2017课堂扫描高三英语一轮复习学案(牛津译林版):M5 Unit 1 Getting along with others-查字典英语网
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2017课堂扫描高三英语一轮复习学案(牛津译林版):M5 Unit 1 Getting along with others

发布时间:2017-04-21  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Unit 1 Getting along with others Module5热点单词

  cheer n. 愉快,欢呼 →cheer v. 欢呼 → cheerful adj. 愉快的 → cheerfully adv. 愉快地 

  2.admit vt. 许可某人进入;承认 →admission n. 许可某人(入学,入会,入园等);承认

  3.deliberate adj. 故意的 →deliberately adv. 故意地

  4.forgive vt. 原谅→forgiveness n. 原谅→ forgiving adj. 原谅的 →

  forgivingly adv. 原谅地

  5.cruelty n. 残酷 → cruel adj. 残酷的 → cruelly adv. 残酷地

  6.apologize v. 道歉→apology n. 道歉

  7.strong adj. 强壮的,有力的→strongly adv. 强有力地 → strength n. 力量 → strengthen v. 加强,巩固;使强壮

  8.amuse vt. 使某人发笑,逗乐某人 →amusement n. 逗乐,娱乐→ amusing adj. 令人发笑的,有趣的,逗乐的; amused 愉快的,开心的

  1.We did that every day, yes, on a daily base.

  2.Nobody discouraged him from getting involved in that stuff, but he found it a real discouragement to have no return at all.

  3.I ordered him to stay indoors for a whole day as a punishment. Children these days won't learn their lessons until they are punished.

  4.The students seem to be anxious all day, but even they themselves don't know what their anxieties are about.

  5.Do you think it is of any practical value to practise doing this year after year?

  6.What happened doesn't consist with the words he wrote in his diary. However, we found some consistence with what people thought about him.

  7.You are not man enough to hesitate about this small matter. Action now without more . hesitation!

  8.There hasn't been any response from the drug dealers. They are smart not to respond too quickly so that they can see whether we are real drug buyers.



  His awkward behaviours while making an apology made himself embarrassed , but they didn't tease him, instead, they forgave him.


  Whoever is too

  cruel or mean will suffer a lot from losing friends; but the one who is outgoing and brilliant can make friends easily.


  In group activities, no matter how gifted you are, you have to believe your teammates instead of blaming them and try your best to eliminate the disagreements, as a result, victory is on the way.


  It is stupid and unforgivable for anyone in academic research to overlook any details.


  When asked about an

  arithmetic problem, he hesitated for a long time and gave no reply. As a result , he lost the chance which he

  suffered a lot from.


  1. 相处,进展

  get along / on 

  2. 信守诺言

  keep one‘s word 

  3. 有麻烦,处于困难中

  in trouble 

  4. 结果

  as a result 

  5. 当众,在公众场合

  in public 

  6. 保重,小心,当心

  take care

  7. 阻止某人做某事

  discourage sb. from doing sth.

  8. (电话等)接通

  get through

  9. 犹豫做……

  hesitate to do… 

  10. 决意 / 决心做某事

  be determined to do sth.

  11. 想要做某事

  feel like doing sth. 

  12. 是因为,由于

  as a result of 

  13. 持之以恒地做某事

  keep on doing sth.

  14. 禁不住做某事

  can‘t help doing sth. 

  15. 避免做某事

  avoid doing sth.

  1.be determined to do sth. 下定决心做某事

  关注其派生词determination,用来表示建议、命令和要求的这些动词以及他们的名词后加that从句,从句中用should do。

  2.…so is our friendship.倒装结构,表示一种状况也适合另一个主语。

  3.…they are still sitting on the sofa, absorbed in conversation!

  be absorbed in用于状语部分的具体体现形式。

  4.Friendships between girls are usually based on/upon shared feelings and support,…

  be based on常用被动式。

  5.I must have sounded very proud…

  must have done / can't have done, 表示对发生在过去的事情进行推测的两种形式。


  1.How they must have laughed behind my back!

  They must have laughed at me behind my back, which is terrible.

  2.He kept on saying really mean things to hurt me.

  His mean words hurt me deeply.

  3.When asked they usually hesitate before responding, “My best friend?…”

  When asked the question “My best friend?…” they usually hesitated before responding.

  4.Afterwards, I went out to the playground. I was determined to be cheerful, but Hannah sensed something was wrong.

  I went out to the playground after the quarrel, I made up my mind to be cheerful, but Hannah found something went wrong.

  5.He seemed absent­minded and as a result of his careless playing, we lost the game.

  Judging that he was absent­minded and playing carelessly, I knew that we would lose the game.



  Mona is already chatting on the Internet, so will Joice later on.

  2.我刚刚没有在学校与父母争执,晚上回家了也不会。( neither / nor; argue)

  I didn't argue with my parents in the school just now, nor / neither will I when we are back home at night.

