2017课堂扫描高三英语一轮复习学案(牛津译林版):M3 Unit 3 Back to the past-查字典英语网
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2017课堂扫描高三英语一轮复习学案(牛津译林版):M3 Unit 3 Back to the past

发布时间:2017-04-21  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Unit 3 Back to the past Module3civilize v. 使文明→

  civilized; adj. 文明的,开化的→ civilization n. 文明;开化 

  2. erupt vi. 爆发 → eruption

  n. 爆发

  3. fortune n. 运气;财富 →fortunate; adj. 幸运的; unfortunate; 不幸的 → fortunately; adv. 幸运地; unfortunately不幸地

  4. archaeology n. 考古学 → archaeological; adj. 考古学的 → archaeologist n. 考古学家

  5. wealth n. 财富 → wealthy

  adj. 富有的

  6.commerce n. 商业 → commercial; adj. 商业的 → commercially adv. 在商业方面

  7.culture n. 文化 →cultural; adj. 文化的 → culturally adv. 在文化方面

  8.Swede n. 瑞典 →Swedish adj. 瑞典的

  9.enormous adj. 巨大的 →enormously

  adv. 极端地,非常

  10.wood n. 木材;树林 →wooden; adj. 木质的;

  wooded 种了树的

  1. He promised that he would solve this problem, but we haven't seen any sign of a good solution so far.

  2. These tribal people have no faith in our science and technology. They are still faithful believers of their ancient religious rituals(仪式) for good luck.

  3. She said she was thankful for the concerns we showed about her present condition, but she wanted us to be no more concerned because things were improving.

  4. The major trouble we are in is that the majority of us are badly fed.

  5. The refinery exploded and the explosion shook the land where it had been built.

  6. The president declared that the war had come to an end and Japan's declaration of its surrender(投降) to the Allies would soon come.

  7. We built this memorial to memorize those who have died for this nation.

  8. His mother, rather than his father, is the person who has influenced him most in his life. She was very influential in persuading him into taking up journalism as his life career.

  9.The working class should be united if they want to be powerful. And the only way to do this is to build independent trade unions(行业工会).

  10.Wool is still an important material for clothes. People around the world buy a lot of woolen clothes every year.

  11.Letters are not randomly put together to form words. There are surely rules for word formation.


  1. 那个担心的市民在文化研究所忠实地听了那个瑞典共和国的皇帝关于考古文明的讲座。

  The concerned citizen faithfully attended the lecture on archaeological civilization given by the emperor of the Swedish Republic at the Cultural Institute .

  2. 刚下飞机的总统宣布,为了纪念那些为拯救罗马帝国而在巨大的木制军舰上战斗中死去的士兵们建一座纪念馆。


  president who had just got off the airplane declared that a memorial should be set up in memory of the soldiers who died in the fighting on the enormous military wooden battleship to save the Roman Empire.

  3. 不幸的是,那个有钱主管被埋的尸体在沙尘暴中渐渐地被毁坏了,他曾是考古学家。

  Unfortunately, the buried body of the wealthy director, the once archaeologist, was gradually destroyed in the sandstorm.

  4. 当时日本主要的机场被炸弹炸毁了,贸易被中断,羊毛商品卖不出去,结果全国处于恶劣的状态之中。

  At the time the major Japanese airports were exploded by bombs , their trade being interrupted and their woolen goods being unable to be sold, resulting in the nation's worse condition.

  5. 一个明智的解决办法就是,把漆罐、瓷器、双筒望远镜、有影响力的诗歌、商业文件和材料保存在这个寺庙的作坊中。

  One of the

  wise solutions is that we should keep the painted pots , china , binoculars , influential poetry , and commercial documents materials in the workshops of this temple.


  1. 夺取;接管

  take over

  2. 处于废墟中,是一片废墟 

  be in ruins 

  3. 处于良好的状态

  be in good condition 

  4. 找到……的解决方法

  find a solution to 

  5. 对……关心,为……担心

  be concerned about

  6. 实施,执行

  carry out 

  7. 在船上

  on board

  8. 纪念

  in memory of 

  9. 使用中

  in use

  10. 作为回报

  in return 

  11. 不再

  no more 

  12. 阻止……做……

  prevent…from doing… 

  13. 聚焦于……

  focus on 

  14. 导致,通向……

  lead to 

  15. 属于某人自己

  of one's own

  1.with复合结构:with +名词 + 介词短语/v.­ed / v.­ing /to do / adj. /adv.


  2.It is hard to imagine…!

