2017课堂扫描高三英语一轮复习学案(牛津译林版):M11 Unit 4 The next step-查字典英语网
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2017课堂扫描高三英语一轮复习学案(牛津译林版):M11 Unit 4 The next step

发布时间:2017-04-21  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Unit 4 The next step Module11



  单 词

  1.shrink v. (使)收缩,退缩 →shrank(过去式) → shrunk(过去分词)

  2.transition n. 过渡,转折 → transitional adj. 过渡的

  3.atom n. 原子,微粒 → 3. atomic adj. 原子的

  4.millimetre n. 毫米 →centimetre n. 厘米 → metre n. 米 → kilometre n.千米,公里

  1.I was completely overwhelmed by his overwhelming generosity.

  2.Go and turn to specialists for help. It requires specialized


  3.The degree of interaction

  between teacher and student helps interact well with each other.

  4.He is a fashion photographer, but he doesn't like being photographed.

  1. overwhelming 我被他那令人不知所措的慷慨惊得目瞪口呆。

  2. specialized 去向专家寻求帮助吧。这需要具体专业知识。

  3. interaction 师生之间交流的程度有助于相互间相处得很好。

  4. photographer 他是一个时装摄影师,但他不喜欢被拍照。


  我们的校园里点缀着一个游泳池,宽敞的地方供师 生们散步、休憩和放松。

  Our school is landscaped with a swimming pool and a spacious place for teachers and students to walk, sit and relax.

  1. 翻阅

  look through 

  2. 选定,确定

  decide on 

  3. 信不信由你

  believe it or not

  4. 储存,储藏

  squirrel away 

  5. 脱离困境

  land on one‘s feet 

  6. 用……美化景观

  be landscaped with 

  7. 为……干杯

  toast to…

  Don't hesitate to do…


  2. have a lecture on how to do…有……方面的讲座


  (shrank / shrunk, shrunk / shrunk)

  vt. & vi. (使)收缩,退缩

  ①The economy is_shrinking instead of growing.


  ②Washing wool in hot water will make it shrink.


  ③The advertisement says this material doesn't ______ in the washing, but it has.

  A. contract

  B. shrink

  C. wet

  D. absorb

  B shrink 收缩。


  n. 承认,认出

  in recognition of 承认,认可

  alter / change beyond / out of (all) recognition


  recognize vt.认出;承认,认可,公认

   recognize sb. 认出某人

  recognize one's voice / handwriting 认出某人的声音/笔迹

   recognize that … 认为……;承认……

   recognize … as / to be 承认……是

   be recognized as 被公认为……

   recognizable adj.可认出的,可辨认的;可承认的


  ①The town has changed out of all recognition (recognize) since I left there ten years ago.

  ②He recognized

  (recognize) that he was not qualified for the post.

  ③Everyone recognized him to be / as

  the greatest living authority on ancient Roman coins.

  ①recognition 句意:自从10年前我离开后,这座城变得认不得了。

  ②recognized 句意:他承认他没有资格担任那职位。

  ③to be / as 句意:大家公认他是当今古罗马钱币的最杰出的行家。


  n. 措施,办法;量度,尺寸;vt. &vi. 量,测量

  in a / some measure (= to a degree) 在某种程度上

   measure up 相当于;等同于;合格,符合标准

   be measured by 以……来测量/衡量

   beyond measure 无法估量的;无比的

   by measure 按尺寸

   take measures 采取措施

  get / take one's measure (take the measure of sb. ) 给某人量尺寸

  ①This reward will not be measured in money.


  ②The lake measures 130 by 80 kilometers.



  n. 敬酒;祝酒,土司;烤面包片 v. 烤;烘; 敬酒;祝酒

  propose a toast to 提议为……干杯

   drink a toast to 为……干杯

   toast one's health 为某人健康干杯

  raise one's glass to 为……干杯

   drink to 为……干杯

  When toasting someone's health, you raise your glasses, but the glasses should not touch.


  1、take up 开始花时间做……;对……产生兴趣;打听,对……采取进一步的行动;(事物或事情)占用(时间或空间)

  ①John took_up_acting while he was at college.


  ②The big table takes_up too much room.


  ③If the enemies dare to come, take up arms and fight.


  take away 拿走

   take back 收回

   take in 接纳;欺骗

   take out 取出

   take apart 拆开;严惩

  take off 脱掉;起飞

   take on 穿上;雇用

   take to 沉湎于;适应

   take over 接管;取代

  take aim 瞄准

   take hold of 抓住

   take one's place 代替某人的职务

   take a message for 给某人捎口信

   take it easy 别着急

   take…for granted 认为……当然

   take one's temperature 量体温

  take pride in 以……自豪

   take part in 参加

   take one's seat 就座

   take the side of 支持某方

   take the place of 代替

   take trouble to do sth. 不辞劳苦地做某事

   take sth. by mistake 错拿某物

  ④After he retired from office, Rogers______painting for a while, but soon lost interest.

  A. took up

  B. saved up

  C. kept up

  D. drew up

  A 句意:从政府机关退休后,罗杰斯迷了一阵子绘画,不过很快就没有了兴趣。save up储蓄, 贮存;keep up不低落, 维持, 继续;draw up草拟, 停住, 逼近。

  2、land on one's feet 安全摆脱困境

  stand on one's feet 独立自主

   rush sb. off one's feet 把某人累坏了,使某人疲于奔命

   be on one‘s feet 站着

  keep one's feet 站稳脚跟,不跌倒


  ①I've been rushed off my feet (忙得不可开交) all morning.

  ②She'll have to get a job and learn to stand on her own two feet (独立自主) sooner or later.

  ③Joe got fired for never coming to work on time, but he landed on his feet (摆脱困境), and found another job that paid twice as much money.

  When I went home for the holidays, I felt a bit like the prodigal son returning.


  句中的returning作prodigal son的补语。


  ①After a knock at the door, the child heard his mother's voice calling (call) him.

  ②She felt a great load taken (take) off her mind when she finished the exams.

  ③The teacher often caught him eating (eat) snacks in class.

  ④What makes one respected (respect) is his actions.

  ⑤His words set me thinking (think) deeply.

  ①calling 句意:一声敲门声后,那孩子听到母亲在叫他。此句中,宾语和补足语之间构成主谓关系,同时表当前状态,故用动词的v.­ing形式作宾语补足语。

  ②taken 句意:当她完成考试后她觉得如释重负。

  ③eating 句意:老师经常逮着他上课吃零食。

  ④respected 句意:使人受尊敬的是他的行动。

  ⑤thinking 句意:他的话使我陷入了沉思。


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