  3.你当初肯定对给他一个承诺很犹豫。(must; hesitate)

  You must have hesitated to give him a promise.

  4.他不大可能会和新搭档相处得好。(likely / unlikely)

  He is unlikely / not likely to get along well with his new partner. / It's not likely (unlikely) for him to get along well with his new partner. / It's not likely (unlikely) that he will get along well with his new partner.


  v. 站立,容忍;表示“容忍”时,其后跟名词或动名词形式充当宾语。

  ①Nobody can stand being laughed at in public.


  ②The villagers can't stand being questioned over and over again.



  tolerate, put up with。

  ③If we don’t take measures to reduce noise pollution, we will one day can not ____ it.

  A. put off

  B. put forward

  C. put up with

  D. put up for

  C 此处的词义是“忍受”。D项不是一个固定的搭配;A项表示“推迟”;B项表示“提出”。


  n. & v. 怀疑

  vt. 怀疑,不相信;对……无把握。


  ①We don't doubt that he can deal with the accident.


  ②I doubt_whether Tom has taken my watch.


  ③I doubt_that he has stolen my watch.


  n.疑惑,疑问,不确信。常与about/of/as to/on等介词连用;也可接同位语从句。

  ④I've no_doubt_of your ability.


  ⑤People have no doubt about it.


  接同位语从句时,doubt用在否定句中,后面接that 引导的同位语从句;doubt用在肯定句中,后面接whether 引导的同位语从句,注意不可以用if替换whether。

  ⑥There_is_no_doubt_that he can do a good job of it.


  ⑦There_is_some_doubt_whether she can win the match.


  There is no doubt about…


  There is no doubt that…


  no doubt


  without/beyond doubt


  in doubt


  make no doubt of


  throw/cast doubt on


  clear up all doubts


  have doubt about


  ⑧— Do you think that Mary will win the speech contest this weekend?

  — ___. She is said to have won several big prizes already.

  A. No doubt

  B. No way

  C. No wonder

  D. No surprise

  A 后句说明了她的实力,这里应该是说“毫无疑问”。

  ⑨I had ____ whether or not I should attend the meeting.

  A. expected

  B. supposed

  C. imagined

  D. doubted

  D 句意:我怀疑我是否应该参加这个会议。根据后面宾语从句的连接词whether及句子意义,用doubt表示“怀疑”。

  3、 focus

  n. & v. 焦点,焦距;集中,聚集,使集中

  ①Bring the object into focus if you want a sharp photograph.


  ②He always wants to be the focus of attention.


  focus (…) on… (注意力,时间等)集中于……

  ③You should focus your attention on your work.


  ④All our efforts are focused on bringing everything the flood-striken areas back to normal.


  另外,center (…) on…, concentrate (…) on…, keep / fix one’s concentration on…与focus (…) on…的词义基本一致。

  ⑤With all their attention ____ on the program on TV, no one could even notice that someone was crawling into the house.

  A. to focus

  B. focusing

  C. focused

  D. to be focused

  C 句型with+O.+O.C.中,attention与focus之间为被动关系,且根据时态可知,事情已经发生,所以不选D。


  v. 准许进入;录取,接受;承认;容纳



  be admitted to/into 被录取,被接受

  admit (doing) sth. / that…承认……

  ①The auditorium admits 5,000 persons.


  ②David was_admitted_into the club in 2005.


  ③The child admitted_that he had broken the glass.


  ④One of our teammates has been admitted to hospital for a bad backache.


  ⑤— Did Jack ____ having taken some books without telling anyone?

  — Yes. He said he took 4 books.

  A. imagine

  B. admit

  C. attempt

  D. allow


  admit doing sth. 承认做了某事。



  persuade sb. to do sth. / persuade sb. into doing sth.说服某人干某事

  persuade sb. +副词/介词短语 



  persuade sb. of sth.

  ①The children are trying to persuade their mother to allow them to go to the circus.


  ②How can we persuade_them_into joining us?


  ③I persuaded my younger brother to share/persuaded my younger brother into sharing the toys with me.


  ④I persuaded him up for a cup of coffee. 我劝他起来喝杯咖啡。

  ⑤Can we persuade her out_of the foolish



  ⑥She persuaded him that she was telling the truth.


  ⑦How can I persuade_you_of my sincerity?



  表示“劝说”而不一定劝服时,多用tryto persuade结构。

  ⑧We tried to persuade our teacher not to punish us for being late.


  persuasive adj. 有说服力的,令人信服的

   persuasion n. 说服,信服;信仰

  ⑨He couldn't show us a_persuasive_excuse.


  ⑩After a lot of persuasion, he agreed to come.


  1、be determined to do “坚定 / 坚决地要做”,强调状态。

  比较:determine to do = decide to do,“坚决 / 决定要做”,强调动作。

  ①We are_determined_to finish the task by Friday.


  ②They determined to help the old man the moment they saw him lying by the roadside.



  make up one’s mind to

  dodecide to do

  be determined to do

  determine to do

  ③____ to win the gold medal, the athlete has been making preparations for more than three years.