  “很难想象……!” 结构:It + is/was +adj. / n. + to do sth. It为形式主语,不定式短语为真正主语。

  3.By 27BC, Rome had become…

  “到……,……已经成为……。”句中有by + 过去时间状语(从句)时,谓语动词用过去完成时。


  1.Unfortunately, all the people were buried alive, and so was the city!

  Unfortunately, all the people were buried alive, and the city was buried alive,too.

  2. I was too tired to eat anything we were given.

  I was so tired that I couldn't eat anything that we were given.

  3.That didn't prevent the city from being buried by sand.

  That didn‘t

  stop the city being buried by sand. 

  4.The heat almost drove me crazy even though I was wearing very thin cotton trousers to keep me cool.

  The heat almost made me mad even if I was wearing very thin cotton trousers in order to keep me cool.

  5.By 27 BC, Rome had become an empire, which controlled many parts of Europe.

  By 27 BC, Rome had turned empire. The empire controlled many parts of Europe.


  由于首都也已经被敌军占领,这个国家就要承认战败了。(with; admit loss of the war)

  With the capital city taken over by the enemy, the country would soon admit loss of the war.

  2. 随着经济的稳步增长,越来越多的就业岗位(job)也出现了。(with; create)

  With the economy steadily growing, more and more jobs are created.

  3. 整个镇子一片狼藉,重建需要至少5年时间。(with; take)

  With the town in a total mess, it will take at least five years to rebuild it.

  4. 到晚上9点的时候,大楼已经完全被烧掉了,只剩下两个大石柱(stone pillar)。(by; burn; with)

  By 9 p.m., the whole building had been burnt up, with only two big stone pillars remaining / left.

  1、辨析 remain, stay




  (4)remains n.(常用复数)所剩下的,遗留下的东西

  ①He stayed / remained outside while we entered the room.


  ②What remains of the orginal art collection is now in the city museum.


  ③He wants to stay_with_a_friend in the country for a week.


  ④The_remains_of_the_meal are in the fridge.


  ⑤With only 20 dollars remaining in his wallet, he couldn't order even a decent supper.


  ⑥Ladies and gentlemen, please remain ____ until the plane has come to a complete stop.

  A. seated

  B. seating

  C. to seat

  D. seat

  A 句意:女士们,先生们,请在飞机完全停下来之后再离开座位。考查非谓语动词作表语。remain“仍然是,保持不变”,是连系动词,后接不定式表示将要发生的动作,seat是及物动词,“使某人就座”为seat oneself,故用过去分词作表语。


  vt.保护(使不受……的影响或破坏)。其常用句型为:protect…from / against…,

  from / against后接能带来伤害或损害之物。

  ①He wore a pair of sunglasses to protect his eyes (from / against) strong light.


  ②In this shelter, the injured birds are_protected_from human hunting.


  ③At minus 130℃, a living cell can be ____ for a thousand years.

  A. spared

  B. protected

  C. preserved

  D. developed

  C 句意:在-130℃,一个活细胞可以保存1000年。考查动词词义辨析。A抽出;B保护;C保护,保存;D发展,研制。根据句意选C。

  3、 influence

  v. 影响,感化 n. 影响力,感化力,势力,权势,为不可数名词。

  ①Don't let me influence_your_decision.


  ②Listening to the music has a calming influence on her.


  ③According to Freud, one's childhood experience

  will have_a_huge_influence_on their ideas of

  life when they are adults.


  have a good / bad…influence on / upon / over


  under the influence of 受……的影响

  influence sb. (to do sth.) 支配/左右某人做某事


  affect / influence…; have…effect on / upon…

  但要注意,强调“因果关系”时,用cause and effect。

  ④China has got a good ____ for fighting against the flu with its careful and smooth organization.

  A. reputation

  B. influence

  C. impression

  D. knowledge

  A 句意:在抗击流感中,中国以细心和顺利的组织而获得良好的声誉。考查名词词义辨析。A声誉;B影响;C印象;D知识。注意它们与介词的搭配,have…reputation for…,have influence on,make an impression on,have a good knowledge of。

  1、be in use


  ①Seriously damaged, the bridge is no longer in use.


  ②The new version of this dictionary is not in use yet.



  come into use


  be no use (to sb.)/be of no use


  put sth. to good use


  make use of


  (2)in +抽象名词构成的短语还有:

  in turn 轮流地,反过来;in vain徒劳无功地;

  in addition除此之外;in return作为回报。

  ③The library of our school, which contains books of all kinds from home and abroad, ____ for almost 100 years.

