money with me.

  ③occur 发生、想到、突然想起,

  What has occurred? (=What has happened?)

  It occurred to me that she didn’t know I had moved into the new house.

  ④chance 偶然发生;恰巧

  I chanced to be there.


  It chanced that I was out/I chanced to be out when he called.


  chance to do…=happen to do…

  It chanced that …=It happened that…



  ④我佩服李扬英语学习方面取得的成功。 ⑤我们钦佩他的不懈努力。


  vt. ;钦佩;羡慕

  admire sb. for…

  I admire her for the way she handles her staff.


  They admired our garden. 他们称赞我们的花园.

  admirer n. 赞赏者;爱慕某一女子的男人

  one of her many admirers


  admiring adj. 赞赏的;羡慕的

  He gave her an admiring look.



  【点拨拓展】affair, business, matterthing的用法区别

  thing:“事情; (复)情况(=matters); 事件(=event)”

  How are things going at your school?

  Don’t leave your things about.


  It’s a matter of importance and it should be discussed at the meeting.


  ① He is an expert in foreign affairs.

  ②Mind your own affairs.

  ③The president of the United States and Hu Jintao had a talk about the state affairs between the two countries.


  It’s a pleasure to do business with you, for you are easy to get along with.

  Now let’s come to business.


  “Cultural Revolution” is an important event in China’s history.


  【点拨拓展】…at…给……估计; valuable adj.有价值的,值钱的 Your advice is very valuable.



  eg. the value of American dollars 美元的内在价值

  ②price指商品的价值(价格) eg.

  at a high price以高价


  eg. at all costs 不惜一切代价




  adj. ;渴望的

  be ~ (for sth/to do sth)

  long for sth


  The children are longing for the holidays.孩子们渴望假期.

  be anxious to do sth


  He was anxious to meet you. 他渴望会见你.


  【点拨拓展】… 使某人自己习惯于

  He had to accustom himself to such weather.他必须使自己适应这样的气候。

  ②“习惯于(做)某事”亦可表达为be/get/grow/become accustomed to sth/doing sth或者

  be/get used to sth/doing sth

  3.【参考答案】…for ③has turned to ④turn to

  【点拨拓展】’s offer 拒绝某人的请求

  turn in 上交;turn on 打开(电灯,煤气,自来水);turn over (使)翻过来,(使)翻倒

  turn out 生产,出产,结果是(常与to be;that从句连用)

  turn up 露面,把音量开大


  (一1.probable 2. brief 3. acquire 4. advantage 5.accurate

  6.remain 7. appearance


  9. statistics

  10. qualification

  11. 查阅,查看,向……请教12. 而且, 此外

  13. 预知, 预言, 预报

  14. 结果, 成果

  15. 迹象, 根据, 证据, 证物

  16.,明晰的,详尽的17. 将……分类/分级

  18. 文凭,毕业证书

  19. 感谢, 感激, 欣赏, 增值

  20. 有关的, 相应的


  3. academic research

  4. acquire knowledge from

  5. form lifelong friendship

  6. a waste of time

  7. feel disconnected to sth

  8. limit the use of

  9. access to sth

  10. deal with Internet addiction

  11. gain popularity

  12.on the basis of

  13. as a general rule

  14. be sure about

  15.take into consideration

  16. attach …to

  17.cheer sb. up

  18.keep sth in mind

  19.all sorts of

  20.be sceptical about(of)

  三、巩固练习(一)单项填空1-5CBAAB 6-10CCDBA 11-15DADBA 16-20CBADD

  1.选C.Do you think so ?  表示疑问和不赞成,意思是“难道你认为这是对的吗?”

  2.选BSo what? “那又怎样?”表示不在乎。

  3.选Abe long accustomed to being praised长期习惯于受表扬。

  4选Atake advantage of the sun 利用太阳(能源)。

  5选Bcomparing “比较”,现在分词短语作定语,相当于定语从句 。

  7选C句意:我正沿着街道寻找一处停车点,这时事故突然发生了。was/were doing when …正在……突然……


  9选B此句考查“介词+关系代词”引导的定语从句。介词的选择根据后面的动词attached可知应为to。be attached to


  10选Abe sure of/ about 自信;对……有把握。

  12.选Ain details“详细地”, in general “一般地,大体上”,on purpose“故意地”

  13.选D.本题考查短语意思的辨析。carry out意为“贯彻, 执行”,keep up意为“维持,继续” ,insist on意为“坚持, 坚决要求”,stick to意为“坚持原来的立场、观点”。根据句意“无论你说什么,我都坚持我的观点。”可知答案为D。

  14.选B.someone为先行词, 关系词作turn to的宾语,可以省略。

  based on…是过去分词短语作定语,修饰名词the film,相当于一个定语从句which is based on …。此句意为“以郭敬明的小说为基础拍摄的电影下个月将在各大剧院上映。

  judging from/by 从……判断,为习惯表达。

  in need of 需要;in memory of /in honor of为了纪念; in favor of赞成;支持。


  19.选Dworn out 疲惫的; 筋疲力尽的, 在句中作状语。

  20.选D分词结构hearing the shocking news的逻辑主语必须是人, 四个选项中只有D选项的主语是人she。


  1.选A根据第二句话“Its mystery depends on its virtual reality.”可知。

  2.选D根据第五段倒数第二句话“The online boyfriend (girlfriend) you imagine is quite different from the real person.”可知。



  1. Cheaper










   Recently,a survey has been carried out in our school whether the freshmen has adapted to the life in senior high school. As can be seen from the result of the survey, opinions are divided. About 60% of the students hold the opinion that life in senior high school is far from relaxing. The reasons are as follows. Firstly, the subjects they are learning now are obviously more difficult. Besides, they have to do endless homework after class, which leaves them little time for exercise and other activities.

  On the contrary, others say they have adapted to the new life and have begun to enjoy it. They say that they find the courses are more interesting and the activities are more colorful, which surely benefit them a lot.

  As far as I’m concerned, we should balance our study and other activities and do everything efficiently. Only in this way can we learn more and enjoy our life better.


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