  A. Be determined

  B. Determined

  C. Determine

  D. To determine

  B be determined to do中的determined事实上已转换成形容词,这里为形容词短语充当状语。

  2、make it be successful 成功,做到

  ①Though there is much difficulty, I believe we will make it.


  ②The train leaves at 6:45 and I think we can make it.


  ③When I am out, would you please ____ that my garden is taken good care of?

  A. see to it

  B. make it

  C. appreciate it

  D. take it for granted

  A see to it that… 确保……。B项表示“成功,做到”。C项表示“感激”;D项表示“想当然”,均不合题意。

  3、rather than 而不是。

  A rather than B中的A与B的关系是对等的。接动词时常用动词原形。

  ①These are political problems rather than social problems.


  ②I'm sorry, sir, but you ordered Coca_Cola_rather_than Sprite.


  other than 除了,排除……(注意A other than B中的A与B是上下义关系)

  or rather 更确切地说

  would rather 宁愿

  ③I want to learn a European language other than English.


  ④I would like a drink other than Sprite.


  ⑤He had to run, or rather, rush to the office.


  ⑥On such a cold day, I'd_rather_stay_at_home.


  ⑦This new product, ____ , this new style of shirt, is not attractive.

  A. would rather

  B. rather than

  C. other than

  D. or rather

  D 后面的this new style of shirt是对前面的this new product进行更进一步的说明,所以选择“更确切地说”。

  4、be absorbed in (doing)… 沉浸于 / 专注于做……中

  ①My parents are absorbed in making preparations for my journey to the west.


  absorb v. 吸收,使全神贯注

  ②The clever boy absorbed all the knowledge his teacher could give him.


  表示“沉浸于”、“全神贯注于”、“沉迷于”等意思的短语还有:be concentrated on, be focused on, be engaged in, be addicted to等。

  ③All our attention is_concentrated_on environmental preservation.


  ④They were engaged in conversation.


  ⑤Some of the young people are_now_addicted_to playing computer games.


  ⑥____ in surfing the Internet to get information about the event, Mr. Smith didn’t even know somebody was stealing something in his room.

  A. Absorbing

  B. To be absorbed

  C. Absorbed

  D. Being absorbed

  C 过去分词用作形容词在句中充当状语。完整表达为Because he was absorbed in…

  5、in the world / on earth


  ①Where in the world have you been all these days?


  ②If you don’t like the beauty of this place, what ____ do you think is a place worth seeing?

  A. in the world

  B. the whole world

  C. on the earth

  D. in earth

  A 表示“究竟”、“到底”。其中C、D两项搭配是不存在的。B项表示“全世界的人”。

  1、It is (un)likely that… ……很(不)可能。句中的it为形式主语,that引导的是主语从句。这一句型也可改为Sb. / Sth. is (un)likely to do…。这两个句型中的(un)likely为形容词。

  ①It is likely that the fine weather will last for another few days.

  → Such fine weather is likely to last for another few days.


  这种用it充当形式主语后接从句,而某人 / 某物充当主语后接不定式的句型还有:

  It is said / believed / thought / supposed / showed / hoped, etc. that…

  → Sb. / Sth. is said / believed / thought / supposed / showed / hoped, etc. to…

  It appears / happens / seems that…

  → Sb. / Sth. appears / happens / seems to…


  ②____ is universally acknowledged that China is the third country that can send astronauts into space in the world.

  A. As

  B. What

  C. It

  D. Which

  C 句型It is + p.p. + that…

  2、if so = if it is so英语中有些连词可直接接一个形容词充当状语,这时一般是省略了it is。另外还有以下例子:when necessary, if possible, as possible, as expected…

  ①Have you prepared everything? If_so,_let's start out.


  ②When_necessary,_I will give you some suggestions.



  ③While waiting for the bus, he listened to some music.


  ④ ____ what to do next, the boy just kept silent.

  A. When was asked

  B. When asking

  C. When asked

  D. When to be asked


  连词+p.p.充当状语,ask与逻辑主语the boy之间为被动关系,直接用过去分词。

  3、…boys share activities, while girls share feelings.


  while conj. 然而,表示意义的对比。

  ①Once people thought that heavy objects fell faster while light objects fell slower.



  另外,在短语after a while, in a while, for a while中,while是名词,表示“一会儿”。

  ②The opening ceremony was over ____ we arrived at the spot.

  A. while

  B. as

  C. when

  D. since

  C 这是时间状语从句,但因为从句用的是动作动词,when从句的动词既可为动作动词,也可为状态动词。

  ③It is commonly believed that boys are good at maths ____ girls enjoy literature.

  A. when

  B. while

  C. as

  D. however

  B 表示意义的对比。

  ④ ____my father doesn’t like watching football games, he accompanied me to the gym last weekend.

  A. When

  B. Since

  C. While

  D. As

  C 引导让步状语从句。


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