  A. is in use

  B. has been in use

  C. in for use

  D. has been for use

  B 表示“在使用中”用be in use, 根据句中的时间状语for almost 100 years, 可知需要用现在完成时态。

  2、 take over


  ①When she fell ill her daughter took_over the business from her.


  ②Mr. Collins will take over my duties for a week after I leave.


  ③After the UK ruled Hong Kong for 100 years,

  China took_over_this_area,_which was already

  an international financial center.



   take after sb. 与某人在性格或相貌上相似

   take off 脱去(衣服);起飞;(理念,产品等)成功

   take on 承担(工作、责任等);呈现;雇佣,聘用

   take up 开始从事(某工作或爱好);占(时间、场所等)

   take in 吸收;理解;领会;欺骗

   take back 收回;退回(事物)

  ④Einstein liked Bose’s paper so much that he ____ his own work and translated it into German.

  A. gave off

  B. turned down

  C. took over

  D. set aside

  D 句意:Einstein非常喜欢Bose的论文,便把自己的工作置于一旁,把论文翻译成德语。考查动词短语辨析。A发出;B拒绝,调低;C接管;D不顾,把……置于一旁。根据句意选D。

  3、 turn to

  变成(=turn into);转向;翻到;求助于

  ①Their amusement turned to horror when they realized what had happened.


  ②The girl always turns to her mother when in trouble.


  turn 的相关短语:

  turn on


  turn off


  turn up


  turn down


  turn away


  turn in


  turn out


  turn over


  turn against


  turn back


  turn around / round 转身

  turn a blind eye to


  turn a deaf ear to


  turning point


  ③ — What are you reading, Tom?

  — I’m not really reading, just ____ the pages.

  A. turning off

  B. turning around

  C. turning over

  D. turning up

  C 句意:——汤姆,你在读什么?——我没在真正地读,只是在随便翻翻。考查动词短语辨析。A关掉;B转变,转身;C翻转,翻身,翻阅;D出现,开大音量。根据句意选C。

  4、be off to


  They were off to Italy (= leaving for Italy) and wanted to make an early start.



  go off 走开

  set off 出发,动身,引起,使发生

  get off 离开,发出,(使)入睡,匆匆脱下

  call off 把……叫走,取消,转移

  give off 发出(光、气体等),放出

  show off 炫耀

  break off 中断,停止,断交,脱离

  5、run through


  ①Run through your notes before class.


  ②This theme runs through the whole book.


  ③The heir soon run through his fortune.


  get through 完成,到达,接通电话,结束,及格

  go through 检查,审查,搜查,完成,做完,练习,遭受,经受,经历,穿过,通过

  see through


  look through


  ④The girl is working very hard, expecting to

  ____ the test.

  A. get through

  B. see through

  C. look through

  D. run through

  A 句意:这女孩正在努力学习,希望通过考试。A通过,及格;B看穿;C浏览;D流过,贯穿。根据句意选A。

  6、prevent sb. from doing sth.

  (= stop/keep sb. from doing sth. )防止/阻止某人做……

  在主动语态中,prevent / stop sb. from doing 中的from 可以省略,但是在被动语态中不可以省。keep sb. from doing sth. 中的from主动、被动语态中都不能省,因为keep sb. doing 意为“使某人不停地做某事”。

  ①The heavy rain prevented/stopped her (from) going out. = The heavy rain kept her from going out.

  →She was prevented from going out by the heavy rain.


  ②As citizens, we should do what we can to prevent our river ____ .

  A. from polluted

  B. from polluting

  C. polluting

  D. being polluted

  D 句意:作为市民,我们应该尽力防止我们的河流被污染。A中from后要加being才对。“河流被污染”表被动,故选D。

  By 27 BC, Rome had become an empire, which controlled many parts of Europe.


  句子中有by +过去时间的时间状语以及by the time +过去时的时间状语从句,谓语动词使用过去完成时。

  ①By the time he was fourteen, Einstein had learned advanced mathematics all by himself.


  ②When I talked with my grandma on the phone, she sounded weak, but by the time we ____ up, her voice had been full of life. (09·北京)

  A. were hanging

  B. had hung

  C. hung

  D. would hang

  C 句意:当我与奶奶在电话中交谈时,她的声音听起来很虚弱,但到我们挂断电话时,她的声音已经充满了活力。考查动词时态。据题干her voice had been full of life为过去的过去,因此我们挂断电话为过去的动作。by the time +一般过去时的从句,主句用过去完成时,表示“到……时候为止,已经……”。


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